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Recommendations to WGISS – Applications Subgroup

Recommendations to WGISS – Applications Subgroup. Karen Moe WGISS Applications Subgroup Chair WGISS-29 Bonn, Germany 21 May 2010. WGISS Applications Subgroup. IDN IG LSI IG and Portal AC IG and Portal Global DEM IG & QA4EO Disaster Management (Response) IG Proposed Water Portal IG

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Recommendations to WGISS – Applications Subgroup

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  1. Recommendations to WGISS –Applications Subgroup Karen Moe WGISS Applications Subgroup Chair WGISS-29 Bonn, Germany 21 May 2010

  2. WGISS Applications Subgroup • IDN IG • LSI IG and Portal • AC IG and Portal • Global DEM IG & QA4EO • Disaster Management (Response) IG • Proposed Water Portal IG • Proposed Data Management IG • Topics for Joint WGISS / WGCV meeting in Montreal, September 2010

  3. IDN IG • GCMD IDN CSW expected to be operational soon (2010) • Action item to verify that the DIF is ISO-compliant • GCMD IDN User working group will discuss WGISS recommendations • Improve access from the IDN web site to GCMD • Consider modification to the DIF to accommodate near real-time dataset identification • Coordinate Data Democracy Portal (Troika) with IDN

  4. Land Surface Imaging IG • LSI Portal changes to be prioritized by the LSI Constellation team • Enable granule-level search across multiple agency systems through the single LSI Portal • Develop prototype CWIC tool for cross-inventory spatial/temporal inventory queries using USGS and INPE • Expand data set, sensor, and platform info and order/access links for other land imaging systems with open data access policies, such as MODIS • Create linkages with the WGCV Cal/Val Portal, and investigate other CEOS and GEO portals for cross-linkage • Review possible functional and look-and-feel changes proposed by users • With WGCV, develop plan for including data quality information for LSI-related data and information products (QA4EO)

  5. Atmospheric Composition IG • Supports GEO AR-09-02a_30 AC Portal (POC: S. Falke) • Seek partnerships with other CEOS agencies in providing additional datasets and analytical tools • Request alpha testers for AC Portal (wdc.dlr.de/acp) • Follow up with NOAA • Work with WADC on search criteria and use of CWIC • Key milestones: • Alpha Release 18 May 10 • Beta Release 31 Aug 10 • Major AC Portal demo at GEO Plenary Nov 2010 • Recommend use of AC Portal demo video on the WGISS web site as an example of WGISS work

  6. Global Datasets IG • Supports GEO Task DA-09-03d Global DEM datasets (POC: JP Muller WGCV) • The main activity is to investigate the provision of quality information for the ASTER  Global DEM (GDEM) • A prototype DEM Quality Information System (DEMqis) is under  development by University College London • WGISS support for this  activity could form the basis of a joint WGISS/WGCV activity • A joint WGISS/WGCV Project Plan will be presented at WGISS-30 for consideration/approval

  7. EO Contributions for Disaster Management IG • Gouqing Li presented proposal for Historical Disaster Data Grid (HDDG) as WGISS contribution to the International Charter • Name change to be defined to reflect role with IRDR • Lorant Czaran conducted UN-SPIDER workshop and presented user requirements for satellite data • WGISS support to DI-06-09_7 Disaster Response and Management Capabilities (POC: Lorant Czaran, Pakorn Apaphant) • Natalia Kussel presented UN-SPIDER regional offices in Ukraine and Gouqing Li presented Beijing UN-SPIDER office • Michael Morahan presented near real-time data sets identified in the IDN • Way Forward? • Recommend Co-Chairs to represent users (Lorant) and providers (Li) • Consider activity as a “WGISS Test Facility” and clarify scope (renamed)

  8. Proposed Data Management IG • John Faundeen to conduct a survey of WGISS members • Determine level of interest • Identify specific activities that the proposed interest group would address • Clarify purge-alert process • Present findings and IG recommendations at WGISS-30

  9. Proposed CEOS Water Portal Project • Water Portal project plan was distributed to WGISS_All • Suggest project name change to CEOS Water Portal Project (tentative) • Way Forward based on off-line JAXA-NASA discussions • JAXA (Satoko) and NASA (Chris Lynnes) will explore use of OPeNDAP interface to access NASA satellite data • JAXA and NASA will have a telecon in early June, after exchanging several e-mails • JAXA will update the Project Plan based on the agreement between JAXA and NASA by June 30, 2010 (target date) • JAXA will present revised plan at WGISS-30

  10. WGISS Recommendations for Joint WGCV / WGISS Meeting • Applications Subgroup • AC Portal – Stefan Falke • LSI Portal – Lyn Oleson • Global DEM – Wyn Cudlip • QA4EO – All • ISO Data Quality Model – Liping Di

  11. AC Portal Recommendations for Joint WGCV / WGISS Meeting • Relate and apply QA4EO to AC Portal • Coordinate on Cal/Val QA4EO Atmospheric Composition (ATM) guidelines    • Include QA information for AC as part of AC Portal contextual information  • Share content across our respective portals    • AC Portal access of Cal/Val metadata    • Explore AC Portal content useful for Cal/Val Portal  • Clarify role of Carbon Task Force and ACC with respect to GHG • Communicate with WGCV prior to joint meeting to identify other opportunities

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