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The CRIS 2008 seminar focused on understanding the origin, mass composition, and acceleration mechanisms of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. Topics included cosmic ray interactions, nuclear interactions, particle spectra, source distribution, and propagation. The seminar also discussed the GZK cutoff, energy scales, proton-iron composition, AGN correlation, and simulation-dependent results.
The LHCf Detector CRIS 2008 - Cosmic Ray International SeminarOrigin, Mass Composition and Acceleration Mechanisms of UHECRs Malfa, Salina Island,Eolian Islands, Italy, September 15 - 19 , 2008 CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
CERN D.Macina, A.L. Perrot USA LBNL Berkeley: W. Turner FRANCE EcolePolitechnique Paris: M. Haguenauer SPAIN IFIC Valencia: A.Fauss, J.Velasco JAPAN: STE Laboratory Nagoya University: K.Fukui,Y.Itow, T.Mase, K.Masuda,Y.Matsubara, H.Menjo,T.Sako, K.Taki, H. Watanabe Waseda University: K. Kasahara, M. Mizuishi, Y.Shimizu, S.Torii Konan University:Y.Muraki Kanagawa University Yokohama: T.Tamura Shibaura Institute of Technology: K. Yoshida A small collaboration Compared to the usual HEP ones. Mainly a Japanese – Italian endeavor. ITALY Firenze University and INFN:O.Adriani,, L.Bonechi, M.Bongi, G.Castellini, R.D’Alessandro, P.Papini, S. Ricciarini, A. Viciani Catania University and INFN:A.Tricomi CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Lhcf: cosmic rays interact in the earth atmosphere Energy and composition, two of the main issues that concern cosmic ray physics today. From LHC: Nuclear Interaction - Monte Carlo used for shower simulations Forward Physics - cross section - particle spectra (E, PT, θ, η, XF) Astrophysical parameters - source type - source distribution - source spectrum - source composition - propagation CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
GZK cutoff: 1020eV pg(2.7K)DNp Ankle region Events have been observed by the AGASA collaboration which upset our understanding of the physics at the GZK cutoff. CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Energy scale AGASA x 0.9 HiRes x1.2 Yakutsk x 0.75 Auger x1.2 (insufficient) Berezinsky 2007 The details at the tail of the spectra. AGASA Systematics Total ±18% Hadron interaction (QGSJET, SIBYLL) ~10% (Takeda et al., 2003) CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
PROTON IRON Plotting the air-shower maximum vs. the energy, gives indication on the primary composition. CHemistry Also an issue with cosmic ray composition Knapp et al., 2003 CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Favours iron. Chemistry Favours proton. Xmax vs. anisotropy. Do you accept AGN correlation ? CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Composition Encore Very simulation dependent. Very different results, depending on models and input parameters (KASKADE RESULTS). CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Simulationofanatmosphericshower due to a 1019eVproton. Lhcf and HECR simulations No cut g: XF<0.05 p, K: XF<0.1 XF Feynman var. Composition: inferred from Xmax Energy Spectrum: inferred from the number of secondaries. The dominantcontributionto the energyfluxis in the very forward region ( 0). CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Cosmic ray spectrum Tevatron LHC A 100 PeV fixed-target interaction with air has the cm energy of a pp collision at the LHC AUGER Measure the foward cross section LHCf first proposed using LHC, the highest energy accelerator available (14 TeV ECM equiv. to Elab=1017eV ) to calibrate MC simulation code In this forward region the highest energy available measurements oft he p0 cross section were done by UA7 (E=1014eV, y= 5÷7) CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
How much foward ? Placed after the beam pipes split. Reaches down to θ=0. Detectorsinstalled in the TAN region, 140 m awayfrom the Interaction Point, in frontofluminositymonitors. CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
LHC Where do we place it ? In the end, it was decided to put it around interaction point 1. ATLAS. CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Detector I Tungsten Scintillator Scintillatingfibers Detector II Tungsten Scintillator Silicon mstrips INTERACTION POINT IP1 (ATLAS) LHCf: location and detector layout 140 m 140 m Detectors should measure energy and position of g from p0 decays e.m. calorimeters with position sensitive layers Beam line • Two independent detectors on both side of IP1 • Redundancy • Background rejection (especially beam-gas) CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
4 pairs of scintillating fiber layers for tracking purpose (6, 10, 32, 38 X0.) Absorber 22 tungsten layers 7mm – 14 mm thick (W: X0 = 3.5mm, RM = 9mm) Detector #1 2 towers 24 cm long stackedverticallywith a 5 mm gap Lower: 2 cm x 2 cm area Upper: 4 cm x 4 cm area 16 scintillator layers (3 mm thick) Trigger and energy profile measurements CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
4 pairs of silicon microstrip layers (6, 10, 30, 42 X0) for tracking purpose (X and Y directions) Detector #2 2 towers 24 cm long stacked on theiredges and offset fromoneanother Lower: 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm Upper: 3.2 cm x 3.2 cm Absorber 22 tungsten layers 7mm – 14 mm thick (W: X0 = 3.5mm, RM = 9mm) 16 scintillator layers (3 mm thick) Trigger and energy profile measurements CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Arm#2 Detector Arm#1 Detector Double ARMed Detectors Japanese – Italian endeavour. Detector #1 assembled in Japan. Detector #2 assembled in Italy. CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Inside Detector #2 Silicon modules and calorimeter briquettes. CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
LHCf Luminosity Monitor (BRAN) ATLAS ZDC Detector installation Installation performed in two phases: Pre-Installation (Jan/Apr 2007) Baking out of the beam pipe (200 °C) Final Installation (Jan 2008) CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
DPMJET3 QGSJET QGSJETII SIBYLL Used as Examples Of the models LHCf Physics performance Single photonspectrum p0fullyreconstructed (1 g in eachtower) p0reconstructionisanimportanttoolforenergycalibration (p0 mass constraint) Basicconcept: Minimum 2 towers (p0reconstruction) Smallesttower on the beam (multiple hits) Dimensionof the tower Moliereradius Maximumacceptance (given the LHC constraints) Simulationisusedtounderstand the physicsperformances Beamtests in 2004, 2006 and 2007 Energy resolution Spatial resolution of the tracking part CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Detector #1 Detector #2 Geometrical acceptance Two tower geometry. LHC beam pipe LHC collimators CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
single g geometrical acceptance Some runswithLHCfverticallyshiftedbyfewcentimeterswillallowusto cover the wholekinematicalrange. CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
LHCf: acceptance on PTg-Eg plane Beamcrossing angle A verticalbeamcrossing angle > 0 willincrease the acceptanceofLHCf CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
106generated LHC interactions 1 minute exposure@1029 cm-2s-1luminosityDiscriminationbetweenvariousmodelsisfeasible Discrimination power (Simulations) Monte Carlo grayenergyspectrum (5% Energy resolutionistakeninto account) Quantitative discriminationwith the help of a properlydefinedc2discriminatingvariablebased on the spectrumshape (see TDR fordetails) CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Simulations (2) Energy spectrum of π0 expected from different models(Typical energy resolution for gis 3 % at 1TeV) p0 geometrical acceptance CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Arm #1 DE/E=5% 200 mm spatialresolution Simulations(4) Dm/m = 5% p0 mass resolution CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Rawneutronenergy 30% energyresolution Simulations(3) Neutron energy distribution depends heavily on the model adopted CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Neutron New models p0 PICCO, EPOS Drescher, Physical Review D77, 056003 (2008) CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Background CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
LHCf Detector Silicon Tracker Moving Table Beam tests CERN : SPS T2 H4 2004, 2006, 2007 Incident Particles Protons 150,350 GeV/c Electrons 100,200 GeV/c Muons 150 GeV/c Final Detectors Trigger Scintillator CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Number of events σx=0.172[mm] σx[mm] x-pos[mm] E[GeV] σy[mm] σy=0.159[mm] Number of events y-pos[mm] E[GeV] Detector #1 position resolution (Scintillating Fibers) Beamtests results Tests have been successful Analysis is still ongoing Energy calibration of the calorimeters Spatial resolution of the tracking systems CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
50 GeV electron 200 GeV electron Tracking with silicon X0 42 30 10 6 Implantation pitch 80m. Read out pitch 160m. 6, 10, 30, 42 Xo. X0 42 30 10 6 CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
σx=40 mm detector #2 (continued) 200 GeV electrons Alignment in progress, very preliminary results. Silicon detector. σy=64 mm CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Detector #2 continued Energy with the silicon part only! 200 GeV electrons. DE/E ~ 12% CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
Energy resolution Detector #1,#2 Energy resolution of the calorimeter. Corrected for leakage. CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
40mm Egamma=18GeV Y X Calorimeters Shower Profile @ First SciFi Layer 20mm Egamma=46GeV Y X g Not in scale! g Carbon target (6 cm) in the slot used for beam monitor 9.15 m P0 reconstruction Detector #1 Essential. We “invented” a special beam to test it. >107 proton on target (special setting of the SPS ) • Dedicated trigger on bothtowersof the calorimeterwasused • Mainproblems: • low photonenergy (≥20 GeV) • Directprotons in the towers • Multi hits in the sametower • 250 p0 events were triggered (amidst background) CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
reconstructed p0 mass PRELIMINARY! CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
LHCf possible running scenario Phase-I 900 GeV collision before ramping in 2008 (hope in a week from now!) 10 TeV run in 2008 during the LHC commissioning (low luminosity) 14 TeV run in 2009 during commissioning Remove LHCf when luminosity reaches 1030 cm-2s-1 for radiation damage reasons Phase-II Re-install the detector at the next opportunity of low luminosity run Dedicated runs (crossing angle, etc.) Phase-III Future extension for p-A, A-A run with upgraded detectors are under study CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008
conclusions Beam Test in 2004/6/7: Full detector #1 & #2 tested Installation already finished ARM1&ARM2 already successfully pre-installed in 2007 Final installation successfully done in January 2008 Running conditions: Three foreseen phases Phase I: first runs during LHC commissioning Phase II: parasitic mode during TOTEM run? Phase III: Heavy Ion runs? Now we are waiting for the first collisions .... And of course ............. many sincere thanks to the organizers of this beautiful and extremely interesting conference. CRIS 2008 - Malfa, Salina Island,September 15 - 19 , 2008