1. How to use the Restricted-Use Pesticide Record Program
2. Downloading the Program 1. Go to www.csuwater.info and click the Publications link
3. Downloading the Program 2. Select Pesticide Record Book for Private Applicators
4. Downloading the Program 3. Scroll down to the Electronic Version section. Click the Instructions link and print the instructions.
4. Right click on the RUP Program link, select Save Target As
, and save the program to your computer.
5. Enabling Macros Macros must be enabled for the program to run
Open Microsoft Excel
Select Tools, Macro, Security
and set the Security Level to Medium
Close Excel
6. Starting the Program Open the program from your desktop (or wherever you saved it on your computer).
Always choose Enable Macros when opening this program.
You will be greeted by an introductory pop-up window. Please read all information and follow instructions given in the introduction window.
7. Instructions Page Once you select Start Using Workbook, you will be taken to the Instructions page.
Click the Print Instructions button and read the instructions carefully
Click Start Using Workbook
8. The Enter New Record Page Next, you will be taken to the Enter New Record Page.
You will notice your name and certification number displayed on the screen.
Follow the printed instructions to fill out the cells on this page with your application record.
9. Selecting the Pesticide Click the drop-down arrow to choose your pesticide from the list of RUP pesticides registered in Colorado. The EPA number for that product will be automatically displayed.
If your product is not listed, select My Product Is Not Listed from the top of that list.
You may then enter the name and EPA number for your product, and henceforth select it from the Non-RUP drop-down list.
10. Record Pages Each record entered will be saved to a Record Page
Subsequent records for the same field will be added to the same Record Page
The Record Pages can be printed
11. Field List Page The Field List page contains basic information for each field in a given season.
Use it to enter information or to navigate easily through records.
12. Useful Information Pages with a gold tab are full of information that will be useful to a pesticide applicator, such as:
Unit conversions
Sprayer calibration techniques
Tips for safe pesticide application
13. Pesticide Lists The Pesticide Info sheet is a list of information about Restricted Use Pesticides registered in Colorado
Another sheet is included for non-RUP products, should a user wish to keep records of all pesticide applications