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Restricted-Use Pesticide Recordkeeping. Montana State University Pesticide Safety Education Program. Restricted Use Pesticide Recordkeeping – Important?. Keeps track for you Is your pesticide working? Minimize Resistance: Do you need to change formulations, rate, approach
Restricted-Use Pesticide Recordkeeping Montana State University Pesticide Safety Education Program
Restricted Use Pesticide Recordkeeping – Important? • Keeps track for you • Is your pesticide working? • Minimize Resistance: • Do you need to change formulations, rate, approach • Save money; Do not apply more than is needed • Cover your land more effectively • Mandatory Requirement for all private applicators • 1990 Farm Bill – Mandatory • Montana Pesticide Act - Can lose certification or be fined
Recordkeeping requirements are expected of Private Applicators who apply: • Restricted-Use Pesticides (RUP)…Tordon, paraquat, Furadan • Not General Used Pesticides… Roundup, 2,4-D, Banvel, Sevin, Zinc Phosphide (<10% a.i.- For domestic use.
Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs) • Can only be applied by certified applicators. • Can cause harm to the environment • Can cause harm to humans or animals
Some Critical Items to Remember: • You must record the application information within 14 days of the application • You must keep these records for 2 years following the application.
Recordkeeping format • Name of applicator and applicator ID number • Date when application was made • Location • Size of the area treated • Crop or site sprayed • Amount of RUP used • Product or trade name of pesticide used • EPA Registration Number
Name of applicator and applicator ID number This Number John The Doe
Date when application was made • Month / Day and year • Time is not required but may be useful
Location • Actual location of the spraying & not the farm address!! • Any method can be used • County, Range, Township, and section (not required; subsection) • GPS (Latitude/Longitude) • Applicator maps • USGS identification system, which involves maps and a numbering system to identify field locations.
Location Goal: To identify a site that you sprayed for at lease 2 years following the application.
Location title: Topographic Map #1 (Burlington Field) Burlington Field TOPO MAP #1
GPS Coordinates Work as Well Stand in the middle of the field and mark with you GPS Receiver Write down Latitude and Longitude example: Location = GPS Coordinates: N 48.1913823 W 110.105495 Name it as well (Field #3) for reference You do not need a map
Size of the area treated • Use simple calibration formula (Must know GPA) • Volume used ÷ GPA = acres treated 400 gallons used = 20 acres 20 GPA 2 gallons used = 0.025 acres 80 GPA
Crop or site sprayed • Language of the label • Rangeland, wheat, barley, fenceline, etc
Amount of RUP used • Calibration formula and acres treated • Acres treated x rate used • 20 acres x 1 pint per acre = 20 pints used • 0.025 acres x 16 oz. = 0.4 oz. used
Product or trade name of pesticide used • Tordon 22K is the trade or brand name • Picloram is the common name
Recording a Spot Treatment • “Spot application" is an application(s) of a restricted use pesticide made on the same day to a sprayed area of less than 1/10 acre. (4,356 ft2 or 66 x 66 ft.) • Let your calibration help you. • Your backpack is calibrated to 50 GPA • With 5 gallons you should spray 1/10 acre (5 gallons ÷ 50 GPA = 0.1 or 1/10 of an acre
Spot Treatments Field 6 as designated on a farm map. Spot Treatments Suppose you sprayed a full 5 gallons in Field #6 You don’t need to record a location every time you pull the trigger! “Spot Applications for noxious weeds throughout field 6.”
Spot Treatments • Location must detail more information with a spot treatment and be designated as "spot application. • followed by a concise description of the location • Examples: • Topo #1, Field #5 and #6: Spot application, leafy spurge. • Topo #2, Field #3: Spot sprayed for weeds next to equipment shed • Spot sprayed for weeds along fence-line by county road.
Answers to Poast Story Problem #1) How many ounces of product do you need to add to the tank? 16 fluid ounces = 1 pint 8 Pints = 1 Gallon a. 1% of a 5 gal tank (.01 x 5) = .05 gal of Poast 2.0 b. Gal * Pints/Gal = Pints .05 gal x 8 pints per gal = .4 pints Poast 2.0 c. .4 pints x 16 oz/pint = 6.4 oz Poast 2.0 (amount in ounces to add to 5 gallon tank) So: [(.01 x 5) x (8 pints / gal) x (16 ounces/pint)] = 6.4 #2) If the sprayer is calibrated at 70 gallons/acre, how much area (acres) will a 5 gallon tank cover? Gallons Tank/GPA → 5 gallon tank/70 gallons per acre = .071 Acre / tank #3) If you’ve sprayed out a total of 3 gallons, how many acres have you covered? Gallons/GPA → 3 gallons/70 GPA =.042 acres
Answer to Poast Story Problem (cont.) #4) What is the Restricted Entry Interval (REI)? 12 hours #5) Active Ingedient? Sethoxydim #6) What site was treated? Grassy pasture #7) Total amount applied if 3 gallons are sprayed out? a. Ounces Poast / gal in tank = ounces Poast / Gal = 6.4 ounces / 5 gal b. 6.4 / 5 gal = 1.28 ounces / gallon c. Ounces per gal * gal in tank = 1.28 x 3 =3.84 ounces Poast #8) EPA registration number? 7969-176 #9) Location ? Pasture #1: GPS Coordinates: N 48.1913823 W 110.105495, Spot Treatment (Random within Field)
Answer to Furadan 4F Story Problem #1 What was the size of the area treated in acres? Gal used/GPA = Acres sprayed → 700 gal/35 gal per acre = 20 acres #2 How many pints will need to be added to the tank? Acres * Application Rate of Product = Total Product Needed →20 * 0.5 = 10 pints #3 What is the location Topo Map #1 (Burlington Field) #4 What site was treated Barley #5 What is the active ingredient? Carbofuran
Product Label for Lorsban 4E-SG Broadcast Sprayer Story Problem
Answer to Lorsban Story Problem #1) How many acres did Jim spray? Gallons/GPA = Acres → 100/20 = 5 Acres #2) How many pints of Lorsban 4E-SG must be added to the tank to treat the entire pasture? a. Application Rate (Pints/Acre) * Acres = Total Product Needed b. 1 pint/acre X 5 acres = 5 pints #3) What is the EPA Registration number? 62719-245 #4) Product Name? Lorsban 4E-SG
Answer to Lorsban Story Problem (cont.) #5) Location? Topo Map #2; Field #1 #6) Is this a spot treatment? Not a spot treatment. > 1 acre Active Ingredient? Chlorpyrifos #7) Crop? Spring wheat
If you have any further questions contact your local Extension office or: MSU Pesticide Safety Education Program 119 Linfield Hall Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717-2900 (406) 994-5067 Email: pesticides@montana.edu