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Paramatma Destroys Ignorance

Vedic Wisdom & Hari Katha. Paramatma Destroys Ignorance. What are we made off?. 5 Koshas. Anna maya kosha. Physical Body. Astral Body. Prana maya kosha. Mind. Mano maya kosha. Intelligence. Vijnana maya. False Ego. Ananda maya. Soul. Spirit. Kosha: Covering (or Layer).

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Paramatma Destroys Ignorance

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  1. Vedic Wisdom & Hari Katha Paramatma Destroys Ignorance Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  2. What are we made off? Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  3. 5 Koshas Anna mayakosha Physical Body Astral Body Pranamayakosha Mind Manomayakosha Intelligence Vijnanamaya False Ego Anandamaya Soul Spirit Kosha: Covering (or Layer) What are the symptoms of each layer? GokulBhajan & Vedic Studies

  4. 1. Anna Maya Ether (Space) Air Fire Water Earth Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  5. 1. ETHER • Sabda (Ear) Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  6. 2. AIR • Sabda • Sparsa (Skin) Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  7. 3. FIRE (&Light) • Sabda • Sparsa • Rupa (Eyes) Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  8. 4. WATER • Sabda • Sparsa • Rupa • Rasa (Tongue) Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  9. Fantastic Water! Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  10. 5. EARTH • Sabda • Sparsa • Rupa • Rasa • Gandha-Smell (Nose) Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  11. Process of Birth Development of Anna Maya Ether Air Fire Water Earth Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  12. The soul is covered by Koshas.. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  13. Process of Normal Death Earth Water Fire Air Ether Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  14. Process of Dying (normal death) # Stage Element Returned Looses smell Earth Looses taste Water Loose heat & sight Fire Breathing stops Air Hearing Stops Ether 6. Paramatma lights opening Soul passes thru opening (Tunnel) 7. Soul Leaves body Soul sees own body!

  15. Five elements returned… Earth Water Fire Air Ether Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  16. Five elements returned… Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  17. A Real Incident… Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  18. When relatives die… • Some die immediately or soon.. • Some get irritated (No affection) • Some cry and cry (Too much affection) and then forget.. • Very few (spiritually advanced) take it in detachment! Bhag. Gita Ch.15 Perverted tree and how to cut? Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  19. Story: Snake in the house! Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  20. What are Ghosts? Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  21. Anna maya Physical Body Pranamaya Astral Body Manomaya Mind Vijnanamaya Intelligence Anandamaya False Ego Soul Spirit Ghosts are without physical body.. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  22. 2. PRANA MAYA.. Pranamaya Astral Body Manomaya Mind Vijnanamaya Intelligence Anandamaya False Ego Soul Spirit Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  23. Prana Maya is Astral Body GokulBhajan & Vedic Studies

  24. Astral Travel Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  25. Meet Angels.. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  26. Aspects of Astral Travel • See one’s own body from outside • Travel to other planes of material worlds • Fly like a bird but no speed limit! • Beyond time and distance • Encounter with angels & others • Walk through Walls • Meet your ancestors • Travel through time… Can it help? • Decreases fear of death • Helps to know yourself more Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  27. Anna maya Physical Body Pranamaya Astral Body Manomaya Mind Vijnanamaya Intelligence Anandamaya False Ego Soul Spirit Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  28. Other 3 Koshas (layers) 3. Mano maya (MIND) • Desires • Sense Gratification • Often Dangerous Manomaya Vijnanamaya Anandamaya 4. Vijnana maya (Intelligence) Soul • Intellectual gratification • Self Praise and show 5. Ananda maya (False Ego) • Outburst of bliss • Experienced in Dhyan state also • Do NOT stop here to enjoy bliss • Still under māyā • Meditating yogies think this ultimate • One should cross this layer Anandamaya Soul Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  29. Riddle: Tell What it is … • Cannot be cut by any weapon • Cannot be burned by fire • Cannot be moistened by water • Cannot be touched by wind. • Unbreakable • Insoluble • No beginning, no ending (eternal) • Invisible • Immutable • Inconceivable (cannot imagine)

  30. Who Am I ? Spirit (Part of Brahma Jyoti) Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  31. Supreme God: Three Forms 1. Paramatma • Neutral • Distributes Fruits of Karma Jivatma Paramatma Spirit (Soul) GokulBhajan & Vedic Studies

  32. Can Multiple Jivatma reside in One Body? • Haridas Thakura (Brahma, Prahalad, Brahmin boy) • Ghost Possessions Jivatma Paramatma Jivatma Paramatma Paramatma Spirit Soul Jivatma Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  33. Supreme God: Three Forms 2. Brahman • No reciprocation • No self identification* Question: Can Maha Maya control brahman? * Some call this “Spiritual Suicide” Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  34. Supreme God: Three Forms 3. Bhagavan • Sweet Reciprocations • Partial to Devotees • Becomes devotee of devotees! • Controlled by Love Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  35. What is liberation (Moksha)? Anna maya Ignorance! Pranamaya Ignorance! Manomaya Ignorance! Vijnanamaya Ignorance! Anandamaya Ignorance! Soul Spirit What is Self Realization?

  36. Who Am I ? Am I a man? Am I a woman? Am I a Hindu? Am I a Christian? Am I a Muslim? Am I an American? Am I an Indian? Am I a brahmin? Am I a low caste? Am I a CEO? Am I a Doctor? Who am I? Lord Shining in Everyone’s Heart as Paramatma Gives the Knowledge To really Understand! Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  37. G2 Sloka: 6 Teṣām evānu-kampārtham Aham ajnāna-jam tamaḥNāśayāmy ātma-bhāva-stho Jnāna-dîpena bhāsvatā (B.G 10.11) Lord Krishna says, “Iwho is dwelling in their hearts, destroy their darkness of ignorance by shining the lamp of knowledge”

  38. Meaning of Sloka teṣām – for them evā - certainly anukampā-artham – to show special mercy aham - I ajnāna-jam – due to ignorance tamaḥ - darknessnāśayāmi – dispel ātma-bhāva – within their hearts sthah - situated Jnāna – of knowledge dîpena – with the lamp bhāsvatā - glowing

  39. Coverings are from Maha Māyā • Yoga Māyā • Real • Spiritual • Blissful • MahaMāyā • Unreal • Material • Suffering Maha Māyā is perverted reflection of Yoga Māyā. Is it easy to get out of Maha Māyā? Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  40. Maha-Maya – Easy to overcome? Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  41. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  42. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  43. Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

  44. Lord Rama – Giver of Liberation [Dasha-ratha Nandana Rāma Rāmā, Dasha-mukha Mardana Rāma Rāmā] (2) [Pashu-pati Ranjana Rāma Rāmā, Pāpavi-mōchana Rāma Rāmā] (2) ......(Dasha) [Mani-maya Bhūshana Rāma Rāmā, Manjula Bhāshana Rāma Rāmā] (2) ...... (Dasha) [Jānaki Jeevana Rāma Rāmā, Sajjana Pālana Rāma Rāmā] (2) ...... (Dasha) [ At end, everyone sing slow ] [Dasha-ratha Nandana Rāma Rāmā, Dasha-mukha Mardana Rāma Rāmā] Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies

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