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Application Programme Director Tourism and Leisure Management Mag.Dr.Peter Adler

Application Programme Director Tourism and Leisure Management Mag.Dr.Peter Adler. A 7‘ presentation. I was asked to prepare a 7‘ presentation. What topic can be interesting for the leading persons from IMC Krems?. Which topic?.

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Application Programme Director Tourism and Leisure Management Mag.Dr.Peter Adler

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  1. ApplicationProgramme DirectorTourismandLeisureManagementMag.Dr.Peter Adler

  2. A 7‘ presentation • I was asked to prepare a 7‘ presentation. • What topic can beinteresting for the leading persons from IMC Krems?

  3. Which topic? • Conflicts, conflict management and conflict resolution in tourism • Conflicts, conflict management and conflict resolution in tourism • How to deal with cultural specifics of guests? • International networking • Tourism for everyone – Adjusting to the needs of disabled people in the tourism industry

  4. Conflicts, Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution In Tourism 07/02/2007 Mag. Dr. Peter Adler

  5. What do we mean by ‚conflict‘ ? • ‚Conflict‘ means, that two or more people have different interests and/or different needs. • A conflict is not necessarily known by both the parties. There are more ‚hidden‘ conflicts than open discussions !

  6. Why to speak about conflicts? • In tourism we want to fulfill customer‘s needs - so we have to find out the interests, needs and wishes of our guests. • We also have to keep an eye on all factors affecting employee knowledge and accuracy - their needs are important for us !

  7. Areas of conflict in tourism Heritage and public Interest Official Tourist Org‘s Public and private Infra-structure National / Local Authorities Environ-mental Org‘s Hotel / Restaurant ... Other Industry Travel Agencies Suppliers Guests Business Functions Hotel Operations Affiliated companies Owner / Holding Employees

  8. Areas of conflict in tourism "I would seriously consider taking a vacation in Iceland rather than somewhere else if the Government of Iceland stopped whaling.“ Environ-mental Org‘s Hotel / Restaurant ... There has been growing concern in recent years regarding environmental protection and conservation in the field of tourism. Is the environmental audit approach able to reduce the conflicts between tourism and the environment?

  9. Areas of conflict in tourism Heritage and public Interest Hotel / Restaurant ...

  10. Areas of conflict in tourism Job Market Regulations National / Local Authorities Public Traffic Closing hours Hotel / Restaurant ... Health and Work Place Control TOURISM AND CULTURE:Tourism is seen as having primarily economic value, unlike culture which can be seen as being for the greater good of the French public.

  11. Areas of conflict in tourism Local Tourist Org‘s (e.g. Fremden-verkehrs-verband ) Official Tourist Org‘s Hotel / Restaurant ... National Tourist Office

  12. Areas of conflict in tourism ski lift (networks) and their financing Public and private Infra-structure Hotel / Restaurant ... Local taxes (for drains, water) public swimming pools and water sports

  13. Areas of conflict in tourism „Distribution becomes one of the most significant elements of tourism marketing as it determines all other aspects of the marketing mix.“ 1) „Mediterranean hoteliers increasingly find the power of tour operators from Northern European countries very challenging.“ Hotel / Restaurant ... Travel Agencies ___ 1)Buhalis,Dimitrios, Conflicts Between Hoteliers and Tour Operators in the Mediterranean Region; in International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration (The Haworth Press, Inc.) Vol. 1, No. 1, 2000

  14. Areas of conflict in tourism The usual conflicts in big companies ... Hotel / Restaurant ... Owner / Holding Affiliated companies

  15. Areas of conflict in tourism „Many tourism employees are increasingly confronted with rising work stress levels, especially work-to-leisure conflict (WLC). 1)“ Hotel / Restaurant ... Employees 1) Jehn-Yih Wonga, , and Jo-Hui Lin , The role of job control and job support in adjusting service employee's work-to-leisure conflict; Graduate Institute of Management, Ming Chuan University Taiwan 2006

  16. Areas of conflict in tourism employees in hotel operations: reception, economics, dining room / service, kitchen, animation Typical Conflicts:Service <-> Reception Service <-> Kitchen Reception <-> animation, health services, leisure facilities employees in business functions: marketing and sales, finance and controlling, human resources management, IT, procurement, maintenance Hotel / Restaurant ... Hotel Operations Business Functions Employees

  17. Areas of conflict in tourism MOBBING: The term mobbing started entering the lexicon around 1990. It had been associated with the behavior of small birds combining to defend a nest, but was linked to the workplace by a Swedish psychologist, Heinz Leymann. He conducted studies in the 1980s on psychological harassment in offices. "For a certain period, you would be the bad person," Hotel / Restaurant ... Hotel Operations Business Functions Employees

  18. Areas of conflict in tourism Dust, noise, bad smelling, traffic, light emissions, ... Hotel / Restaurant ... Owner / Holding Other Industry

  19. Areas of conflict in tourism Late delivery, quality, price, packing, ingredients (REACH), ... Hotel / Restaurant ... Suppliers

  20. CYBERNETIC TOURISM ETHICS The concept of cybernetic ethics helps to find concrete answers to concrete situations under intercultural, complex, dynamic circumstances. Areas of conflict in tourism Better a complaining guest than a lost customer. Hotel / Restaurant ... Guests Cultural Impacts of Religious Tourism This book examines the changing relationships between tourism and host cultures and explores the reasons why and how conflicts emerge, in a series of detailed case studies from many parts of the globe.

  21. Areas of conflict in tourism Heritage and public Interest Official Tourist Org‘s National / Local Authorities Environ-mental Org‘s Public and private Infra-structure Hotel / Restaurant ... Owner / Holding Other Industry Travel Agencies Suppliers Guests Hotel Operations Business Functions Owner / Holding Affiliated companies Employees

  22. How to deal with Conflicts? personalized conflicts separating - have a conversation - search for offenders and victims - individual Coaching - end of contract, other job - Isolation - change of duties different types of dealing with conflicts Conflict solving Conflict avoiding pertinent joining - search for failures, analysis - rules - management. by objectives - Mediation - clarifying conversation - Teamdevelopment

  23. Conflict solving methods ÜÜberblick Therapy „Third party will bechosen by the conflict partners.“ Mediation The person itself / between persons Reconciliation Arbitration „The judge is determined by law-“ Court

  24. Court <-> Mediation Future Judge Arbitrator M individualReality Fairness rights Law C Conflict-Parties Past

  25. The Clover of Conflict Resolution Team- development Supervision Conflict- management Mediation Organizational Development Quelle: Das Ende der Eiszeit: ISBN 3-90211-0384 Chairing Coaching

  26. Thank You for Listening.

  27. Dzt. laufende Tätigkeiten - 1 - 1991-dato Musikschule Adler & Tinter OEG - nur Finanzbeteiligung 1994 bis dato Business Angel-Projekte mit und Beteiligungen an expandierenden Unternehmungen - keine operative Tätigkeit 1973-dato Industriellenvereinigung - Mitglied des Ausschusses f. Fragen der Bildung, Innovation und Forschung seit 1973 – Leiter des Arbeitskreises „Universitäten“ 2 Sitzungen je 3h / Monat

  28. Dzt. laufende Tätigkeiten - 2 - 2000-dato Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur – Mitglied des IKT-Lenkungsausschusses seit 2000 dzt. keine Aktivitäten 1999-dato Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft: Mitglied des Vorstandes, zuständig für Finanzen 1 Sitzung alle 2 Monate 1999-dato Innovationsagentur / i2 Börse für Business Angels - Mitglied des strategischen Boards - Tätigkeit beendet 1998-dato DISCimus Verein zur Erforschung der Auswirkung elektronischer Medien auf das Lernverhalten Tätigkeit beendet.

  29. Dzt. laufende Tätigkeiten - 3 - 2004-dato Rudolfinerhaus-Rotes Kreuz - (Privatkrankenanstalt und Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegeschule), Vorstandsmitglied ca. 1 Sitzung alle 2 Monate 2004-dato Mediationen ca. 2-4 h / Woche 1978-dato IT-Consulting: ca. 2-3 Tage / Monat 1985-dato div. Lehraufträge (FH Krems, WIFI Graz), ca. 6-8 WE/Halbjahr) Diverse Firmenauflösungen sind noch zu erledigen.

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