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JWST FGS. FGS-Guider. Using GSC-II to Guide JWST Pierre Chayer, Ed Nelan, & Sherie Holfeltz Web Instrument Team (WIT). FGS-Guider Design. HST Ultra Deep Field. HST FGS Field of View. HST UDF RA = 53.1 o Dec = -27.8 o Orient = 40 o. JWST FGS-G Field of View. 2.3 . 2.3. NIRSPEC.

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  1. JWST FGS FGS-Guider Using GSC-II to Guide JWST Pierre Chayer, Ed Nelan, & Sherie Holfeltz Web Instrument Team (WIT) February 19, 2009

  2. FGS-Guider Design February 19, 2009

  3. HST Ultra Deep Field February 19, 2009

  4. HST FGS Field of View HST UDF RA = 53.1o Dec = -27.8o Orient = 40o February 19, 2009

  5. JWST FGS-G Field of View 2.3 2.3 NIRSPEC FGS-G FGS-TFI NIRCAM NIRCam Observation of the HST UDF. l = 223.55 b = -54.451 MIRI February 19, 2009

  6. Selecting Stars from GSC-II February 19, 2009

  7. GSC-II and FGS-Guider Pass Bands Flux of M0 Star at J = 18.5 GSC-II pass bands 2MASS pass bands FGS pass band February 19, 2009

  8. Transforming GSC-II into 2MASS February 19, 2009

  9. Synthetic GSC-II  Predicted J,H, KS FGS-G cts/s M0 Star at J = 18.5 J IN H RF K BJ February 19, 2009

  10. Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Observed J 16 18 20 14 Predicted J February 19, 2009

  11. UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey: UKIDSS Observed J 14 12 10 16 20 8 18 Predicted J February 19, 2009

  12. Improving GSC-II for JWST Brian McLean et al. (Archive Services Branch) & WIT • Photometric Calibrations • Better estimate of magnitude errors • Recalibrate using latest version of GSPC-II • Use SDSS as additional calibration • Astrometric Calibrations • Recalibrate using UCAC3 as reference catalog  improve proper motion • Catalog Augmentation • Augment GSC-II with 2MASS sources that are not cross matched with GSC-II • Develop generalized schema to incorporate additional catalogs as needed February 19, 2009

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