1. Hatteras NetworksTechnology Overview Hatteras is based in Research Triangle Park NC and is a developer of equipment that enables carrier's to deliver high-bandwidth symmetrical Ethernet services to business customers over their existing copper infrastructure. Hatteras is based in Research Triangle Park NC and is a developer of equipment that enables carrier's to deliver high-bandwidth symmetrical Ethernet services to business customers over their existing copper infrastructure.
3. 3 Confidential In-building EFM v VDSL2 v G.SHDSL Hatteras EFM is plug-and-play. Hatteras CPE is managed from the central location so customers get SLAs – eg you know if the CPE is on/off LAN is plugged in and the individual customer performance parameters. Any SW upgrades to CPE and done through the same a management channel. All equipment is SNMP with interfaces to all popular NMS
Hatteras EFM may be placed anywhere as all equipment is environmentally hardened (ambient +65C and 85% humidity)
Hatteras EFM has a very small form factor and scales in 1RU increments.
Hatteras EFM can reach upto 6km without Repeaters
Hatteras EFM has rate control so that customers connection speed can be controlled by tariff chosen. Speed is “opened-up” by remote command when a higher speed is sold.
Hatteras EFM has full Layer2 capability for ELINE/ELAN/ETREE and full VLAN functionality
Hatteras EFM is TL9000 and MEF9/14 certified no carrier would (or at least should not) connect equipment to a MetroE network with MEF certification.
Taking a network rather than a point-to-point approach makes EFM a very inexpensive per Service line or per LAN connection
Hatteras EFM references are the best in the industry & the technology is proven with over 120 carriers world-wide for the last 3 years. cf AT&T SE, British Telecom, AAPT, XO, Expedient ...
4. 4 Confidential
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