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OSSIM Technology Overview

OSSIM Technology Overview. Mark Lucas. “Awesome”. Open Source Software Image Map (OSSIM). Design Goals. Open Source Software Infrastructure Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, and Image Processing Technologies Provide for Rapid Prototyping and High Performance Computing. Open Source Projects.

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OSSIM Technology Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OSSIM Technology Overview • Mark Lucas

  2. “Awesome” • Open Source Software Image Map (OSSIM)

  3. Design Goals • Open Source Software Infrastructure • Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, and Image Processing Technologies • Provide for Rapid Prototyping and High Performance Computing

  4. Open Source Projects • remotesensing.org founded in 1997 • Federal Funding and Support • Multiple Certifications and Evaluations • Systems and Tools are being based on OSSIM

  5. Open Source Leverage • Software Libraries • Tools • Systems • Relational Databases • Visualization

  6. OSSIM Reviews • Used in the Intelligence and Defense Communities • NGA Certified Map Projections and Transformations • RPC Universal Sensor Model validated on NTM • Validated in NGA CELTIC Pathfinder 2003

  7. Key Features • Dynamic Image Chains • Non-Destructive Parameter based on demand processing • Rigorous Sensor Modeling • Hyperspectral Capable • Parallel Processing (mpi) • Dynamic Plugin Architecture

  8. Platform Independent • Linux • IBM AIX - (xlc compiler) • Mac OSX • Solaris • Windows

  9. Image Chains • Dynamically Connectable Image Chains • Source > Models > Filters > Combiners > Output • Parameter Based, Non-Destructive Processing

  10. Dynamic Plugins • Supports External Plugins • Dynamically Loaded at Runtime • Simple keyword based interface

  11. Applying OSSIM • Tools, Applications and Utilities • Systems • GUI Applications

  12. Tools, Applications, and Utilities • currently over 30 tools and utilities • one is igen

  13. igen - Image Generator image chain definition igen

  14. igen - Image Generator image chain definition igen

  15. igen - Image Generator image chain definition igen

  16. igen - Image Generator image chain definition igen Product

  17. Systems - GeoClusters • Based on Open Source Software Components • Linux Operating System and Utilities • Web based user interface for Navigation and data selection • User picks Area of Interest, inputs, processing, product output specs and file format • Product Generated, User notified via email, fetches product via ftp link

  18. Inside the System image chain definition igen

  19. Inside the System Relational Database image chain definition igen

  20. Inside the System Relational Database image chain definition igen

  21. Current Developments • Prototyping Workstations • Infrastructure Support and Documentation • More Sensor Models • GRID Support • XML Support • Classified Support

  22. Visual Chain Editor Overview • Production and Prototyping Tool • Creates and Manipulates Image Chains • GUIs for Editing Chains and Parameters • Calls igen to produce products

  23. Polygon Masking

  24. Elevation Processing

  25. Elevation • Elevation Loaded by Default • Precision Terrain Correction and Orthorectification Performed Automatically • Elevation Source Can be Processed in the Chain

  26. Elevation Manager Menu

  27. Elevation Manager Menu executed

  28. Elevation manager Mosaic Selected

  29. Elevation Manager Mosaic Final

  30. Elevation Normals Menu

  31. Elevation Noramls Calculation Selection

  32. Elevation Normals Applied

  33. Elevation Hillshade Menu

  34. Elevation Hillshade Layer Selection

  35. Elevation Hillside Executed

  36. Elevation Hillshade Edit Layers Menu

  37. Elevation Hillshade Edit Layers Executed

  38. Elevation Hillshade Elevation, Azimuth and Smoothness

  39. Elevation Hillshade Edit Layers Very Rough

  40. Elevation Hillshade Edit Layers Color Selected

  41. Elevation Hillshade Edit Layers Color Removed

  42. Equation Editor

  43. Vector Support

  44. Blends

  45. Mosaics and Histogram Matching

  46. Map Composition

  47. Demo

  48. Strengths • High Performance Remote Sensing and Image Processing • Custom Image Processing and Prototyping • Photogrammetry, Sensor Modeling, Advanced Spectral Capabilities

  49. Next Steps • Transition from Development to User Community • Focus on Tools that Use OSSIM • Packaging, Documentation, Tutorials • Rehosting of www.remotesensing.org and ossim.org • Implementing Norman Vine’s 5 year plan

  50. Points of Contact www.remotesensing.org www.ossim.org (currently www.flids.org/ossim) Mark Lucas mlucas@intelligence-data.com

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