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REFORM PROPOSALS FOR VOCATIONAL TRAINING The National Qualifications System (SNQ). National Agency for Qualification. INDEX. Strategic Wagers: surpassing delays. 1. Progress Accomplished. 2. Reform Agenda : the SNQ. 3. The Reform Agenda and the ESF. 4. 1.
REFORM PROPOSALS FOR VOCATIONAL TRAINING The National Qualifications System (SNQ) National Agency for Qualification
INDEX Strategic Wagers: surpassing delays 1 Progress Accomplished 2 Reform Agenda : the SNQ 3 The Reform Agenda and the ESF 4
1 Strategic Wagers: surpassing delays
DEVELOPED COUNTRIES WITH SECTOR SECTOR PRIVADO PRIVADO 12TH GRADE 70% ≥ ≥ 12 th grade = 2.6 million < 9 th Grade 52% 52% = 3.5 million < 12 th Grade 70% 70% 1 Strategic Wagers: surpassing delays • Qualification of the active population • A heavy inheritance that displaces Portugal when compared with the developed countries • Two divisions (inter- and intra- generational)
1 Strategic Wagers: surpassing delays EVOLUTION OF THE ILLITERACY RATE 80% 80% = = 60% = Spain , Italy 40% = 30% = 30% = 0 – 5 % = PORTUGAL Scandinavia,,Germany France, England 1850 1900 1940 1970 Source: Jaime Reis, Illeteracy in Portugal in the XIX centruty A PROFOUND RACE THAT DEMANDS PERSISTANCE
1 Strategic Wagers: surpassing delays
2 (Despite) Progress Accomplished • 48.4% of Youth 20 – 24 years old has a secondary level education(UE 25 77%) • 25% of Youth between 18 and 24 years old dropped out of school without completing basic education • Vocational supply only 28.3% • Rudimentary evolution in the qualification levels of active population
Youth schooling/training rate (cumulative %) 85% 80% General Education + Night school (10 -12th gr) uuniversity 75% Technical - Vocational + 70% Technical night school CEF + CP level 3 + learning 65% 60% 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 2003/04 2 Progress Attained and the ESF
Percentage of youth 15-17 years old in secondary school or in certification (cumulative %) courses 90.6 89.4 87.4 Secondary 85.3 School Courses without 76.6 Dual certification Courses with 71.5 Dual certification 66.5 65.6 64.9 62.2 63.4 60.6 60.0 58.6 57.5 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2 Progress Attained and the ESF
2 Progress Accomplished Gross completion rate for secondary education per type 14 Source: OECD, Education at at Glance,2006; gross completion rate, which enables figures above 100 in total;
2 Progress Attained THE INITIAL QUALIFICATION OF YOUTH • The relevance of the indicators of the impact on Dual Certification Evolution of the school levels as a result of training Situation of employment after completion of the course Source: Inq. to former trainees of Initial Training / Assess. Int. POEFDS Source: Inq. For former trainees of Initial Training/ Assess. Int. POEFDS
2 Progress Accomplished LEARNING THROUGOUT LIFE
2 Progress Attained and the ESF LEARNING THROUGOUT LIFE • The challenge of participation • INE 2003 Survey – in the last 12 months nearly 9% of the population over the age of 15 participated in, at least one non-formal learning activity • Participation indicator in education or training (Eurostat) • The “hidden” contribution towards qualifications and productivity • Insuficient number of available assessment elements with an impact
2 Progress Accomplished LEARNING THROUGOUT LIFE • Amongst the available assessment elements, stands out the contribution towards a culture of training which, however…: Is characterised by the “prevalence of the individual decision to seek training (80%) and its scarce articulation within the work context“ “This is a dynamics that ends up keeping away those which most need training : the less schooled which naturally are more represented in the older age brackets.”
2 Progress Accomplished: the systems LEARNING THROUGOUT LIFE • The structuring of an Adult Educational and Training System which: • Articulates education and training policies • Promotes the professionalizing content of the adult qualification strategies • Promotes the principle of individualisation of the answers • Operationalizes the concept of recognising competences
3 A Reform Agenda : the SNQ With the Goal of: • Carrying out the Novas Oportunidades (New Opportunities) Initiative • Widder access, working so that all training assures educational and professional progression and increases its relevance to corporate modernisation. A reform agenda centered on 5 crucial lines: • To structure a relevant and certified supply; • To reform institutions and regulate training; • To define appropriate financial priorities and models; • To promote training quality; • To facilitate access and promote the search for training. Geared towards an integration perspective
3 A Reform Agenda: the SNQ The SNQ creation: goals • To promote the generalisation of secondary school • To guarantee that profissionalizing certification courses for youth confer the double certification and increases the base qualifications of the active population • To promote a diverse training supply • To boost and consolidate the recognition of qualifications • To promote coherence, transparency, and comparability of qualifications(domestic and international)
3 A Reform Agenda: the SNQ SNQ Instruments • National Catalogue of Qualifications(CNQ) • Device for the Recognition, Validation, and Certification of Competences (RVCC) • Individual Certificate of Competences and Training
3 A Reform Agenda: the SNQ National Catalogue of Qualifications (CNQ) What is it? • Strategic management instrument of the qualifications of a Country that integrates: • referentials as to competences • training referentials • elements essential for assessment of competences acquired through experience
3 A Reform Agenda: the SNQ National Catalogue of Qualifications (CNQ) Goals • To develop a flexible, legible, and internationally comparable qualifications table (relationship with QEQ, ECVET,…) • To promote flexibility in order to obtain qualifications and build an individual path to life-long learning (ALV) • To recognise qualifications independent of their types • To promote the quality of the Educational and Training System • To improve the efficiency of public financing for training • To promote the production of qualifications and competences crucial for competitiveness and modernisation of the economy
3 A Reform Agenda: the SNQ Qualification Referentials • Unique to the Education and Training System • Based on competences • Organised in a modular logic • Confers dual certification (school and vocational) • Developed and updated in articulation with the Sectorial Councils for Qualifications
3 A Reform Agenda: the SNQ CNQ in 2007…151 qualifications, of which 62% (93) are level 2 and 38% (58) are level 3 • Covers 33 training areas, that is, nearly 67% of the areas which structure the current supply • Represents 178 vocational outlets • Organised in Short-term Training Units (UFCD)/Modules of 25h and 50h Source: Final synthesis map for CNQ (April 2007)
3 A Reform Agenda: the SNQ RVCC Device • Appropriateness of the training supply to company and worker needs (demand) • Valuation of learning through experience • Structuring of flexible and coherent training routes Which places important challenges for the System: integration, coverage, quality, and response capacity, particularly insofar as gearing it towards training
3 A Reform Agenda: the SNQ Individual Certification of Competences and Training Is made up by: • All the competences that the individual acquires or developes throughout life, namely those which are object of the RVCC • All Training actions that are satisfactorily completed
3 A Reform Agenda: the SNQReform institutions and regulate Training Reestructuring the Certification System • A critical balance: • Dispersion of competences • Slow • Connection to the regulation of the labour market • Not articulated with RVCC With a frail impact on the organisation supplying the training That justifies the proposal to separate training certification and recognition as to that acquired and regulations on access to profissions.
3 A Reform Agenda: the SNQ Some figures IEFP, Dec. 2006
3 A Reform Agenda: the SNQ Some figures IEFP, Dec. 2006
3 A Reform Agenda: the SNQ SNQ: intervening parties • National Agency for Qualification • Sectorial Councils for Qualification • National Council for Vocational Training • Other services with competences within the domains of conception and execution of Educational and Vocational Training policies
3 A Reform Agenda: the SNQ National Agency for Qualification • Preparation and updating of the referentials proposals as to competences and training • Structuring of the supply of education and training for dual certification, through a Integrated System of Supply Management • Coordination and management of the CNO network
3 A Reform Agenda: the SNQ Sectorial Councils for Qualification • Identification and anticipation of competence needs • Preparation of proposals for inclusion/exclusion of referentials in CNQ qualifications
3 A Reform Agenda: the SNQ National Council for Vocational Training • Approval of the Competences and Training referentials • Approval of the strategic orientations of development of vocational training • Issuance of opinions on proposals for diplomas in matters of training and certification
National Qualifications System Base objective: - Assure the relevance of the Training and Qualifications Recognition Referentials given the needs of people and companies, organising the supply and demand for Vocational Training National Council for Conselho Nacional de Vocational Training Forma ç ão Profissional Main Attributions: Principais Atribui ç ões: • • Aprova Approve the Vocational Profiles , training referentials, and qualifications ç ão dos Perfis Profissionais, dos referenciais de and criteria for recognising qualifications forma ç ão e dos crit é rios de reconhecimento das qualifica ç ões; Regulation System for Professional Access • • Propor pol Propose policies and strategies for the development of vocational í ticas e estrat é gias de desenvolvimento da forma Training and certification ç ão e certifica ç ão profissional; • • Dar parecer sobre propostas de diplomas em mat Provide and opinion on the proposals for diplomas on training, and é ria de Training certification forma ç ão e de certifica ç ão da forma ç ão Agência Nacional para a Qualifica National Qualifications Agency ç ão Conselhos Sectoriais para a Qualifica Sectorial Councils for Qualifications ç ão Main Atrributions: Principais Atribui ç ões: Main Attributions: Principais Atribui ç ões: • • Gerir o Cat Manage the National Catalogue of Qualifications (building-up and updating of professional profiles, á logo Nacional de Qualifica ç ões (constru ç ão e actualiza ç ão dos • • Identifica Identification of the Training needs of a sectorial and local level ç ão de Necessidades de Forma ç ão de n í vel perfis profissionais, dos referenciais de forma Training referentials and qualifications recognition criteria from prospective diagnoses): ç ão e de crit é rios de sectorial e local com base em diagn based on prospective and Labour Market evolution diagnosis ó sticos prospectivos reconhecimento das qualifica ç ões a partir de diagn ó sticos prospectivos); e de evolu ç ão do Mercado de Trabalho; • • Coordenarte and the Educational /Training Suppl Dynamic Coordenar e Dinamizar a Oferta de Educa ç ão/Forma ç ão; • • Assure the coordination of a Network of Novas Oportunidades Centres Assegurar a coordena ç ão da rede de Centros Novas Oportunidades; • • Issuance of contributions towards updating the Qualifications Emissão de contributos para actualiza ç ão do Cat á logo Catalogue das Qualifica ç ões; 3 A Reform AgendaReform institutions and regulate training Create National Qualifications (…in articlation with EQF)
3 A Reform AgendaTo promote the quality of Training Reforming the Accreditation System • Integration of the Portuguese Quality System • Boost follow-up – create a portfolio of auditors • Reduce diversity of the accreditation profiles (diagnosis of needs, design, and development and assessment) • Formalisation of on-line applications • Substitute the renovation process of the documental analysis by an assessment in presence.
Comparative evolution of candidates and currently accredited entities 5000 4500 4395 4223 4000 3991 3819 3598 3500 3272 3000 2859 Entities with valid status 2500 Accumulated candidatures 2007 2000 1966 1831 1751 1666 1653 1525 1500 1000 500 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2 Progress Accomplished and ESF Accreditation System for Training Entities • Development of an assessment referential for the operators of the training adapted: • ISO 9001:2000 and European Model of Excellence : EFQM
QREN/POPH vs QCAIII 4.000 3.500 3.000 2.500 QCA III 2.000 QREN/POPH 1.500 1.000 500 0 Youth Adults Equality Gender Companies/Assets Advanced Training Disadvantaged Groups Active Employment Policies 4 A Reform Agenda and ESF