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Bodas For Life UC Berkeley & The Blum Center

Bodas For Life UC Berkeley & The Blum Center. Presentation to Uganda Ministry of Health 21 August 2008. Today’s meeting agenda. Purpose of today’s meeting: To share our team’s findings from fieldwork and to discuss a plan for program sustainability. Program background. Recent findings.

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Bodas For Life UC Berkeley & The Blum Center

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  1. Bodas For LifeUC Berkeley & The Blum Center Presentation to Uganda Ministry of Health 21 August 2008

  2. Today’s meeting agenda Purpose of today’s meeting: To share our team’s findings from fieldwork and to discuss a plan for program sustainability Program background Recent findings Challenges Partnerships & Sustainability Replicating in other districts Moving forward with next steps

  3. Bodas For Life is an ongoing collaboration UC Berkeley and MOH have worked together since 2006 FALL 2006- 2007 FALL 2007-2008 FALL 2008 - Beyond

  4. Bodas For Life program starts in fall of 2007 The current setup of the program is largely decentralized 1 national director

  5. Normal operations of Bodas For Life Riders and Health Workers collaborate to help patients

  6. Today’s meeting agenda Program background Recent findings Challenges Partnerships & Sustainability Replicating in other districts Moving forward with next steps

  7. Bodas 4 Life is operational in two districts Patients are accessing health services via B4L rides

  8. Bodas For Life address critical health issues Malaria, pregnancy among the many reasons patients take B4L rides Top patient complaints User age profile Boda contact method

  9. Leadership is core to program success Additional components support program sustainability

  10. B4L services recognized as valuable Multiple stakeholders take initiative to reinforce and expand offerings

  11. Early signs point towards program success Anecdotal evidence indicates improvement in overall health care access • Patients describe Bodas for Life riders as: • Timely (boda bodas arrive more quickly, especially at night) • Reliable (boda bodas will show-up, even in remote areas) • Less expensive (many riders give a discounted or free ride) • Easily reached by phone (riders on call; numbers publicized in the community) • Preliminary results: • An increase in patient volume (+20%) for more than half of Kyenjojo health centers served by B4L • No increase in hospitals not served by B4L

  12. Trained riders respond quickly and reliably Bodas For Life provides rides that otherwise would not have happened • Bodas For Life patient • Mrs. K., 19, lives in Kakabara (Kyenjojo District). She has • used B4L several times including for malaria and during • her most recent pregnancy. • She heard about B4L via the local radio program and uses • the village pay phone to call the rider, who comes to her • house in only 30 minutes. • She lives more than 6km from the health center, which is • sometimes too far to walk when she is sick or pregnant. • She likes the service, has recommended it to her friends, • and thinks B4L is very valuable “because of the reduced price and because they arrive soon.”

  13. Today’s meeting agenda Program background Recent findings Challenges Partnerships & Sustainability Replicating in other districts Moving forward with next steps

  14. Challenges persist despite B4L successes Solutions do exist to address these issues

  15. Today’s meeting agenda Program background Recent findings Challenges Partnerships & Sustainability Replicating in other districts Moving forward with next steps

  16. Bodas For Life moves towards sustainability Long-term partnerships are needed as Blum Center funding ends Two-year funding cycle ends in 2008

  17. Today’s meeting agenda Program background Recent findings Challenges Partnerships & Sustainability Replicating in other districts Moving forward with next steps

  18. Bodas For Life can be replicated De-centralized model allows districts to initiate program independently Bodas For Life is currently operating in two districts and other districts have expressed interest in participating in the program Recommendation Provide a standardized program description and toolkit for Bodas For Life: Bodas for Life tool-kit includes:

  19. Today’s meeting agenda Program background Recent findings Challenges Partnerships & Sustainability Replicating in other districts Moving forward with next steps

  20. Moving forward, MOH support is critical The Berkeley team will need guidance in the pursuit of additional funding. • UC Berkeley: • Pursuing partnerships for additional funding • Finalize Bodas For Life toolkit for replication into additional districts • Ongoing communication with Kyenjojo and Nakaseke to refine program • UC Berkeley officials will return in October 2008 • Uganda Ministry of Health: • Help find local contacts at potential funding organizations • Provide ongoing support and encouragement as Bodas For Life seeks funding

  21. Thank you!

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