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Generate Statement

Generate Statement. A generate statement provides a mechanism for iterative or conditional elaboration of a portion of description. The iterative elaboration of a description is a convenient mechanism to instantiate and replicate concurrent statements.

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Generate Statement

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  1. Generate Statement • A generate statement provides a mechanism for iterative or conditional elaboration of a portion of description. • The iterative elaboration of a description is a convenient mechanism to instantiate and replicate concurrent statements. • The replication index is either a constant or a generic. • This is often used to instantiate and connect components.

  2. Generate Statement(Cont.) • The conditional elaboration enables the conditional instantiation of a concurrent statement usually based on a constant or a generic. • This is often used to conditionally instantiate a component or a concurrent procedure.

  3. Generate • It is equivalent to the sequential statement LOOP. • It allows a section of code to be repeated a number of times, thus creating several instances of the same assignments.

  4. There are two forms of the generate statement. • Using the for-generate scheme, concurrent statements can be replicated a predetermined number of times. 2. With the if-generation scheme, concurrent statements can be conditionally selected for execution.

  5. generate-label: for generale-identifierin discrete-range generate concurrent-statements end generate [ generate-label];

  6. Consider the following representation of a 4-bit full-adder, shown in Fig. 1, using the generate statement. entity FULL_ADD4 is port (A, B: in BIT_VECTOR(3 downto 0); CIN: in BIT; SUM: out BIT_VECTOR(3 downto 0); COUT: out BIT); end FULL_ADD4: architecture FOR_GENERATE of FULL_ADD4 is component FULL_ADDER port (A, B, C: in BIT; COUT, SUM: out BIT); end component; signal CAR: BIT_VECTOR(4 downto 0); begin CAR(0) <= CIN; GK: for K in 3 downto 0 generate FA: FULL_ADDER port map (CAR(K), A(K), B(K), CAR(K+1),SUM(K)); end generate GK; COUT <= CAR(4); end FOR_GENERATE;

  7. After elaboration, the generate statement is expanded to FA(3): FULL_ADDER port map (CAR(3), A(3), B(3), CAR(4), SUM(3)); FA(2): FULL_ADDER port map (CAR(2), A(2), B(2), CAR(3), SUM(2)); FA(1): FULL_ADDER port map (CAR(1), A(1), B(1), CAR(2), SUM(1)); FA(0): FULL_ADDER port map (CAR(0), A(0), B(0), CAR(1), SUM(0));

  8. the if-generation scheme. genarate-label: if expression generate concurrent-statements end generate [ generete-label ] ;

  9. entity COUNTER4 is port (COUNT, CLOCK: in BIT; Q: buffer BIT_VECTOR(0 to 3)); end COUNTER4; architecture IF_GENERATE of COUNTER4 is component D_FLIP_FLOP port (D, CLK: in BIT; Q: out BIT); end component; begin GK: for K in 0 to 3 generate GKO: if K = 0 generate DFF: D_FLIP_FLOP port map (COUNT, CLOCK, Q(K)); end generate GK0; GK1_3: if K > 0 generate DFF: D_FLIP_FLOP port map (Q(K-1), CLOCK, Q(K)); end generate GK1_3; end generate GK; end IF_GENERATE;

  10. 4 bit counter

  11. Block Statement • A block is representative of a portion of the hierarchy of the design. • One of the major purpose of a block is to disable signals (I.e. the signal drivers) by using a guard expression. • A guard expression is a Boolean-valued expression associated with a block statement that controls assignments to guarded signals within a block. • A guard expression defines an implicit signal GUARD that may be used to control the operation of certain statements within the block.

  12. BLOCK • Two types Block • Simple and Guarded • Simple Block • The Block statement, in its simple form represents only a way of locally partitioning the code. • It allows a set of concurrent statements to be clustered into a Block. • A Block can be nested inside another BLOCK.

  13. Block Syntax (Simple) Label : BLOCK [Declartive part] Begin (Concurrent statements) End BLOCK label;

  14. Guarded Block • A Guarded Block is a special kind of Block, which includes an additional expression, called guard expression. • A guarded statement in a guarded BLOCK is executed only when the guard expression is TRUE. • Even though only concurrent statements can be written within a block, with a guarded block sequential circuit can be constructed.

  15. Guarded Block syntax Label : BLOCK (guard expression) [Declarative part] Begin (Concurrent guarded and unguarded statements) End BLOCK label;

  16. Advantages of Blocks • Faster synthesis compilation time: Synopsys provides a group –hdl_block directive that groups design partition and creates new level of hierarchies. This approach can significantly reduce the compilation time. • Information Hiding: Within a block, local type and signal declaration can be defined. The signals within the block are local to the block, and are not visible by the architecture.

  17. Advt. Of blocks (cont..) 3. Declaration of partition interfaces: The block header enables the definition of local generics, ports and port maps. All synthesizer vendors do not necessarily support block headers. 4. Visibility into architecture: Since a block is a concurrent statement of an architecture, a block has visibility into ports and signals of the architecture and into the declaration of the component within the architecture. A block also has visibility into packages, constants and types declared in the entity and architecture.

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