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Ronald D. Kriz* University Visualization and Animation Group * Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics. Virtual and Collaborative Design Environments. Lockheed Martin Campus Visit October 25, 2001 Durham Hall, Rm 260, 11:15AM. U V A G.
Ronald D. Kriz* University Visualization and Animation Group * Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics Virtual and Collaborative Design Environments Lockheed Martin Campus Visit October 25, 2001 Durham Hall, Rm 260, 11:15AM U V A G http://www.jwave.vt.edu/~rkriz/Presentations/LM_25oct01.ppt
Presentation • Summary of collaborative virtual environments (VEs), • application program interfaces (APIs), and applications • developed at Virginia Tech • Future development of collaborative VEs U V A G
Collaborative APIs: EVL’s CAVERNsoft: Limbo / Tandem VT’s DIVERSE Chronology: Collaborative VEs atVT AtomView (NSF PACI: NCSA-VT) Limbo Apps: CAVE Collaborative Console (CCC) CCC_atom (CCC + AtomView) DIVERSE Apps: Physics Based Simulations Crane-Ship (ONR-DURIP) Haptic Feedback - Molecular Docking (ASPIRES) NUWC’s CONRAY Undersea Warfare (ONR-NavCIITI) NIST’s RAVE: SmokeView Lockheed Martin: Collaborative Engineering Design Summary of Collaborative VEs APIs, and applications developed at VT U V A G
Extending the Use of Collaborative Virtual Environments to Engineering Design Using High Speed Networks Lockheed Martin University Grant Program Pat McKenzie Lockheed Astronautics Denver, Colorado “The goal of this project is to demonstrate that the CAVE Simulator, when combined with Limbo and CCC awareness tools can be used to deliver a collaborative virtual design environment with an emphasis on HCI and usability.” !!! IDEA !!! The CAVE desktop simulator allows desktop-to-desktop collaborative design with a fully immersive option U V A G
Crane Ship: A. Nayfeh, D. Mook, L. Arsenault, R.Williams, • R. Kriz: Added motion base to CAVE floor (ONR: $360K) • In-kind-labor to move and re-build CAVE ($432K): • A. Jarosz, J. Kelso, S. Parkih, C. Logie, R. Kriz • Head Mounted Display VR Lab: D. Bowman (CS Dept. • $120K) VR projs. M. Setareh, R. Schubert, J. McLain-Kark • DIVERSE: L. Arsenault, J. Kelso, R. Kriz (NIST $60K) • Molecular Docking: D. Bevan, L. Watson,S. Parkih, R. Kriz • NAVCIITI CONRAY: F. das Neves, J. Kelso, R. Kriz U V A G
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) used and developed at VT: • EVL’s CAVERNsoft: Limbo • http://www.evl.uic.edu/cavern/cavernG2 • VT’s DIVERSE • http://www.diverse.vt.edu U V A G
What is a CAVE? U V A G
Viewer immersed In 3D-structure. Gives viewer unique perspective to study 3D structure / property relationships. U V A G U V A G
Advanced Communications & Information Technology Center (ACITC) VT-Collaboration on-campus (Connecting desktop to CAVE was critical) University Visualization & Animation Group (UVAG) U V A G
Shared Virtual Environments • CAVERNsoft - Limbo: CAVE Collaborative Console (CCC) • http://www.sv.vt.edu/future/cave/software/ccc/ U V A G
World-Wide Collaboration Jason Leigh & Andrew Johnson Electronic Visualization Lab, UIC Remote Participants: • Argonne National Lab • IHPC, Singapore • CRCACS, Australian NU • IML, Tokyo Univ. • CCPO, Old Dominion Unv. • NCSA, UIUC • UVAG, Virginia Tech • Northwestern Univ. U V A G
I hear you. You hear me. But where are you and what are you looking at? Collaborative Awareness Tools Kevin Curry Class Project, 1998: Rosson: Computer- Supported Cooperative Work M.S. Thesis, 1999: “Supporting Collaborative Awareness in Tele-Immersion” U V A G
CAVE Collaborative Console (CCC) Fernado das Neves, Ron Kriz, John Kelso Participants Awareness U V A G Recorder
AtomView Physics based Simulation NCSA: J. Shalf VT: R. Kriz / D. Farkas With AtomView material scientists can analyze and interpret physics based simulation results U V A G
Two users in CCC_atom viewing a Large Ni-Al B2 simulated structure. • AtomView Modes: • Scale Model • Scale Atoms • Navigate • Play animation • CCC features not shown: • Shared views • Jump next to • Tether to • Record play Greg Edwards U V A G
D evice I ndependent V irtual E nvironment: R econfigurable, S calable, E xtensible U V A G
DIVERSE Applications: Physics Based Simulations NUWC/NRL CONRAY Undersea Acoustic 3-DOF Command & Control n-DOF I-Dock 6-DOF Haptic Feedback Crane Ship 6-DOF U V A G
CAVE floor with plug inserted
CAVE floor painted with plug inserted
CAVE front wall CAVE right wall CAVE floor plug removed showing the top of the motion platform
Application of Visualization and Haptic Feedback to Enhance Molecular Docking (http://www.sv.vt.edu/future/cave/resprj/idock/idock.html) D. Bevan, Biochemisty L. Watson, Computer Sci R. Kriz & S. Parikh, ESM Future Simulation Beowulf Cluster Bevan Watson Kriz Parikh
CAVE ONR-NavCIITI Task2.1 C & C Visualization CONnical acoustic arRAY CONRAY model I-Desk Desktop U V A G Das Neves
ONR-NavCIITI Task2.1 Command & Control Visualization ONR Briefing May 24, 2001 “Visualization for Multiwarfare Planning and Execution” NUWC: K. Lima, L. Mathews, R. Shell NRL: Larry Rosenblum, Doug Maxwell VT: R. Kriz, J. Kelso, F. das Neves http://www.sv.vt.edu/future/cave/resprj/navciiti/nuwc_task2-1/ Physics based simulation model of acoustics in a 3D world: bottom Bounce, etc. U V A G
Usability and Engineering Lab D. Hix and J. Gabbard NAVCIITI: Visualization and HCI: Usability Engineering Randy Levensalor CS-Masters Thesis Immersive WorkBench
PhD work of Marcio Pinho (PUCRS) Can multiple users manipulate the same object at the same time? Separation of DOFs 3D Interaction Group http://www.cs.vt.edu/~bowman/3di/ Cooperative manipulation single user D. Bowman M. Pinho multiple users
Design, simulation, and visualization of building structures Both 2D and 3D interfaces Immersive structural visualization 3DI group collaboration with Architecture’s VE-Lab D. Bowman 3DI Group SAP5 FEM Analysis M. Setareh R. Schubert Architectures’RDF-VE-Lab
VE-HPC TRAINING Virtual Environment Workshop, August 2001 J. Lockhart / R. Kriz Multimedia / VRML DIVERSE Arsenault / Kelso HCI Usability J. Gabbard Organizer HPC: Clusters S. Varadarajan HCI 2D-3D Interface Design D. Bowman/C. Wingrave U V A G
Observations & Conclusions: • Virtual and collaborative design environments have been • at best working prototypes that are too difficult to use as • a day-to-day application. • Better API’s are needed so that scientists, engineers, and • educators can build their own applications based on the • content within their discipline. • The best designed collaborative environments will work • only within existing collaborative groups. U V A G