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Degenerate ( dih - jen -uh- reyt ) (v) t o fall below a normal or desirable level in physical, mental, or moral qualities ; deteriorate; to diminish in quality . Sentence: The morale of the soldiers degenerated , and they were unable to fight. Degenerate. Implausible ( im-plaw-zuh-buhl )
Degenerate (dih-jen-uh-reyt) (v) to fallbelowanormalordesirablelevelinphysical, mental, ormoralqualities; deteriorate; todiminishinquality. Sentence: Themorale ofthesoldiersdegenerated, andtheywereunabletofight. Degenerate
Implausible (im-plaw-zuh-buhl) (adj.) not possible;nothavingtheappearanceoftruthorcredibility. Sentence: Severalexpertshavequestionedthescientific basisofthestudy, andmanyhavedismissedthe findingsasimplausible. Implausible
Incoherent (in-koh-heer-uhnt) (adj.) without logicalormeaningfulconnection; disjointed; rambling. Sentence: Before thetherapy, thesestrokepatients respondedtoquestionswithlargely incoherentsoundsandphrases. Incoherent
Qualm (kwahm) (n) an uneasyfeelingorpangofconscienceastoconduct; a suddenfeelingofapprehensiveuneasiness; misgiving. Sentence: He has noqualmsaboutlying. Qualm
Garble (gahr-buhl) (v) to confuseunintentionallyorignorantly; jumble; distort. Sentence: The secondannouncement, fiveminuteslater, wascompletelygarbled. Garble