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Trialog – summer school in Toruń 2011

Join the Trialog Summer School in Toruń to explore historical borders, cultural landscapes, and relic remains in the Kujavia-Pomerania voivodeship. Dive into the former Kingdom of Prussia and Russian Empire borderland, discovering the connecting role of the Vistula River. Engage in workshops, interviews, and site exploration to unearth the rich history and heritage of this unique region.

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Trialog – summer school in Toruń 2011

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  1. Trialog – summer school in Toruń 2011 Kujavia-pomerania vovoidship as a former borderland. Searching for geographical, cultural and relic borders.

  2. Borders in vovoidship

  3. Former border between Kingdom of Prussia and Russian Empire

  4. Medieval borders:

  5. Why borderland? • Durability of former borders (map of political preferences in Poland)

  6. Borderland life, smuggling and trade:

  7. Visible remains of border culture:

  8. Border culture:

  9. The connecting role of Vistula river

  10. The role of Vistula – cultural landscape

  11. Cultural landscape created by olender settlers:Dobriner land: Westpreussen:

  12. Methods of work • Work in four groups: • Memory about former borders and places of memory. • Cultural landscape. • Natural borders and environment as a turistic value • Turism, transport and information. • Methods: Intervievs, searching for visible signs of borders and border culture in architecture, cultural landscape and on cemeteries, work with old maps, work with postcards and archival pictures (group 2).

  13. Program of summer school:27 IX • Time for integration • Optional: sightseeing old city of Toruń at night, ruins of teutonic castle, illuminations of historical objects etc.

  14. 28 IX Border city and city of borders: the past and the present of Toruń 1.Meeting in groups. Group 1 has a meeting with ethnologist about preparing intervievs and methods of work. 2. Ethnographic Museum in Toruń: exhibition „Secrets of everyday life: folk culture and its bordersfrom Cuiavia to Baltic (1850-1950) 3. Borders of medieval Toruń (dr M. Targowski od dr Raczkowski) 4. Pause for meal

  15. 5. Modernist public buidlings in Toruń as an attempt of obliteration prussian remains in architecture. Developing former fortified ara. (mgr Cezary Lisowski) 6. Chełmińska Street to Graniczna Street (borders between districts) to Podgórna (orthodox and catholic church). Group 3 and volunteers „green border” between Prussia and Russia from Lubicz to Silno – border hiking trail (mgr Jan Młynarczyk) Group 1,2 and volunteers – Workshop „Reading overwritten cemetery” – Garrison cemetery (Anna Zglińska)

  16. 29 IX –Two sides of border along Vistula • Border on Tążyna River (Cuiavia) • Aleksandrów Kujawski (Przygraniczny) – Railway station of two emperors: remain of meeting Wilhelm I and Alexander II. (Aleksandra Wierzbińska) • Ciechocinek – russian resort, orthodox church, mennonite cemetery in Słońsk, geological border, Natural reserve „Ciechocinek” (mgr Anna Walczak) 4. Pause for meal

  17. 5. Nieszawa- disappearing city – the result of devastation the Vistula river and change of the borders. Than (it depends on agree of our transporting company) Crossing the Vistula (ferry) 6. Cultural landscape upstream Vistula: mennonite/olęder villages and cemeteries: Włęcz, Łęg-Osiek (on the russian side) and Silno (prussian side). Different cemeteries of the same people In the evening time for work in groups.

  18. 30 IX Golub-Dobrzyń, Rypin, Michałki 1 - Golub-Dobrzyń- bridge between Prussia and Russia, architecture of old city in Golub and small jewish city Dobrzyń, differences in cultural landscape Group 3 would have it’s own trip, upstream Drwęca river to reseach its natural variety.

  19. 2 - Rypin – the city of four cultures Meeting with Andrzej Szalkowski in the Museum od Dobriner Land about project „Rypin – the city of borderland” 3. Pause for meal 4. Meeting with pastor Michał Walukiewicz, lutheran church in Rypin and meeting wit Mrs Ella: the last plattdeutsch-speaking woman in Rypin and the houskeeper of lutheran church in Rypin. Catholic church and remains of orthodox and jewish cemetery in Rypin. Group 1 should make an interviev with Mrs. Ella. 5. Michałki, gmina Świedziebnia, Lutheran cemetry and church, meeting with dr A. Fischer

  20. 1 X – a day for work in groups • Group 1 – intevievs with people about borders (mgr Aleksandra Kleśta-Nawrocka_ • Group 2 – tour: Kaszczorek- Złotoria – Kopanino (Michał Wiśniewski) • Group 3 – „Festung Thorn”- fort IV and its natural environment • Group 4 - own research. In the evening: meeting with local representatives of administration, tourist organisations and presenting ideas about borders as a tourist attraction.

  21. 2 X – Chełmno, Gruczno, Chrystkowo • A trip to Chełmno (old city, cathedral, sightseeing) • Gruczno – XIX-century watermill, collection of od species of cereals Meal in Gruczno – traditional food of our region. Chrystkowo XVIII-century mennonite farmstead. Group 3 will have its own programme

  22. After trip: • Bonefire and sightseeing in Piwnice near Toruń • Borders of the unniverse

  23. The specific programe would be finished by the end of July. • Presented plan is certain in 90% (experts, people, museums). Accomodation: 16 000 zł Meals: 9 000 zł Transport: 3 000 zł Others: 2 000 zł Sum: 30 000 zł

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