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ADUC and ELENA Meeting 28-29 September 2011. Sept. 29, 2011 Rudolf Maier. Outline. Introduction HESR: H igh- E nergy S torage R ing Prototyping of HESR components Beam Experiments at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY Summary Contribution to ELENA.
ADUC and ELENA Meeting28-29 September 2011 Sept. 29, 2011 Rudolf Maier
Outline Introduction HESR: High-Energy Storage Ring Prototyping of HESR components Beam Experiments at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY Summary Contribution to ELENA
Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research SIS18 SIS100 p-Linac HESR Antiprotons Production Target CR/RESR
HESR design driven by the requirements of PANDA: Antiprotons with 1.5 GeV/c ≤ p ≤ 15 GeV/c High luminosity: 2·1032 cm-2s-1 Thick targets: 4·1015 cm-2 High momentum resolution: Δp/p ≤ 4·10-5 Phase space cooling Long beam life time: >30 min Criteria for the Layout of the HESR
HESR with PANDA and Electron Cooler COSY HESR HESR Consortium: Germany (Jülich, GSI, Mainz), Romania and Slovenia
HESR Prototyping and Tests Pellet Target 100 KeV e-Cooler WASA Residual Gas Profile Monitor Barrier Bucket Cavity Stochastic Cooling 2 MeV e-Cooler 6
Example: Beam Cooling with WASA Pellet Target • Injected beam • Beam heated by target • + stochastic cooling • d) + barrier bucket
Hadron Physics with Antiprotons Sophisticated accelerators Forefront beam cooling Internal targets RF manipulation techniques Summary
Contributionto ELENA IKP attheresearchcenterJuelichhas a longstandingtradtionofsignificantcontributionstothefacilityandphysicsprogramatthe CERN-AD. Wefullysupportconstructingthe ELENA ring toincreasethephasespacedensityofthecooledantiprotons.
Contributionto ELENA In theapplicationphaseof ELENA wehaveagreedtocontributetheequivalentof 3 person-yearstotheconstructionefforts, andnowthat ELENA hasbeenapproved, weremaindedicatedtothispledge. Currentlyour electronic andmechanicalworkshopsarefullybooked, howeverweare happy todiscussworkpackagesthatmatchthe time schedules, as well asothercontributionsthatrequireotherresources.
Contribution to ELENA H- Source Running H-Sourcessince 1995 forInjectionintoCyclotron
COSY Cycle for spin-filtering at 49.3 MeV Total trigger rate 2 Spin Flips DAQ stopped Target off Beam intensity Pressure at filter target mbar Pressure at deuterium target 2500s ofpolarisation measurement 16000s of spin-filtering