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Career decision-making Jukka Lerkkanen

Career decision-making Jukka Lerkkanen. G uidance and counseling.

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Career decision-making Jukka Lerkkanen

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  1. Career decision-makingJukka Lerkkanen

  2. Guidance and counseling • Guidance and counseling offer the possibility for students to explore realities and opportunities for their future. Guidance and counseling services are organized by self-help, brief assisted or individual case managed services. The guidance and counseling process will enhance clients’ empowerment in making decisions concerning their life. (Lerkkanen 2012). • The aim is to support clients’ plans and choices that enhance hope, responsibility and independence by improving their decision-making process.

  3. Educational and Career choice problems • Several solutions exist. • There is a dependence on internal and external variables. • There is some uncertainty about the result. • The solutions are very meaningful for life.

  4. What kind of transition situations exist in Following Pictures? • How clear is the goal? • How much risk is included in transition? • How much guidance and counseling is needed in transition?

  5. Berliini, Tiergarten

  6. Needsassessment • Therearemanymethods to clarifyneeds: • Initialinterview • Conversation with guidance and counselingpractitioners • Informationaboutneeds for support in formerstudies • Willingness for guidance • Holland Hexagon –model • Needassessmentmeasure

  7. The Bridge model for career decision making • The Bridge model for the career decision-making process is based on the CIP Pyramid and the CASVE Cycle (Peterson, Sampson, & Reardon, 1991) • The Bridge model includes a Needs Assessment Measure (based on Career Thought Inventory; Sampson, Peterson, Reardon & Lenz, 1996) and exercises which help students to become more effective career decision makers

  8. Synthesis Analysis Valuing Execution Communication Metacognitions, Evaluation Occupational knowledge Self-knowledge I’m choosing my next education I have reached my goals Jukka Lerkkanen 04/2009

  9. Screening is key to the success of differentiated service delivery Screening avoids Overserving high readiness young people and adults with costly individualized interventions that are not needed Underserving low readiness young people and adults with inadequate interventions from staff who are unaware of the substantial needs of the young person or adult Screening

  10. Screening provides staff with a better chance to cost-effectively meet the needs of young people and adults in career centers and schools Screening also helps to better allocate staff resources staff will be able to serve more young people and adults, or spend more time with young people and adults with substantial needs Screening

  11. Needs assessment • There is an obvious requirement for needs assessment, because • the needs are individual, • there are different kinds of steps of life-span, even during higher education studies, and, • there could be different kinds of needs in guidance and counseling content areas: guidance and counseling for learning, guidance and counseling for choosing a career, and guidance and counseling for supporting personal growth

  12. Needs assessment • Negative career thoughts are measured by the CTI related to readiness for career decision-making and problem-solving (Sampson et.al 2004) • Readiness for career decision-making indicates the need for guidance and counseling (Sampson et.al 2004, Lerkkanen 2002, 2009, 2010, 2011)

  13. Needs assessment • The author has created readiness measures for compulsory education, high-schools, upper secondary vocation and in addition for adults in different life situations (unemployment, career change planners, adult education). • The items are more contextualized and they have been created for different target groups compared to the original CTI • Three factors: Decision-Making Confusion, External Conflict, and Commitment Anxiety

  14. External Conflict Decision-Making Confusion Commitment Anxiety Synthesis Analysis Valuing Execution Communication Metacognitions, Evaluation Optionsknowledge Self-knowledge I’m choosing my next education I have reached my goals Jukka Lerkkanen 04/2009

  15. Decision-Making Confusion (DMC) • The client has not proceeded in his or her decision making process. The client may have difficulty in finding his or her options. The client may not be interested in searching for his or her options. • The client wants to consider his or her choice, • The client has a lack of required information, • The client has a lack of self-knowledge, • The choice situation is too complex even to begin • The educational or career choice is meaningless to the client • Related to Self-knowledge and Options Knowledge and as well as Communication, Analysis, and Synthesis phases

  16. External Conflict (EC) • The choice is depended on opinions of the closest ones or some other external aspects. • Fear of disagreeing with other family members • Dependence on opinions of significant others • Fear of being a ”looser” in their social context • Economical factors • Health factors • Social factors • Related to the Valuing phase

  17. Commitment Anxiety (CA) • The client has a lot of opportunities. The client has so many possibilities that it is difficult to make solutions • Unable to limit choices to 1-2 options, • Need to find the perfect choice • Anxious that the client will miss some good option. • Related to Self-knowledge and Options Knowledge, as well as the Execution phase

  18. Instead of one level of service for all, three levels of service are needed to meet individual needs ranging from those who are: self-motivated and able to learn successfully on their own suffering from low readiness for decision-making who need substantial assistance to successfully learn Differentiated Service Delivery

  19. The three levels of service include Self-helpservices for young people and adults with high readiness for decision making Brief staff-assistedservices for young people and adults with moderate readiness Individual case-managed services for young people and adults with low readiness Differentiated Service Delivery

  20. Needs for information, guidance and counseling services (Upper secondary school 2008, N=241)

  21. Individualcase-managedservices Brief-assistedservices ExternalNetwork Self-help services ExternalConflict DecisionMakingConfussion CommitmentAnxiety Synthesis Analysis Valuing Execution Communication Metacognitions, Evaluation Optionsknowledge Self-knowledge I’m choosing my next education I have reached my goals Jukka Lerkkanen 04/2009

  22. Example in Finnish www.ohjaustarvearvio.fi

  23. Client version • Communication = create the relationship, identify the gap • Discussion about: how are you, hobbies, what brings you here today • Agreement of working together: how do we work, what is the purpose, confident • Homework: Measuring the readiness for career decision-making

  24. Client version 2. Analysis = the existing / needed information • What educational/vocational options you have? (Bridge- model) • What do you have already done for reaching your goals? • What kind of experimental knowledge do you have concerning your goals? • Homework: Gathering more information about those choices which the student has prioritized

  25. Client version 3. Synthesis = narrowing / expanding • What kind of information do you find about those choices which you have prioritized • What options do you want skip now ?/ What options are interesting, but you want to know more • Homework: Show the list of options to your family and discuss what are their opinions

  26. Client version 4. Valuing = final prioritizing • What were the options of your family • The beginning of matrix –exercise • Homework: Finishing the matrix –exercise: gather more detailed information, make the evaluation between the options, discuss with your family concerning the results.

  27. Client version 5. Execution = implementation of the choice • The plan for implementation • The needed support • The follow-up • Homework: Implement your choice and report how do you have managed to do it

  28. Reliabilities of need assessment measure(Cronbach’s alpha) • Decision-MakingConfusion0,931 • CommitmentAnxiety0,877 • ExternalConflict0,748 • Total Score0,943 • N=1835, secondyearstudents in Upper SecondaryVocationalEducation in Jyväskylä and Tampere area(Lerkkanen, 2012)

  29. Thankyou!Moreinformation:jukka.lerkkanen@jamk.fi

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