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Career Decision Making

www.successbc.ca. Career Decision Making. Suddhodan Baidya 16 Mar 2011. Why do we need to make Career Decision Assessment?. Comparison between 80’s and 2011 One job Vs multiple jobs Comparison between Asia and Canada Education Vs Good Job. Stages of Career Decision Making.

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Career Decision Making

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  1. www.successbc.ca Career Decision Making Suddhodan Baidya 16 Mar 2011

  2. Why do we need to make Career Decision Assessment? • Comparison between 80’s and 2011 • One job Vs multiple jobs • Comparison between Asia and Canada • Education Vs Good Job

  3. Stages of Career Decision Making • Self assessment (Who You Are?) Exploring career values, motivators, preferences, personal strengths, limitations • Career exploration (What Are There?) Establishing options, alternatives and plan B’s, information gathering, networking, reality checking • Decision making (What I Do?) Evaluating options, mapping skills and attributes against actual roles, considering options and preferences, clarifying personal factors, making choices • Plan implementation (When I Do) Applicant research, CV update and applications, preparing for assessments and interviews

  4. Career Decision-Making Style The Procrastinating Decision Makers - “I’ll deal with it later,” or, “I just can’t decide.” The Intuitive Decision Makers - “I made that decision because it felt like the right thing to do,” or, "I just followed my heart in making this decision.” The Dependent Decision Makers - “What do YOU think I should do?,” or, “What would you do if you were me?”, The Educated Decision Makers - “I need to explore more options before I'm able to make a decision,” or, “I have gone over all the pros and cons and compared them to my other options.” The Recommended Career Decision-Making Style: The Combination Style Educated Decision Making style -Dependent Decision Making -Intuitive Decision-Making style

  5. Factors of Career Decision Making • Interest • Values • Skills • Education • Physical Capability • Social and Economical Factor • Salary • Labour Market Information

  6. Interests Assessment • Holland Codes (Self Directed Search) • Myers Briggs Types Indicator • True Colors • Personality Dimension

  7. Values Assessment • Values Cards • Values Questionnaire

  8. Skills Assessment • Technical • Surgical • Artistic • mechanical • Transferrable • Communication • Organizational • Problem solving • leadership • Self Management • Punctuality - Dependability • Motivation - Positive attitude • responsibility

  9. Labour Market Information • www.workingincanada.gc.ca • www.statcan.gc.ca • www.bcstats.gov.bc.ca/ • www.craigslist.ca • Association websites • www.linkedin.com website

  10. Education • Phd? • Masters? • Bachelor? • Certificate ? • High School? • Trades? • Engineering? • Science? • Sociology? • Advertising? • Medical?

  11. Physical Capability • Outdoor • Indoor • Lift heavy things • Standing up for long hours

  12. Social and Economical Factor • Have to take care of kids and family • Religion • Need survival job

  13. Dr. John L. Holland, 1919 – 2008

  14. http://www.chroniclecareerlibrary.com/CGP/CGP/Lists/all.html

  15. http://www.roguecc.edu/Counseling/HollandCodes/test.asp • Go to vpl and careercrusing

  16. http://cdminternet.com

  17. NOC (National Occupational Classification) • APTITUDE • INTERESTS • DATA/INFORMATION, PEOPLE, THINGS • PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES • ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS • EMPLOYMENT REQUIREMENTS http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/noc/english/noc/2006/welcome.aspx

  18. Action Plan • Plan A • Plan B

  19. Useful websites • http://www.self-directed-search.com/ • http://careerplanning.about.com/od/selfassessment/a/self_assessment.htm • http://keirsey.com/ • http://www.ipersonic.com/career/?gclid=CKS_36nD1qYCFQpvbAod6xuTFw • http://www.chroniclecareerlibrary.com/CGP/CGP/Lists/all.html

  20. Suddhodan Baidya 604-408-7274 ext 2046 Suddhodan.baidya@success.bc.ca

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