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Exhaustive Search and a first approach to avoiding it. Brute Force Methods. guarantee best fitness value is found feasible for ‘small’ data sets only. SAT satisfiability problem. set of propositions prop[n] fitness function logical expression based on propositions boolean fitness(prop)
Brute Force Methods • guarantee best fitness value is found • feasible for ‘small’ data sets only
SAT satisfiability problem • set of propositions prop[n] • fitness function • logical expression based on propositions boolean fitness(prop) • try all 2n combinations of T/F for propositions
boolean fitness(boolean b[]) //fitness function boolean [] prop = new boolean[n]; boolean satisfied = sat(n-1); boolean sat (int index) // find a solution { if (index==0) //base case { prop[0] = true; if fitness(prop) return true; prop[0] = false; return fitness(prop); } prop[index] = true; // recursive if (sat(index-1)) return true; prop[index] = false; return sat(index-1); } ... ... 2 1 0 ..T ..F .TT .FT .TF .FF TTT FTT TFT FFT TTF FTF TFF FFF
efficiency without risk • pruning the tree: • suppose fitness(prop) is (p0 \/ ~p1) /\ (~p2) partial evaluation ... ... p2 p1 p0 nodes can be ignored: fitness can not be true ..T ..F .TT .FT .TF .FF TTT FTT TFT FFT TTF FTF TFF FFF
TSP travelling salesman • directed edges, complete graph: exhaustive search is the permutation problem enumerate all n! permutations of n distinct items (cities) {0,1,2,3,…,n-1} rank in path array 1 0 D[i][j] 0 1 2 3 3 1 4 2 2 3
TSP travelling salesman O(nn) input(V) // number of cities (Vertices) int[V] rIP // rankInPath, init to 0==not ranked visit(1) // generate visiting sequences void visit(int rank) { for (city = 0 to V-1) if (rIP[city] == 0) // not yet visited { rIP[city] = rank; if (rank == V) fitness(rIP) // base case else visit(rank+1) //recursive case rIP[city] = 0 } } fitness(int[] p) calculate pathlength from D[i][j] if bestpath, save p
efficiency without risk • fix first city O((n-1)n-1) • use sets instead of searching array O((n-1)!) == O((n-1)n) • keep partial fitness values • reduce cost of fitness evaluation • apply branch and bound (pruning) BUT… still O(en)
... ... Branch and bound ..T ..F .TT .FT .TF .FF TTT FTT TFT FFT TTF FTF TFF FFF 0 ... 126 549 274 01 03 02 013 032 023 012 031 021 0123 0132 0312 0321 0213 0231 pathlength = 845 592 693 519
Variations on TSP • undirected edges: D[i][j] == D[j][i] • incomplete graph: some D[i][j] = null • Euclidean distances (on an airplane) • cities are located on plane at (xi,yi) • D[i][j] is computed from coordinates: D[i][j] = D[j][i] = sqrt((xi-xj)2 + (yi-yj)2) other data structures, efficiencies
Continuousproblem spaces Where is height of land? 1. what scale to sample? x∈(0,1], y∈(0,1] interval length: 0.1: 100 data points 0.01: 10,000 0.001: 1,000,000 --- y --- x
Continuousproblem spaces Where is height of land? 2. constraints – ignore water fewer data points but constraints must be tested --- y --- x
Continuousproblem spaces Where is height of land? 3. where to locate sample --- y --- x
Continuousproblem spaces - NLP Non-Linear Programming problems Typical problems are functions of multiple variables over domains of each Maximize f(x1,x2,x3,…,xn) for x1 ∈ D1, x2 ∈ D2, x3 ∈ D3,…, xn ∈ Dn NLP problems are NP complete *Linear Programming problems are polynomial solvable with provable optimum in O(nk)
Linear Programming*-Simplex Method Fitness function and constraints all linear fitness: example constraints: *assuming you are familiar with approximation methods, p.69-76
Linear Programming with these restrictions: feasible solution space is a convex polyhedron -> solution is at a vertex 2D e.g.:
Simplex Method starts at a vertex (usually xi = 0 ∀i) and “walks along edges” to adjacent vertex, until optimum is reached approx O(n4)
Complete or Partial Solution Space? ... ... space of partial solutions 2 1 0 ..T ..F .TT .FT .TF .FF TTT FTT TFT FFT TTF FTF TFF FFF space of complete solutions TTT FTT TFT FFT TTF FTF TFF FFF
Partial Solution Space ... ... space of partial solutions 2 1 0 ..T ..F .TT .FT .TF .FF TTT FTT TFT FFT TTF FTF TFF FFF • algorithms are based on tree traversals • must have a partial fitness function • performance is improved by tree ‘pruning’ • coming soon to a lecture near you...
Complete Solution Space ... ... ..T ..F .TT .FT .TF .FF space of complete solutions TTT FTT TFT FFT TTF FTF TFF FFF • start with a (random or guided) solution • move to other solutions seeking better fitness • performance is improved by concentrating on good solutions
Local Search -ideal solution for convex functions -partial solution for complex functions (finds local optimum)
Local search algorithm localSearch(point P in domain) evaluate fP = fitness(P) repeat until no improvement in fitness transform P to a neighbouring point P’ evaluate fP’ if fP’ better than fP, P=P’ return P
1 DimensionalConvex space Example localSearch(point h=19) evaluate fh = 20(19)-192=19 repeat until no improvement in fitness transform h to a neighbouring point h’ evaluate fh’ if fh’ better than fh, h=h’ return h = 10 m = 20h - h2 in this domain, neighbouring points of h are (h+1), (h-1)
2 Dimensionalspaces 4 local search neighbours --- y --- x Would 8 neighbours be better?
Local search with SAT: representation Any logical expression can be written in Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) a conjunction (/\) of disjunctions (\/) of propositions and negations: (~P1\/ P3) /\ (P2\/~P3) /\ (P4\/ P1) (A \/ B) -> C = ~(A \/ B)\/ C = (~A /\ ~B) \/ C = (~A \/ C) /\ (~B \/ C)
localSearch(point P in domain) evaluate fP = fitness(P) repeat until no better fitness transform P to neighbour pt P’ evaluate fP’ if fP’ better than fP , P=P’ return P Local searchwith SAT What is a “better” point in search space? What is a “neighbouring” point? FITNESS: number of TRUE disjuncts 1 neighbour has one proposition with different boolean value
localSearch(point P in domain) evaluate fP = fitness(P) repeat until no better fitness transform P to neighbour pt P’ evaluate fP’ if fP’ better than fP , P=P’ return P Local searchwith SAT
Local search with SATbut SAT space is not convex… procedure GSAT // Michalewicz & Fogel begin for i = 1 to MAX_TRIES do T random truth assignment for j = 1 to MAX_FLIPS do if T satisfies fitness return (T) flip a proposition truth value end end return (“no solution found”) end
localSearch(point P in domain) evaluate fP = fitness(P) repeat until no better fitness transform P to neighbour pt P’ evaluate fP’ if fP’ better than fP , P=P’ return P Local searchwith TSP what is a “better” point in search space? EASY – shorter path what is a “neighbouring” point? i.e., what change to transform a path to a similar path? MANY possible definitions of transformation operators.
TSP and local search • some neighbourhood definitions depend on the type of TSP. e.g., 2-Opt: change two non-adjacent edges: ABCDEFG to ABEDCFG pathlength = pathlength –BC –EF + BE + CF fails when? TSP with directed edges: DE ≠ ED, CD ≠ DC A B G F C E D
Neighbourhood/Search tradeoff Neighbourhoods define the connectivity of the complete search space • larger neighbourhood more chance of better optimum but longer search time e.g. 2-Opt: n edges, n-3 non-adjacent number of neighbours n(n-3)/2 O(n2)
A B G F C E D TSP neighbourhood definitions swap adjacent cities O(n) 2-Opt: change two non-adjacent edges O(n2) 3-Opt: change among three non adjacent edges δ-path (Lin-Kernighan) C E A B D
A B C D E F G H J K 3-Opt O(n3) THREE possible (2-Opt) neighbours: FOUR possible neighbours: C D E H G F A B J K E D C F G H H G F E D C E D C H G F A B J K F G H C D E H G F E D C
δ-path (Lin-Kernighan) based on 2-Opt with 1 city (A) fixed. A B C D E F G H J K A remove KA and consider all δ-paths (e.g., by adding KE) • record best 2-Opt tour if any (e.g. EF FA) • BUT move to next tour according to best δ-path length (e.g. including FA)
A B C D E F G H J K A Lin-Kernighan local search initial tour T, BestT = T start city A, last city L=K added_list =null; // added edges cannot be removed deleted_list=null; // deleted edges can’t be re-added repeat find best 2-Opt neighbour tour (maybe change BestT) move to tour with best δ-path < BestT if any put added edge in added_list (e.g., KE) put deleted edge in deleted_list(e.g., EF) L = F until no moves (all edges added or no short δ-path)
(2) f(p) (1) Variations on local search p, point in search space, fitness f(p) neighbourhood Np = {p1,…,pk} (1) find first pi with f(pi)> f(p) or (2) find best pjsuch that f(pj) ≥ f(pi) 1≤ i ≤ k pk … p1 p2