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Future Trends in Natural Healthcare and Medicine

Explore the shift towards highly active micro-nutrient formulae in promoting wellness and managing illness, challenging traditional healthcare systems. Learn about the need for progressive healthcare reformation and the impact of monopolistic pharmaceutical practices on medical science and cost. Discover the historical development of healthcare from ancient magico-religious systems to modern allopathy. Uncover the evolution of healthcare laws, ethics, and the dominance of physical sciences in medicine.

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Future Trends in Natural Healthcare and Medicine

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  1. Modern Natural Healthcare and Medicine – New Perspectives and Global Challenges. The use of Highly Active Micro-Nutrient formulae for the promotion of Wellness and the Management of Illness. Lecture presented at the First International Convention of Society of Pharmacognosy KLE University’s College of Pharmacy and Regional Medical Research Center , ICMR, Belgaum , India. 18-20th February 2011. Prof . Dr. Ananthan Krishnan Consultant Pharmacist & Naturopath Department of Research and Study AK Pharmacy and Naturopathy Center Kuala Lumpur .

  2. World healthcare system is in dire need for progressive reformation Whether it is the dominant western based modern biomedical system or the various traditional and alternative healthcare systems that are being practiced at various levels and areas in human society, all of them undoubtedly need progressive transformation and development. The epistemology of this medical science and practice is almost totally controlled by the pharmaceutical barons, they strongly influence the body of its knowledge, new knowledge is added to the system at the behest of these multinational giants. This monopolistic hegemony has caused the cost of healthcare to sky rocket making it virtually unavailable to the poor and the needy segments of human society

  3. Using the issue of “scientific evidence base” as their all purpose excuse, these companies having created their privileged frame of reference, its science, based on the Newtonian –Cartesian physical model of reality as that frame of knowledge and as the sole tool for scientific enquiry and research, and has taken full control of the vital research work which is critical for development of medical science Privileged frame of reference : Briefly this refers to the accepted knowledge limitations of a theory, within which a body of applied knowledge is used in the practice of the science. For instance the bio-medical sciences frame of reference of the Cartesian –Newtonian theory, developed in the 17th century, which states the universe is a physical system, working precisely like a machine, with definite principles which can be presented in the form of laws and equations.

  4. DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF HEALTHCARE AND MEDICNE The beginning impetus for the development of human healthcare can be traced back to the two great laws that operates in the individual and collective life of human beings. These two laws have been the foundation pillars of universal truth. The first law is “to love your Creator with all your heart” , the second law is “to love your neighbour as yourself”. This strong sense of love and belonging amongst the people of the world, translates into the form of help and care when confronted with the ill or the injured. Thus human healthcare started with the ill and injured, it was largely disease and injury driven.

  5. Primordial human intelligence knew very little about creation and life, whatever was seen or felt, was unexplainable because of ignorance. Therefore ancient medicine was an amalgam of primitive religion, supernatural forces, magic with minimal empirical – rational knowledge. In such a system, the world was full of ghosts and spirits of various kinds, mostly the outcome of ignorant imagination and distorted understanding of the truths. Helpless against the forces of nature, precariousness of his own survival, he began to develop his little relative world view of existence. In that world view medicine was an integral part, everything he could not explain was the work of a god in some dimension sometime referred as heaven .

  6. Ancient medicine that emerged in any part of the world was primarily a magico – religio system, this can be seen from the Coan, Cnidian, Atreya – Charaka or other traditional medicine system of the world of antiquity. As human knowledge advanced, empirico – rational knowledge was added and finally it dominated the world of medicine with the beginning of renaissance. From then on we have witnessed the domination of the emprico – rational method, propelled by the scientific method of the physical sciences beginning around the 16th century AD. The abstract and non physical laws of nature were sidelined, and medical science evolved into a powerful physical science which included the physical understanding of the body.

  7. Physiology, pharmacology, pathology dominated the science of medicine, which is now referred to as allopathy or modern western bio- medicine. The domination of physical laws was so complete, that it has become primarily a physical science devoid of the ontological[1] aspects of the human being. This discrepancy is now obscured by the "magic and domination "of the allopathic chemotherapeutic medicine, where the creation of chemical modalities, with thousands of chemical drugs developed and modified, to treat various illness that has affected the human race. The trillion dollar chemical drug industry has become a corporate master and a dictator, hurling down any attempt to replace it with other safer or natural modalities. Authority itself has become a serious hindrance to progress and development .[2]This is the state of affairs of natural healthcare and medicine. It is this paradox that has brought anxiety and confusion amongst the people, which, in turn, has prompted them to seek safer alternatives and natural options for health empowerment and healing.

  8. 3. The Challenge of the “ Privileged Frame of Reference“ . The “ privileged frame of reference” currently used in the world of modern bio-medicine is based on the Cartesian –Newtonian mechanistic world view of the cosmos. It is from this worldview the scientific method has been formulated, and the scientific method is now used in medicine for the purpose of research and study. This scientific method is both physical and mechanistic, only measurable parameters are used in the system of research and study. The authorities have made this the only acceptable system to arrive at the truth. The challenge now is to find out whether this system best represents reality or are there serious short comings which may ignore basic truth of reality. The challenge has become more widespread after the quantum theory[1] and the theory of relativity[2]was propounded early in the 20th century.The world of biomedical sciences is being challenged with an expanded understanding of the human life form. This challenge, still in its infancy, is beginning to gather momentum, impelled by the power of new relative truths discovered largely by the proponents of the quantum theory and the theory of relativity.

  9. The human being which was viewed as an objective physical creature is being replaced by the currently understood quantum cosmic worldview that human being is a process, a universal expanding phenomenon intrinsically related and connected with the entire universe. This current relative understanding has been elaborated by David Bohm –the co-worker of Albert Einstein. Bohm states , “ Ultimately the entire universe ( with all its ‘ particles ‘ including those constituting human beings, their laboratories, observing instrument, etc. ) has to be understood as a single undivided whole, in which analysis into separately and independently existent parts has no fundamental status.”

  10. With this new relative knowledge of human life brought to light, all instruments of research, be it in the field of pharmacognosy, herbal sciences, nutritional medicine, must be readjusted, refined and recreated to conform to the new epistemology within the new frame of reference and knowledge which describes the nature of human being as an expanding energy, mind and body system. The global challenge for pharmacognosy, or any related field of medicine or healthcare is to recreate its “ frame of reference” so that the new knowledge is incorporated to make a better relative truth. The protocols of research must take these intangible cosmic aspects into consideration, only then the findings of the research would have covered the affecting factors andparameters.

  11. If pharmacognosy has to play a contributive role, the educator, researchers must have the audacity, courage and perpetual determination to go beyond current limitations imposed by the authorities and discover things the world is yet to see, understand and use it for human progress and wellness. The challenge in this area then entails a critical analysis of the current methodology used in pharmacognosy research and the way authority protects and preserves it.. Albert Einstein believed strongly in “ authority slavery” as one of the biggest enemy of truth.

  12. The focus then is not who is right but what is right. We need this to be applied in pharmacognosy research. Who among us in this Conference are willing to be opposed, sued, ridiculed and humiliated and with scientific heroism take up the challenge and prove his obedience to truth instead of remaining a slave to authority. The real challenge is actually to achieve the freedom from the fetters of those who control the system of knowledge well enshrined in their privileged frame of reference

  13. Those who wish to reform the science of medicine must have the audacity to step out of the privileged frame of reference and conduct self directed research and prove the worthiness of natural products as powerful healing substances. Single and double blind studies must be reexamined, its flaws exposed and more realistic systems of study based on “real time outcome driven and safety centered” must be conducted to arrive at a more accurate exposure of medical reality. The challenge is to do the right thing( discovery) and not things right (authority).

  14. The challenge also revolves around the advent and Inception of Quantum knowledge and Relativity. All established instruments of inquiry which were perceived as the state of the art, including those of the scientific method, such as single blind, double blind or randomized studies in the field of health and medicine, have been rendered faulty to discover the greater truth about human life. Theheterogenous nature of the human life form becomes a central factor in studying the science of healing. It is this new understanding of the human being as a natural expanding and changing process or phenomenon invalidates the randomized study trialswhere human beings under study are made as standard and as similar as possible.From the cosmic dimension, the mind becomes the primary instrument of inquiry. Both the “ human “ and the “being” becomes the object of investigation, as opposed to the human component alone.

  15. Discovery results from scientific observation not from instruction by authorities. This fact finds meaning in the statement on the creation of new knowledge through research by Leonardo Da Vinci. [1] This principle is further reinforced by Albert Einstein and Werner Heisenberg . “The relationship of scientific observation was the subject of an interchange between two of the 20th century’s eminent scientists, Albert Einstein and Werner Heisenberg. Heisenberg relates how he as a young scientist initially met Einstein. While discussing how the scientific endeavor proceeds and how scientists go about their work, Einstein discounted Heisenberg’s view which expressed the traditional belief that scientists observe measure and then form conclusions dispassionately from the data thus collected . Einstein contended that the reverse is true, that the scientist begins with a belief or model, and that his preconceived view determines to a major extent what is observed.”

  16. BEYOND SCIENTIFIC REDUCTIONISM The challenge also calls for going beyond scientific reductionism which has become the hallmark of bio-medicIne. Protocols of study such as the single and double blind randomized trials in the study of chemical drug substances and medical procedures, which relies largely on quantifiable parameters will not reveal the relative quality of truth of a particular phenomenon. David Bohm points out : “… no scientific proof is absolute. We know, for example, that scientific proof apply to only certain areas of the universe, and that they rest on the assumption that all territory in the universe works the same as it does in our local sphere. “

  17. The new frontier in medical research is to focus on varying clinical outcome in real life situation and then draw certain general and relative conclusions as to the clinical value of a product. The challenge is the creation of the true man of science. The very objective of research is to expand our understanding of truth, explaining a phenomenon yet to be understood, findings ways and means to solve a problem or improve the quality or improving the quality of what has been created through earlier research work. Controlled clinical trial is claimed as the inexorable and unchallengeable instrument of medical research today; but what is the quality of healthcare and clinical value it has created. What are its strength and weakness? The main strength of CCT is not its inherent loyalty to science and truth, though it started with this core value as its guiding principle. Today the strength of this biomedical instrument of research is not by the power of truth but by the power of money. Can we produce good and safe medicine from this type of research. Far from it.

  18. Recreating the Conventional trials becomes another challenge for medicine, specifically pharmacognosy. Harris Coulter PhD. Founder and Director of the Center for Empirical Medicine in Washington and also the author of the report “The Controlled Trials ; an Analysis” states that by their inherent nature, CCT cannot guarantee safety or efficacy, yet are nonetheless used as a stick to beat alternative medicine for failing to perform these trials. “

  19. 4.The challenge of product and the “doctrine of signatures” in pharmacology and medicine The two of the three aspects of the human being, ie. the energy and the mind can be managed by verbal communication therapy, through the empowerment of motivation and confidence for the client or patient. But the physical aspect, the body is basically a dynamic chemical processes and cycles involving more than 7000 odd bio-active substances, some created by the body, others absorbed from the eaten food. Bodily health is best maintained when these operating chemicals are always available to the body in optimum quantum throughout the life process.

  20. Pharmacology or pharmacognosy works on the premise that for each dysfunction a chemical exists in nature or can be created in the laboratory. One chemical for one problem, this more akin to the doctrine of signatures, this concept is well entrenched in the physical worldview and embedded well in the privileged frame of reference of the scientific system.

  21. In the light of the cosmic -quantum – relativity knowledge system, the body is a composite, interactive system involving thousands of bio-active chemicals, both the ontological and physiological aspects are interdependent and connected not only within the human system but with the entire universe or cosmos. In this approach no human being is born equal genetically, and no human being undergoes similar life process. In this dynamic condition health is momentary, ongoing change both ontologically and physiologically is the reality of the human being. The bio-chemical imbalance if prolonged will lead to weakness and dysfunction and slowly lead to a disease state. The challenge for us now is how to develop products which takes care of the optimum bio-chemical balance continuously so that the bio-chemical balance is not disrupted. To develop a composite products which can cover the entire spectrum of bioactive substances throughout life will be a better option rather than looking for one product for one problem.

  22. The safety hierarchy of products for healthcare and medicine can be represented as follows:

  23. It is very clear that the poisons dominate globally in medicine, the challenge is to downsize chemical therapeutics, reduce medicated population to healthy population. This entails the need to develop natural products which can replace therapeutic poison based products, which will involve confrontation with the authority that protects the privileged frame of reference.

  24. In this area, our Research and Study Center at AK Pharmacy and Naturopathy, with a team of Naturopath and medical doctors, developed full spectrum Highly Active Micro-Nutrient formulae both, for proactive and preventive healthcare and healing. The products were developed from edible seeds, beans and spices which in nature has got the most number of health empowering bioactive principles and has been proven totally safe for human consumption through the civilization process.

  25. We have documented outcomes of thousands of real-time outcome driven case studies with visual evidence through video recording, using these products, which has proven that full spectrum nutrient products has the power not only for optimization for health but for healing diseases. These real-time outcome driven studies have given enough evidence to warrant for extended studies. Some of these studies have been done with private Universities and they are published in our official website amriasia .com.

  26. These real time outcome driven studies have proven that, optimization of human health and healing can be done by keeping the operating bio-chemicals at optimum levels. Immunity can be boosted, healing power and process enhanced, the efficiency of bio-chemical metabolic process can be improved greatly. Case studies have been done extensively through more than 100,000 patients who have consulted our Center.

  27. Studies have been done for the following disease states with good success: Dengue Fever and Dengue H. Fever HIV/AIDS : Ten year ongoing study involving more than 100 patients. Both integrated with HAART and solely natural medicine for non- progressors. HINI – Study done on limited number of patients with good success. Viral Hepatitis A,B : Indivdualized case studies. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: Improved outcomes compared to taking allopathic anti-diabetic agents alone, based on the concept of bio- energernomics and the usage of Highly Active Micro Nutrient formulae by 5000 Diabetics who have visited our Center. Chronic renal failure with more than 150 near dialysis patient, with more than 50% success in delaying dialysis, some with significant improvement in kidney function that did not warrant dialysis. Individualised studies on ITP and SLE with good results. Case studies and patient information are available on written request. Individualised studies on rheumatic disorders with significant positive outcome.

  28. 6. The future of Human Healthcare and Medicine Clements Bezold, the founder of the Institute for Alternative Futures think tank prepared a revealing report on Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 1998. The summary of his findings of the futuristic medical horizon included the following changes . Health will be increasingly driven by outcomes . Practitioners will be “ outcome generators” and their performances will be tightly tied to producing positive results. Consumers will judge treatments by the outcomes. Outcome measures will reinforce better functional results, long term efficacy, minimal side effects with cost effectiveness. Because patients generally want less invasive therapies, over treatment by aggressive practices such as chemotherapy that do not produce good permanent outcomes is vulnerable to curtailment , merely on economic grounds alone. Mounting environmental concerns will continue to drive research showing how toxins defeat and weaken the immune system, and the definition of outcomes will broaden to include proactive precautionary prevention . The future orientation of a group such as the American cancer society may shift towards promoting wide range cancer prevention strategies, while providing public information on the panoply of justifiable complementary and alternative treatment approaches.

  29. Public Health spending will be under pressure to reflect these priorities, while the large market for alternative therapies will amplify corporate engagement. There will a trend towards “customization “ individualizing therapies to the singular needs of patient based on the fact that no human is genetically born and lives the same way as any other person. The advent of treatment uniquely tailored to genetic matches will accelerate these tendency. Because customization is consistent with the nature of most alternative therapies , alternatives will ride the trend. Medicine will become more patient centered, expanding to include patient’s values, belief systems and subjective responses.

  30. Restrictive Medical Regulations will decline. Clinical trials will wane in the face of increased emphasis on outcomes from less expensive and less cumbersome models such as the best case series and advanced computer modeling. The cost savings of alternative treatments will be a major factor in their ongoing acceptance. Freedom of medical choice will emerge as a compelling political issue in tune with market economics, customization and patient demand. Immunotherapies will continue to move center stage among therapeutic Approaches.

  31. General conclusion The conventional state of scientific knowledge is situational and relative and there is always a greater part of truth to be discovered with the expansion of the understanding of human medical reality. Medical reality must dictate the direction of researchers, not medical authorities stifling efforts, to expand man’s understanding of medical and health truths. The power of truth must triumph in every human endeavour in his effort to unravel the mysteries of human health and medicine.

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