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Eko-Mobilnost Conference Beograd , 20/09/2013 PÁMER Zoltán STRDA Nonprofit Ltd.

Iron Curtain Trail Sustainable mobility along the the Eurovelo 13 – the Iron Curtain Trail Odr živa mobilnost duž Evropske staze EV 13 – Staze Gvozdene zavese. Eko-Mobilnost Conference Beograd , 20/09/2013 PÁMER Zoltán STRDA Nonprofit Ltd. About the project / O projektu.

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Eko-Mobilnost Conference Beograd , 20/09/2013 PÁMER Zoltán STRDA Nonprofit Ltd.

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  1. Iron Curtain TrailSustainable mobility along the the Eurovelo 13 – the Iron Curtain TrailOdrživa mobilnost duž Evropske staze EV 13 – Staze Gvozdene zavese Eko-MobilnostConference Beograd, 20/09/2013 PÁMER Zoltán STRDA Nonprofit Ltd.

  2. About the project / O projektu • Route along the former Iron Curtain / Ruta duž bivše Gvozdene zavese; • Approx. 7000 km; • 20 countries / zemalja – 14 EU member states / članice EU-a; • Initiator / Inicijator: Michael Cramer MEP; • Including the border of Hungary and Croatia / Uključuje granicu Mađarske i Hrvatske te Mađarske i Srbije; • Peculiarities: interesting recent history, preserved environment / Specifičnosti: zanimljiva savremena istorija, očuvana životna sredina.

  3. Eurovelo 13 • Network coordinatedbythe European Cyclist Federation / Mreža se koordinišeod Evropskebiciklističke federacije; • EP initiative: integration of Eurovelo into the TEN-T / Inicijativa EP-a: integrisanjeEurovelo-a u TEN-T; • Increasing number of cycling tourists from Western Europe / PovećajućibrojturistabiciklistaizZapadne Evrope.

  4. ICT project • Co-financed by ERDF through the Southeast Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme / Sufinansiran od ERDF-a, kroz transnacionalnog programa saradnje SEE • Duration / Trajanje: 10/2012 – 9/2014; • Project size / Razmer: 1 403 441,05 EUR • Objectives / Ciljevi: • Improvement of the accessibility of Southeast Europe on bike / Poboljšavanje prilika dostupnosti jugoistočne Evrope biciklom; • Establishment of linkages between cycling and public transport / Uspostavljanje veza među biciklističkim saobraćajem i javnim prevozom; • Connection of the regions of Southeast Europe with bicycle route on European scale / Povezivanje jugoistočne Evrope sa biciklističkom rutom na evropskoj razini; • Promotion of the idea of sustainable transport / Promocija ideje održivog saobraćaja; • Exchange of experiences / Razmena iskustava.

  5. ICT project • Partners / Partneri Austria (1), Bulgaria (3), Greece (2), Hungary (4), Romania (1), Slovakia (1), Slovenia (1), Croatia (1), FYR Macedonia (1), Serbia (1). • Work packages / Radnipaketi: • Management • Project communication; • Analysis and planning / Analizaiplaniranje; • Development of sustainable mobility offers / Izradaponudazaodrživumobilnost; • Promotion and external communication / Promocijaivanjskakomunikacija; • Exchange of experiences, know-how transfer / Razmenaiskustvai transfer znanja.

  6. ICT project Technical tasks / Tehničkezadaće u projektu: • Elaboration of analysis methodology / Izradametodologijezaanalizu; • Collection of good practices / Prikupljanjeprimeradobreprakse; • Analysis of the potential, definition of the final itinerary of the route / Analizapotencijalneidefinisanjekrajnetraseruta; • Feasibility studies for distinctive pilot sections / Studije izvedivostizanekepojedinepilotne deonice; • Feasibility studies for combined transport services / Studijeizvedivostizanačine kombinovanogprevoza; • Elaboration of combined, sustainable tourism offers / Izradakombinovanih, održivihturističkihponuda paketa; • Study trips / Studijskaputovanja. • Elaboration of monitoring and evaluation methodology for Eurovelo routes / Izradametodologijeza monitoring ievaluacijurutaEurovelo-a.

  7. ICT project Promotional activities / Promidžbene aktivnosti: • Transnational and regional communication plans / Transnacionalni i regionalni komunikacijski planovi; • Eurovelo 13 web portal; • Regional web portals / Regionalne web stranice; • Printing of promotional materials / Štampanje promidžbenih materijala; • Promotional events (conferences, local events) / Promidžbene manifestacije (konferencije, lokalni događaji).

  8. ICT project Task to be completed / Zadaća: • Definition of itinerary in the border area of 15 km / Definisanje ruta u pograničnoj zoni, u pojasu od 15 km; • When route would go along the Drava, Eurovelo route may be signposted on both sides / Gde ruta ide uz Dravu, trasamože da bude označena na obe strane. • But / ali • From the West to Barcs no route on the Hungarian side / Od zapada prema Barču nema rute na mađarskoj strani.

  9. ICT project Premises / Prethodnice: • Danube Route (Eurovelo 6); • Drava Route (Legrad-Pitomača); • Three Rivers Cycling Route / Staza “Tri reke” (HU); • Drava Bike Tours (HR); • PannonPeaceRoute / Panonski put mira (SR-HR); • Operational Programme for South Transdanubia (ERDF) / Operativni program JužnogZadunavlja. Projects under way / Projekti u toku(HU-HR IPA CBC): • Mohács—Sátorhely (E73), BeliManastir, Belišće (internal sections), Osijek along the Drava; • Pitomača —Terezinopolje (HR); • Szentborbás—Tótújfalu (HU); • Terezinopolje—Sopje—Noskovci (HR)

  10. Eurovelo 6 • Crosses the Danube in Mohács / Prelazi Dunav kod Mohača; • Section to the border non-existent / Deonica prema granici ne postoji (E73).

  11. Three Rivers Bicycle Route / Ruta “Tri reke”

  12. Sections investigated / Analizovane deonice

  13. Proposed route / Predložena trasa

  14. Projects under way / Projekti u toku • Barcs area • Pitomača—Terezino Polje (state border); • Soon: Tótujfalu—Szentborbás (alternative route on the dike) • To be solved / Potrebno rešiti (ICT): Barcs—Drávatamási.

  15. Projects under way / Projekti u toku • Mohács area • New cycle road along he road E73 (5703-56 intersection to Mohács) / Nova posebna staza uz magistralni put E73 (presek 5703-56 do Mohača); • To be solved: 5703-56 intersection – state border / Potreno rešiti : presek 5703-56 – državna granica; • To be solved: State border – Duboševica intersection / Potrebno rešenje: od granice do preseka D7-Ž4011.

  16. Projectsunderway / Projekti u toku BICBC projekt Section of the route „Three Rivers” / Deonica rute „Tri rijeke”. Section soon to be completed / Uskoro izgrađena nova trasa uz magistralu E73.

  17. Thank you for your attention Hvala na pažnji www.ict13.eu +36 72 513761 pamer.zoltan@deldunantul.eu

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