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Isolation Class 10

Isolation Class 10 . Last Class. Preventing the spread of infection. What do we do when a client has a highly infectious disease?. Specific Infection Control Policies. Isolation – the principle is to create a physical barrier that prevents the transfer of microorganisms.

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Isolation Class 10

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  1. Isolation Class 10 Last Class

  2. Preventing the spread of infection • What do we do when a client has a highly infectious disease?

  3. Specific Infection Control Policies • Isolation – the principle is to create a physical barrier that prevents the transfer of microorganisms.

  4. What are appropriate barriers? Depending on - • Organism Transmission • Airborne • Vehicle • Contact • Direct • Indirect • Droplet

  5. Types of Barriers • PPE (personal protective equipment) • Gowns • Gloves • Masks • Eyewear

  6. Each institution is required to have infection control policies and guidelines.

  7. What about when we don’t know? • 3 systems • Universal precautions • Body substance precautions • Standard precautions

  8. Precautions to guard against the unknown • Apply to everyone • General public • May or may not carry an infection

  9. History Lesson • Initially concerned with patient to patient • Followed by concern for health care professionals • 1970 – Hepatitis B • 1987 – HIV • Universal precautions by Center for Disease Control (CDC)

  10. Universal precautions Stated : All blood & body flds should be treated as potentially infectious.

  11. Body Substance Isolation (BSI) • Infection control practitioners in Seattle and SanDiego • Canada adopted policy but renamed it Body Substance Precautions (BSP)

  12. Standard Precautions • 1996- newest guidelines by CDC combined the major features of universal precautions & BSP

  13. 2 Tier System • 1996 CDC new guidelines

  14. 1st Tier – Standard Precautions • Most important • Universal precautions + BSP • Applies to everyone • Primary strategies for prevention of infection • Standard precautions • Blood, body flds., nonintact skin, mucus membranes

  15. 2nd Tier • Specific infections/diagnosis • Droplet, airborne, contact with contaminated surface

  16. 3 Types Transmission Based Precautions • Airborne, droplet, contact • Some infections combination (chicken pox) • These extra precautions are in addition to Standard Precautions

  17. Airborne • Travels on small particles • Air currents • Portal of entry – nose, mouth, mucus membranes • Measles, chicken pox, TB

  18. Requirements for Airborne • Negative pressure room – door closed • TB = HEPA filter • Do not enter if not immune to measles/chickenpox • Client wears mask when required to leave room

  19. Droplet • Large droplets of moisture • Coughing, sneezing, talking • Travels 3 ft. or less • Enters nose / mouth • Mumps, pertusis, influenza • Private room • Staff regular mask for 3 ft. • Client mask for transport

  20. Contact • Dry skin to dry skin = Direct • Dry skin to object = Indirect • Impetigo, herpes zoster, scabies • Gloves – for direct care or touching anything in the room • Private room or semi if cohort has same diagnosis

  21. Remove gloves prior to exiting and wash hands • Gown for • patient contact • Changing linen • Handling objects in the room

  22. Remove gown prior to exiting • Wash hands • Careful clothing does not touch room surfaces

  23. Protective Isolation / Reverse isolation • Compromised or suppressed immune system • Highly susceptible to infections • Protection from environmental pathogens

  24. Protective Isolation / Reverse isolation What do you need ? • Private room – door closed • Gown, mask, gloves if direct contact • Wash hands • No plants / flowers

  25. Procedure • Before instituting • EXPLAIN to client & family • Disease • Purpose of isolation • Steps to follow • Time frame

  26. Room Preparation • Private with BR facilities • Sign on door • Isolation cart outside door • Laundry hamper in room • Waste basket with plastic bag • Thermometer, B/P cuff, stethoscope in room • Sharps receptacle

  27. Be organized • Gather equipment prior to entering room • Remove rings and wash hands • Don PPE • Gown usually disposable • Gloves up over cuff of gown

  28. Put your watch in a plastic bag if no clock in room • Linen is placed in a water soluble bag & then cream/yellow bag • No special treatment for dishes / trays

  29. Exiting Room • Untie gown at waist • Remove gloves properly • Remove mask • Untie gown at neck, drop over shoulders, don’t touch outside, fold inwards, and discard

  30. Exiting Room • Wash hands • Use paper towel on door handle • Wash hands again outside room Important to do as much client care as you can while you are in the room….CLUSTER ACTIVITY.

  31. Basic Principles • Wash hands prior to entering & exiting room • Careful disposal of contaminated materials • Knowledge of disease and mode of transmission • Protection of client and public during transport

  32. Client Consideration • Isolation • Loneliness • Self – esteem, body image • Boredom

  33. Sterile Technique / Surgical Asepsis Purpose – to eliminate all microorganisms from objects that come into contact with the tissues of the body that are normally sterile.

  34. Practice Areas • Operating room • Labor and delivery • Major diagnostic area • At the bedside in 3 main situations • Procedures requiring intentional perforation of the skin

  35. When the skin’s integrity is broken due to surgery or burns • During procedures involving insertion of devices into normally sterile body cavities

  36. Any break in technique could result in contamination increasing clients risk for infection.

  37. Methods of Sterilization • Steam – most common • Dry heat • Ethylene oxide gas • Chemicals • Indicator of sterility – • tape on pkg. turns color or forms lines • Expiration Date

  38. Moist heat /steam Radiation Autoclave- instruments, parental solutions, dressings Drugs, foods, heat sensitive items Examples of sterilization processes

  39. Chemicals All types microorganisms Rapid action Work with water Stable in heat & light Inexpensive Not harmful to body tissue Instruments Glass thermometers Ex. Chlorine – used to disinfect water & for housekeeping purposes Examples of sterilization processes

  40. Ethylene oxide gas Destroys microorganisms by altering cells’ metabolic processes. Rubber Plastic Examples of sterilization processes

  41. Boiling water Cheap Imp. – bacterial spores andsome viruses resist boiling. Not used in hospitals! Items should be boiled for at least 15 min. Examples of sterilization processes

  42. Practical Exam • Prepare a sterile field • Add an item • Add a liquid • Don sterile gloves

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