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Green Roofs. Thomas Mickens Trudyann Buckley Victoria Mordan. How does a Green Roof Work?. The roofing membrane provides the important waterproofing layer in every green roof. The compound prevents plant roots from appearing beneath the waterproofing membrane.
Green Roofs Thomas Mickens Trudyann Buckley Victoria Mordan
How does a Green Roof Work? • The roofing membrane provides the important waterproofing layer in every green roof. • The compound prevents plant roots from appearing beneath the waterproofing membrane. • The soil absorbs and retains storm water in a controlled manner to make the plants healthier. • The surface layer of plant life is made to meet certain requirements of individual applications. Mickens
How Green Roofs Address Storm Water • When rain falls on forested and open land, water goes through its natural cycle. • Approximately 40% of the storm water is almost immediately returned into the atmosphere through transpiration. • A Green Roof build-up reduces the water run-off to 50-10%. Mickens
Examples of Effective Usage • Lincoln Park Zoo –Chicago • City Hall –Chicago Buckley
Examples of Effective Usage[continued] • Library –Kansas City • Asbury Woods Nature Center –Erie, PA Buckley
Cons of Green Roofs • Heavy! • Can be pricey. • Planting on a sloped roof needs extra erosion control, which is expensive. • Maintenance is likely to increase compared to normal roofing. Buckley
Pros of Green Roofs • Reduce and delay Storm Water Runoff. • Improve air quality by reducing CO2. • Reduce heat in urban areas. • Partially compensate for landscape lost to development. Buckley
Materials Needed to Install a Green Roof -Garden supplies (this includes soil) -Plants -Maintenance, transportation, and city permits -Irrigation and drainage systems -Time -Contractors -Fertilizer -Roof -Insulation Note: Before green roof installation can begin, hire a licensed structural engineer or architect to determine if any upgrades are needed. Mordan
Methods for installing a Green Roof • Hire structural analysis consultants. • Choose the site. • Obtain required permits from the Department of Construction and Permits. • Research green roofs designers and installation companies. • Determine the type of Green Roof. • Select Plants. • Work out irrigation system. and finally… • Pay for it all. Mordan
The End http://whereisguillaume.blogspot.com/ Thank you for watching. http://www.temple.edu/env-stud/seniorsem/section3C.htm http://www.creggancountrypark.com/Uploads/green%20roof.jpg http://ecoroofsystems.com/grnRoof_files/c_grnRoof.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_roof http://www.gorsethkernow.org.uk/images/news/tremough.jpg http://www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/pdfs/fta_green_roofs.pdf http://www.roofsystemsconsultants.com/images/TypicalDetail.jpg http://www.temple.edu/env-stud/seniorsem/section3C.htm http://www.glwi.uwm.edu/research/genomics/ecoli/greenroof/roofinstall.php http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V23-4KRY8NX-1&_user=10&_coverDate=07%2F31%2F2007&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=0f30edb71617c4f49f395220779d9cd1 Mordan and Buckley