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US-Japan Workshop on Power Plant Studies and Related Advanced Technologies with EU Participation. Fusion energy introduction: Impacts on grid and hydrogen production. Satoshi Konishi and Yasushi Yamamoto, Institute for Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Jan.25, 2006. Contents
US-Japan Workshop on Power Plant Studies and Related Advanced Technologies with EU Participation Fusion energy introduction: Impacts on grid and hydrogen production Satoshi Konishi and Yasushi Yamamoto, Institute for Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Jan.25, 2006 Contents 1.Introduction of fusion electricity and its impact on grids 2.Hydrogen production by fusion update Photo by K. Okano
Introduction Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University In order to maximize the market chance of fusion, we study 0. Socio-economic aspects of fusion 1. Improvement in adoptability to electricity grid 2. Development of hydrogen production process 3. High temperature blanket with SiC-LiPb system.
1. Study on the impacts on grids Startup power Grid capacity and sources Future trends
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Energy flows in fusion reactor Grid • Q=50, Pi=60MW → auxiliary power ratio = ~13% Pc=Pi+Pa Pth=Pc+MPn 3372MW Pa =Pf /5 Pnet=(1-e)Pe Pn 1250MW Generator he Blanket M Plasma Q Pe=hePth Pf +Pi 1.13 0.4 MPn 1450MW 3060MW Driving System hd Pd Pcir=ePee Pi = hd Pd 120MW 200MW 60MW 0.5 Auxiliary System hanc Paux ~5% 80MW • Fusion needs power to start and continue to run.
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Auxiliary power in power plants Coal Oil Nuclear Fusion Current drive / Auxiliary heating Coal crusher Tritium handing Coal feeder Oil feeding pump Magnet cooling Exhaust gas treatment system Recirculation pump Condensate water pump Cooling water pump Control system Others
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Auxiliary power ratio of various system Source: 内山洋司;発電システムのライフサイクル分析,研究報告,(財)電力中央研究所(1995)
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Electric Grids • Electricity can not be stored. • Generation must respond to the demand. • Grid capacity is different for each regions • United States • Japan • Europe • Asia • Grid capacity changes time-to-time. • Response time of the grid is limited.
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Electric grid capacities UTPTE ~270GW Eastern Grid ~500GW East Japan ~80GW Vietnam ~8GW Western Grid ~140GW West Japan ~100GW Texas Grid ~53GW Thailand ~20GW Physics Today, vol.55, No.4 (2002)
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Electric Grid in Japan –Structure – Comb structure due to geographical reason Hokkaido 5,345MW 579MW Utility Name Max. demand (~2003) Largest Unit (Nuclear) DC connection 600MW Tohoku 14,489MW 825MW Hokuriku 5,508MW 540MW West Japan Grid 60Hz, ~100GW 600MW Kyushu 17,061MW 1,180MW Kansai 33,060MW 1,180MW Chubu 27,500MW 1,380MW Tokyo 64,300MW 1,356MW Chugoku 12,002MW 820MW Shikoku 5,925MW 890MW 300MW East Japan Grid 50Hz, ~80GW
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Demand (GW) Hour Electric Grid in Japan • Grid capacity is almost a half of maximum at early morning. • Requirements different in each country.
Demands in the southasian countries Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University * Source JBIC report 18 • Vietnam • Thailand Peak Power (MW) Peak Power (MW) • Cambodia • Laos Peak Power (MW) Peak Power (MW)
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Fusion startup power Power demand in ITER standard operation scenario Active power P = ~300MW dP/dt = ~230MW/s Reactive power Q > 600MVA by on-site compensation Qgrid = ~ 400MVA
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Demand curve Sustained Element Demand Fringe element Cyclic element Time Spectrum of Demand change Power generation control > ~10min ELD or manual 3min< t < 10min AFC < ~3min governor of each UNIT (spinning reserve) < ~0.1min Self-regulating In Japan, usual value of spinning reserve is ~3% of total generation
Calculation model Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University • Calculation model Thermal Generator 10km 100km Transmission Line Hydroelectric Generator Demand 10km Fusion Reactor Reference Capacity : 1000MVA Transmission Voltage : 115kV System capacity : 7-15GWe Impedance per 100km : 0.0023+j0.0534[p.u.] Capacitance : jY/2 = j0.1076[p.u.]
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Frequency deviation by Fusion reactor startup 200MW/s 12GWe Grid 56GWe Grid Demand of active power Frequency deviation
Effects of load variation time Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Grid Capacity: 8.3GWe Load variation pattern Frequency deviation • Deviation becomes small with decrease of load variation rate • There exists large difference between 23MW/s and 77MW/s • At 5MW/s, generators response to the load increase.
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Influence to the power grid • Maximum Frequency Fluctuation [Hz] for 7GW grid • Maximum Frequency Fluctuation [Hz] for 15GW grid
Effects of maximum load value Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Grid Capacity: 8.3GWe Maximum load : 230MW Maximum load : 330MW ・When maximum load exceeds some value, large frequency deviation is observed. (Setting of spinning reserve configuration largely affects ) ・If variation rate is small, 330MW demand which is almost same as spinning reserve capacity, does not cause large frequency deviation.
Effects of grid configuration Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University • The grid capacity of 10-20GW is required to supply startup power of ITER like fusion reactor. In the small grid, more than the usual value (3% of total capacity) of spinning reserve is required • The influence also depends on the grid configuration, as response time of each power unit is different.
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Fusion role in the grid • Japan • Thailand
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 Kansai, Night -0.08 frequency(Hz) Kansai, daytime -0.10 Thai -0.12 -0.14 -0.16 0 10 20 30 time(sec) Difference in Grid Composition 35 Grid Capacity 30 Nuclear 25 Hydro Kansai, night : 14GWe Kansai, daytime : 30GWe Thai : 15GWe 20 Fossil fire output(GW) 15 10 5 Change of the Load 200MW, 200MW/sec 0 Kansai,night Thai Kansai,day Composition of grid ・Large and fast load affects grid. Small capacity cannot respond. ・Grid in Thailand is smaller than Kansai, but has more capacity to accept fusion load. Frequency change
Conclusion and suggestions Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Starting fusion plant can be a major impact on some small grids. - fusion must minimize startup demand. Response and reserve of the grid are different. - grids in developing countries could be suitable for fusion introduction. Fusion must study the characteristics of future customers. study “best mix” for each country.
Hydrogen market Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 25 Electricity Solid Fuel 20 Liquid Fuel Gaseous Fuel 15 Energy demand(GTOE) 10 5 0 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 Year Market 3 times larger than electricity Automobile ・Carbon-free fuels required - Exhausting fossil resources - Global warming and CO2 emission ・Future fuel use - Fuel cells for automobile - aircrafts ・Dispersed electricity system - Cogeneration - Fuel cell, - micro gas turbine (could be other synthetic fuels) Aircraft 2100 Substitute fewer than electricity source Example of Outlook of Global Energy Consumption by IPCC92a
Fusion can produce Hydrogen Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Proposed reaction : (C6H10O5 )+H2O+814kJ = 6CO+6H2 6CO+6H2O = 6H2+6CO2 18.6Mt/y waste←60Mt/inJapan Feeds 1.1M FCV /day or 17M FCV/year* ◯Processing capacity ・4240t/h waste 280t of H2 ◯endothermic reaction converts both biomass and fusion into fuel. ・2.5GWt 5.1GWe equivalent with FC(@70%) H2 280 t/h Heat exchange, Shift reaction CO2 3.1E+06 kg/h 2120 t/h biomass CO 2.0E+06 kg/h Fusion Reactor 2.5GWth H2 1.4E+05 kg/h H2O Chemical Reactor cooler Steam (640 t/h) He (*assuming 6kg/day or 460g/year, MITI,Japan) Turbine 1.16E+07 kg/h 600℃
Energy Eficiency Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University ◯amount of produced hydrogen from unit heat ・low temperature(300℃)generation → conventional electrolysis ・high temperature(900℃)generation → vapor electrolysis ・high temperature(900℃) → thermochemical production Hydrogen production electricity Energy consumption From 3GW heat efficiency 3 3 % 1 G W 2 8 6 kJ/ m o l 2 5 t / h 300C-electrolysis 5 0 % 1 . 5 G W 2 3 1 kJ/ m o l 4 4t /h 900C-SPE electrolysis 5 0 % 1 . 5 G W 1 8 1 kJ/ m o l 5 6t /h 900C-vapor electrolysis 6 0 kJ/ m o l 3 4 0t / h ー ー 900C-biomass
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 3.0 50% Gas flow rate 85ml/s Cellulose0.15g 2.5 H2 Vapor concentration 4% 2.0 Gas production [×10-3mol] 1.5 Conversion ratio CO 1.0 0.5 CO2 CH4 0 700 800 900 1000 1100 Temperature [℃] Conversion of Cellulose by Heat n(C6H10O5) + mH2O H2 + CO + HCs Current result is 37% conversion efficiency, w/o catalyst.
Heat Balance Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Absorbed heat was measured with endothermic reaction. Estimated heat efficiency was ca. 50%. (not limited by Carnot efficiency) Measure heat transfer was 19 kw/m2.
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Hydrogen Production by Fusion • Fusion can provide both high temperature heat and electricity • - Applicable for most of hydrogen production processes • There may be competitors… • As Electricity • -water electrolysis, SPE electrolysis: renewables, LWR • -Vapor electrolysis : HTGR • As heat • -Steam reforming:HTGR(800C), • -membrane reactor:FBR(600C) • -IS process :HTGR(950C) • -biomass decomposition: HTGR
Reactor Design Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Product (CO+H2) gas Waste Feed(×4) He (high temperature) He Char High temperature steam Reference reactor design Heat transfer pipes : 20mm diameter Heat exchange surface : 12.5m2/m3 Per unit volume. Height : 20m (reaction section : 10m) Diameter : 10m Heat flux : 19kw/m2 Total heat consumption : 170MW Processing rate :80t/hr (at 100% conversion) of cellulose (dry weight): 210t/hr (at 40% conversion) H2 production rate : 11 t/hr(at 100% efficiency) 4 t/hr(at 30% efficiency) With fusion reactor generating 2.5GW heat, 25 of above reactor can be operated.
Energy Source Options Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University For hydrogen production, some energy sources provide limited options. renewablesLWR fusion(HTGR) FBR Conv.electrolysis ○ ○ ○ ○ Vapor electrolysis ×× ○ × IS process ×× ○ × Steam reforming ×× ○ ? Biomass hydrogen ×× ○ ? Renewables (PV, wind, hydro) cannot provide heat. LWR temperature not suitable for chemical process. Fusion (with high temperature blanket) has stronger advantage in hydrogen production applications.
Advantage of fusion over other energy Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University ○Possible high temperature ・impossible for PV, wind or LWRs. ・higher than FBR. ・Equivalent to HTGR. ○Site and location, deployment in developing country ・less limitation of nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear proliferation. ・while nuclear policies differ by the governments, fusion is internationally pursued. ・possible location near industrial area. ・independent from natural circumstance.
Use of Fusion Heat Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Blanket and generation technology combination requires more consideration. Blanket option temperature technology efficiency challenge WCPB 300 ℃Rankine 33% proven HCPB/HCLL ~500℃Rankine ~40% proven Supercritical 500 ℃SCW >40% available DCLL~700℃ SC-CO2 ~50% GEN-IV LL-SiC900℃ SC-CO2 50% IHX? 900℃ Brayton ~60% GEN-IV 900℃ H2 ?? ?? Development of SiC-based intermediate heat exchanger started.
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 150 mill/kWh 145 resource 125 125 109 100 renewable 92 price 75 65 Possible Introduction price 50 technology year 25 0 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100 year When fusion will be used? Possible introduction price of Fusion : increases with time as fossil price increases. Current target of the development Fusion is introduced into the market at this crossover probably with fossil.
Investment and contribution factor Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 6.2% For R&D ・various sponsors provide funding ・fusion must look for sponsors from future market. is it electricity? sales Fission reactor case 1960 industry Basic research transfer Research institute utility Further competitiveness Research institutes improvements commercialization
basic commercial Research contribution R&D/ total sales Basic research applied research development Industry 5.4% 14.7% 26.0% 59.3% 40.7% Chemical 2.4% 8.1% 23.5% 68.4% 31.6% ceramics 1.9% 6.3% 15.7% 78.0% 22.0% steel 1.4% 4.0% 11.0% 85.0% 15.0% Metal 4.0% 5.4% 23.0% 71.6% 28.4% machinery 5.9% 5.8% 27.4% 66.7% 33.2% electrical Electronic/ 5.7% 2.7% 13.6% 83.8% 16.3% instruments 6.8% 4.0% 22.6% 73.5% 26.6% Fine machinery 8.4% 0.7% 4.3% 95.1% 5.0% softwares R&D budget to total sales
Conclusion Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Socio-economic study suggests more advantages and Technical challenges for fusion. For electricity generation, characteristics of fusion should be improved in terms of grid operation. Hydrogen production has advantage, but needs significant development. -market study -components and processes -material, tritium contamination High temperature blanket and energy application may be key issues.
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University What will happen in Reactor Design Studies International activities toward DEMO - Updated plasma data from physics - Concepts on timetable (within 25 years?) - “Broader Approach” activity Needs to respond to Socio-Economic requirements - safety - electricity cost and quality - hydrogen production Correlated technology developments - high temperature blankets - power conversion - high temperature divertor - tritium compatible power train