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Satoshi Konishi Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University

Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University. High Temperature Blanket and Its Socio-Economic Issues. Satoshi Konishi Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University. Contents - Fast track and Development Strategy in Japan - Power plant design - Hydrogen production

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Satoshi Konishi Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University

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  1. Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University High Temperature Blanket and Its Socio-Economic Issues Satoshi Konishi Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Contents - Fast track and Development Strategy in Japan - Power plant design - Hydrogen production - Safety and environmental impact

  2. Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Energy Demonstration in 2030? Technical feasibility Combined Demo-Proto steps Social feasibility Fast Track : the next step Fusion study is in the phase to show a concrete plan for Energy. -Power plant design and strategy following ITER are required. Common understanding ・Resource constraint (Energy) ・Global warming problem (Environment) ・Growth in developing countries (Economy) Strategy varies in each Parties due to different social requirements.

  3. Fast Track Discussion in Japan Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 2000 2010 2020 2030 Power Demo Design Concept Const. Test Generation ITER BPP Const. EPP TBM module1 module2 Tokamak High beta, long pulse Test IFMIF KEP Const. EVEDA New line 10dpa/y 20dpa/y RAF In pile irradiation 1/2 irrad. Full irrad. Evolution required In a same facility Drawn from Fast track working group in Japan, 2002,Dec.

  4. Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Government Public Outcome/benefit Government Damage/cost/ ”Externality” funding funding Outcome Future Social Demand Energy Supply Fusion Development Fusion Generation Technically feasible Other Energy Socially Required Previous Programs Researchers’ viewpoint Present Programs Social viewpoint • Socio-Economic Aspect of Fusion ・Future energy must respond to the demand of the society. ・Social and Economical feasibility of fusion depends on high temperature blanket and its feature.

  5. Power Plant Design Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University • -From the aspect of thermal plant design, • ONLY supercritical water turbine is the available option • From fire-powered plant technology. • -No steam plants available above 650 degree C. • Near Future Plants • -Reduced Activation Ferritic steels (RAFs) are expected as • blanket material candidates. • -Considering temperature range for RAFs, 500 C range • is maximum, and desirable for efficiency.

  6. Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Steam Generator Turbines Reheater Blanket Feed water heater (divertor heat) Tritiated water processing CVCS Feed water pump Booster pump Flow diagram of indirect cycle

  7. Thermal plant efficiency Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Direct cycle turbine train generates 1160MW of electricity. Thermal efficiency is estimated to be 41%.

  8. Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University directindirect He gas Main steam pressure25MPa 16.3MPa 10MPa Turbine temp. 500℃ 480℃ 500 ℃ Coolant flow rate1250kg/s 1260kg/s 1865kg/s Vapor flow rate 1250kg/s 1037kg/s 908kg/s Total generation 1200MW 1090MW 1028MW Thermal efficiency 41.4% 38.5% 35.3% Technical issuestritium insteam expansion coolant generator volume Comparison of Generation Cycles Other thermal Plants: BWRs – 33% PWRs – 34% Supercritical Fire – 47% Combined gas turbine - >60%

  9. Findings Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University -Supercritical water cycles is desirable and possible (technically difficult). - No gas turbine system is effective in temperature ~500 C. - With steam generator, gas cooled is less effective than water. - Plant design limited above 650 C. High temperature material does not guarantee economy. Improvements may be required in the DEMO generation. • Possible Advanced Plant Options • High temperature cycle can be planned with He gas turbine at ~900 C. • Only dual coolant LiPb blanket has possibility for high temperature in ITER/TBM. • At high temperature, use of heat for hydrogen production • may be an attractive choice.

  10. Fusion Contribution with hydrogen Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 30 actual estimated Renewable hydrogen renewables 20 Gton oil equivalent/year nuclear Fusion hydrogen gas Fusion electricity hydro 10 Unconventional gas oil Unconventional oil coal 0 1950 2050 1900 2000 2100 year

  11. Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Hydrogen Production by Fusion • Fusion can provide both high temperature heat and electricity • - Applicable for most of hydrogen production processes • As Electricity • -water electrolysis, SPE electrolysis: renewables, LWR • -Vapor electrolysis : HTGR • As heat • -Steam reforming:HTGR(800C), • -membrane reactor:FBR(600C) • -IS process :HTGR(950C) • -biomass decomposition: HTGR

  12. Energy Eficiency Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University ◯amount of produced hydrogen from unit heat   ・low temperature(300℃)generation → conventional electrolysis   ・high temperature(900℃)generation    → vapor electrolysis   ・high temperature(900℃) → thermochemical production Hydrogen production electricity Energy consumption From 3GW heat efficiency 3 3 % 1 G W 2 8 6 kJ/ m o l 2 5 t / h 300C-electrolysis 5 0 % 1 . 5 G W 2 3 1 kJ/ m o l 4 4t /h 900C-electrolysis 5 0 % 1 . 5 G W 1 8 1 kJ/ m o l 5 6t /h 900C-vapor electrolysis 6 0 kJ/ m o l 3 4 0t / h ー ー 900C-biomass

  13. Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Use of Heat for Hydrogen Production ◯Processing capacity: 3GWt   ・2500t/h waste 340t of H2 1.3x106 fuel cell vehicles (6kg/day) or 6.4 GWe (70% fc) H2 340 t/h Heat exchange, Shift reaction CO2 3.7E+06 kg/h 2500 t/h biomass CO 2.4E+06 kg/h Fusion Reactor 3GWth H2 1.7E+05 kg/h H2O Chemical Reactor cooler Steam (770 t/h) He Turbine 1.38E+07 kg/h 600℃

  14. Hydrogen from biomass and heat Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 30 30 [mol.%] [mol.%] 25 25 CO CO 2 2 20 20 CH CH 4 4 atoms combined in atoms combined in The experimental results of The experimental results of the change in carbon the change in carbon CO CO 15 15 carbonized gases carbonized gases 10 10 5 5 0 0 0.0005 0.0005 0.0010 0.0010 [mol] [mol] 0.0015 0.0015 mount of hydrogen mount of hydrogen 0.0020 0.0020 production production H H H by calculation by calculation by calculation 2 2 2 0.0025 0.0025 H H H by measurement by measurement by measurement A A 2 2 2 0.0030 0.0030 35 35 65 65 85 85 35 35 65 65 85 85 flow rate flow rate [cm [cm /min] /min] 3 3 4 4 5 5 st st eam concentration eam concentration [%] [%]

  15. D I S P O S A L B L A N K E T Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University RELEASE R E P R O C E S S I N G E X H A U S T SOLID WASTE D E C O N T A M I N A T I O N D E T R I T I A T I O N B L A N K E T O F S O L I D W A S T E S E X H A U S T S R E P L A C E M E N T E F F L U E N T S T R I T I U M B L A N K E T P R I M A R Y L O O P S E X T R A C T I O N P L A S M A E V A C U A T I O N P U R I F I C A T I O N T U R B I N E H X G E N E R A T O R F U E L I N G I S O T O P E S T O R A G E W A T E R S E P A R A T I O N D E T R I T I A T I O N L O A D I N G I N / O U T RELEASE S E C O N D A R Y L O O P S : 1 0 0 g t r i t i u m H i g h t e m p e r a t u r e , p r e s s u r e L a r g e p r o c e s s O u t o f p r i m a r y e n c l o s u r e E n v i r o n m e n t a l r e l e a s e Fusion safety and environmental impact  ①Solid Waste Impact pathway ②Tritium Release from Coolant ③Fuel Processing exhaust


  17. POWER BLANKET (example) Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University 780K supercritical water Li ceramic pebbles He/H2 sweep for tritium recovery High Temperature High Pressure Fine tubings Tritium Production 1st wall Cooling tubes Tritium Permeation could be ~100g day

  18. Normal release from Fusion Facility Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University t r i t i u m f l o w t r i t i u m l e a k / p e r m e a t i o n b u i l d i n g c o n f i n e m e n t P L A S M A s e c o n d a r y c o n f i n e m e n t T R I T I U M R E C O V E R Y G E N E R A T I O N B L A N K E T S Y S T E M P R I M A R Y P R I M A R Y L O O P C O O L A N T r e a c t o r b o u n d a r y C O O L A N T P R O C E S S - I N G S E C O N D A R Y L O O P S A I R D E T R I T I A T I O N P R I M A R Y L O O P C O O L A N T P R O C E S S T R I T I U M I N V E N T O R Y ( k g ) 1 0 . 5 T R I T I U M T H R O U G H P U T ( k g / d a y ) 3 0 0 . 5 6 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 T O T A L T H R O U G H P U T ( k g / d a y )  ・ Normal tritium will be dominated by release from coolant  ・ Largest detritiation system will be for coolant  ・ Fusion safety depends on ACTIVE system. Generalized fusion plant

  19. Generalized detritiation system Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University  ・Detritiation for power train will depends on blanket types.  ・Normal detritiation for coolant will handle emergency spill.  ・Safety control with active system is not site specific. HX Blanket Turbine tritium tritium Heat Heat Heat Heat Tritium recovery Tritium recovery Low concentration Tritium recovery Large throughput Large enrichment -broad concentration range Closed cycle cascade High concentration Quick return Once through

  20. Detritiation systems of Plant Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Processes large throughput, lower concentration Controls environmental release Operational continuously (including maintenance) Air Detritiation : - 1000 m3 / hour, possibly ci/m3 level - leak from generator, secondary loops, hot cell Water Detritiation : (isotope separation) - 100 m3 / day, possibly 1000 ci/m3 level, 100g/day? - driving turbine Solid Waste Detritiation : - 1 ton / day, possibly g / piece? - materials (lithium, berylium, Steel) recycle - needed both for resource and waste aspects.

  21. Tritium confinement Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University T R I T I U M I S C O N F I N E D W I T H I N E N C L O S U R E S A N D D E T R I T I A T I O N S Y S T E M S B U I L D I N G D E T R I T I A T I O N S Y S T E M V A C U U M Cryostat V E S S E L D E T R I T I A T I O N S Y S T E M H X T U R B I N E F U E L L O O P Power train will be driven with tritium containing medium. High temperature blanket will require improved permeation control. Pressurized gas may require additional expansion volume. For gas driven system, large Expanson volume may be needed. Expansion pool Expansion pool

  22. Emission from Fusion and Dose Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Impact pathway of tritium suggests ingestion will be dominant.

  23. Findings Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University • Fusion plant detritiation will be dominated by power • plant configuration. • - Normal tritium release will be controlled actively. • - Off-normal spill can be recovered with normal detritiation. • - High temperature plant will require improved tritium system. • Measurable tritium will be released in airborne form. • Tritium accumulates in environment (far smaller natural BG). • Ingestion dose will be dominant. • For long run, C-14 may be a concern.

  24. Conclusion Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Fusion development is in the phase to study market ・Fusion must find customers and meet their requests. ・Fusion must satisfy environmental and social issues. Development of advanced blanket is a key issue for fusion ・Economy - not just temperature, but to maximize market ・Environment - not just low activation, but best total cost and social value / least risk(Externality) Development strategy (road map) for blanket is needed. ・ITER and DEMO require 2 or more generations of blankets. ・staged improvement of blanket is planned with water-PB, and LiPb dual coolant concepts.

  25. Conclusion 2 Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University Possible blanket improvement ・Independent from large increment of plasma ・Continuous improvement can be reflected in blanket change. (Improvement in DEMO phase) ・Multiple paths to meet various needs are possible. ・Flexibility in development of entire fusion program is provided by blanket development. Fast Track

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