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This technical diary discusses the development of a formalism for modelling and analyzing dynamic reconfiguration of dependable real-time systems, with a focus on increasing flexibility, availability, and dependability. It explores the challenges, previous research, approach, and proposes a new formalism called CCSdp. Future work and additional materials are also discussed.
Development of a Formalism for Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic Reconfiguration of Dependable Real-Time Systems: A Technical Diary Anirban Bhattacharyya and John S. Fitzgerald 18th November 2008
Outline • Motivation • Development of CCSdp • Conclusions • Future Work • Additional Material
Background Competition is driving computing systems, including dependable real-time (DRT) systems, towards greater: flexibility, availability, and dependability. Dynamic reconfiguration can help to increase system flexibility, availability, and reliability. Formal methods can help to increase system predictability.
dynamic reconfiguration transactions configuration 2 • Case 2 configuration 1 dynamic reconfiguration transactions configuration 2 • Case 3 interactions (functional/temporal) configuration 1 normal transactions Dynamic Reconfiguration Cases real-time configuration 2 • Case 1 configuration 1
The problem: there is no adequate computational formalism for Case 3. Previous Research on Case 3 • Non-real-time distributed systems (e.g. Eternal [MMSN98]) • Mode change in pre-emptively scheduled avionics [TBW92] • Execution of optional components of a process [ABDSW96]
Approach • Formal modelling and verification to support predictability. • Mobile process algebra to model computational interactions. • Other kinds of modelling formalism are more problematic: • - Reconfiguration process not modelled (e.g. Garp and Δ-Grammar; CHAM). • - Interaction between reconfiguration and normal transactions not modelled (e.g. Garp and Δ-Grammar; CHAM; Z and VDM). • - Conceptual gap between system design and formalism (e.g. CHAM). • - Static configurations (e.g. CSP). • Equational reasoning and model checking for verification.
Modelling Requirements • The right process must be deleted. • The total number of processes must have a uniform upper bound. Only scheduling level tasks/processes are modelled.
Evaluation of P-1 Trials • Non-determinism causes problems: • wrong process can be deleted • infinite number of processes can be created • Fixes cause problems: • raising a signal introduces fictitious actions • semantics of sequential operator are unclear • process identity cannot avoid infinite processes and loses useful congruence properties • prioritising composition with P-1 is too inflexible
Backtracking from P-1 • Is process deletion the best starting point (i.e. the basic construct)? • Process replacement is the most important reconfiguration operation • Process replacement can model process deletion • What happens if process replacement is taken as the starting point?
Conclusions • Occam’s razor can be a very useful evaluation tool in developing a formalism. • Integrating evaluation into the development process of a formalism, and iterating this process using small case studies can be productive. • Fraction processes help to integrate the modelling of dynamic process reconfiguration and normal actions into a single formalism.
Future Work • Prove: strong bisimulation in CCSdp is a congruence; decidability of the congruence. • Iterate using a series of case studies: • Apply fraction processes to an asynchronous π-calculus, to model broadcasting processes. • Model process identity, to reconfigure concurrent processes selectively. • Add time, to model clocks and durations. • Model check, to verify safety properties. • Do you have ideas on case studies for me to model?
References I [ABDSW96] N. C. Audsley, A. Burns, R. I. Davis, D. J. Scholefield, and A. J. Wellings. Integrating optional software components into hard real-time systems. Software Engineering Journal, 11(3):133-140, 1996. [MDK93] J. Magee, N. Dulay, and J. Kramer. Structuring parallel and distributed programs. Software Engineering Journal (Special Issue), 8(2):73–82, 1993. [MMSN98] L. E. Moser, P. M. Melliar-Smith, and P. Narasimhan. Consistent object replication in the Eternal system. Theory and Practice of Object Systems, 4(2):81-92, 1998.
References II [SVK97] D. B. Stewart, R. A. Volpe, and P. K. Khosla. Design of Dynamically Reconfigurable Real-Time Software using Port-Based Objects. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 23(12):759-776, 1997. [TBW92] K. W. Tindell, A. Burns, and A. J. Wellings. Mode Changes in Priority Pre-emptive Scheduled Systems. In Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Real Time Systems Symposium, pages 100-109, 1992. [Ves94] S. Vestal. Mode Changes in a Real-Time Architecture Description Language. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Configurable Distributed Systems, pages 136-146, 1994.
References III [Wer97] M. Wermelinger. A Hierarchic Architecture Model for Dynamic Reconfiguration. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems, pages 243-254, 1997.