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Korea and Japan Gallery Walk: Comparing China's Influence in Heian Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia

In this activity, students will participate in a gallery walk to compare and analyze China's influence in Heian Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia. They will read academic comments, rotate to read others' ideas, and write their own comments. The activity also covers the Vikings and Magyars in the Early Middle Ages and the progression of the Middle Ages, including the High Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages.

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Korea and Japan Gallery Walk: Comparing China's Influence in Heian Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia

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  1. Finish anything with Korea and Japan

  2. Gallery walk • Write 4 total academic comments total • Academic means: • I agree, but would add on..... • I disagree because.... • Info wrong because...... • A counter argument to this is..... • This is similar to [insert academic fact or idea]

  3. After: • Get sticky notes from teacher, and on YOUR OWN poster: • Write 3 comments on how China’s influence on Heian Japan were similar and/or different to China’s influence on Korea and S.E Asia • Rotate around to read other ppl’s ideas

  4. Review: Who had the most power in Heian Japan society/gov’t?

  5. Second half of warm up page, X out Pg 58

  6. PG 61 Vikings and Magyars • Early middle Ages = Franks (Merovingian's & Carolingians), Magyars, Vikings • Magyars: Ancestors of the Hungarians • Raid Europe from Denmark to Iberian Peninsula. • Weakens the Carolingians and Italy • 800’s Otto of Holy Roman Empire in Germany defeats the Magyar army. • Magyar King Stephen I converts to Christianity and crowned king of Hungary by Pope

  7. Vikings • Start in Norway, Sweden Denmark journeys to Iceland, Greenland, N. America, • Raid and pillage England, Scotland --> reputation earned • Settle down b/c period of warming = more viable farmland land in the north • Period of warming & Vikings stopping raids helps Europe enter its HIGH MIDDLE AGES ERA • Also the crusades open up trade • And the Hanseatic League, made first by cities to defend trade against Vikings, now becomes a trading league in Northern Europe • The founders of KievanRus (Russia) were probably some parts Vikings • 1066 (right at the beg. of high middle ages) ends the Viking Era

  8. Viking Long ships • Can travel deep coastal waters AND rivers  best European boats at the time! • Can move up to 15 knots • 100 or more ships would be used at the same time for raids • Hull: Clinker method

  9. Viking ships video • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yB4s3nQtZqE

  10. Pg 62: Progression of the middle agesPASTE HANDOUT

  11. HIGH MIDDLE AGES LATE MIDDLE AGES • EARLY MIDDLE AGES • Church Important • Power of Pope & Lords • Low Literacy • Rural • Feudalism starts • Franks (Merovingians & Charlemagne) • Vikings, Magyars

  12. On the bottom third of the pg “High Middle Ages are characterized by” • Growing trade lead to the rise of larger towns and cities  this leads to more people living in towns and cities  and therefore new ranks in society that confused the feudal system • Burgher:merchant class, town dwellers • Guild system: workers inside the towns • More trade also meant more money the kings and churches could use to build new sweeping cathedrals and other buildings using gothic architecture

  13. Changes in medieval society, early to high MA • As a group, in expo, respond to how these changes on the group class set handout(that happen in the High middle ages) would change the high middle ages. • Ie what is their effect?

  14. Progression of Middle Ages • HIGH MIDDLE AGES • Vikings settled • Gothic Architecture • Crusades • Rapid population growth (3 field sys) • Urbanization (commercial rev) • Rise of Guilds and trade(Hanseatic League) • Power of Kings START to increase LATE MIDDLE AGES • EARLY MIDDLE AGES • Church Important • Power of Pope & Lords • Low Literacy • Rural • Feudalism starts • Franks (Merovingians & Charlemagne) • Vikings, Magyars

  15. End of Class HW Read PDF on Website on the European Middle Ages BY FRIDAY Do Vocabulary on the Middle Ages

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