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Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. Creating A Buzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Communications Committee. 2009 – 2011 Communications Committee. Members and Area. Patience McGuffey Area 1 Evelyn Duncan Area 2 Carolyn Francis Area 3 Evelyn Hroch Area 4 Susan Hancock Area 5

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Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

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  1. Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Creating A Buzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Communications Committee

  2. 2009 – 2011 Communications Committee Members and Area Patience McGuffey Area 1 Evelyn Duncan Area 2 Carolyn Francis Area 3 Evelyn Hroch Area 4 Susan Hancock Area 5 Edwyna Rutledge Area 6 Heather Smith Area 7 Penny Priddy Area 8 Shelly Redding Area 9 Pamela Phillips Area 10 Patsy Fisher Area 11 Janet Mayo Area 12 Ann Howard Area 13 Lois Templeton Area 14 Ellen Buchhorn Area 15 Dianne Radcliffe Area 16 Kay Loehr Area 17 Vicki Davis, ex officio Joanne Davis, ex officio Shirl Hawes Chairman Area 18

  3. Newsletters Should Be Sent to the Following People • Via Postal Service • Joanne Davis, TSO Editor /Photographer • Vicki Davis, TSO President • Shirl Hawes, Communications Committee Chairman • Via Internet • Chris Morrison, Area 18 Coordinator • *****It is imperative that newsletters are sent to the above people at the same time they are sent to your membership. Sending all newsletters in April or May does not allow the people listed above to stay current with your activities.*****

  4. Required Contents of Your Newsletter Header- • Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, DKG, or DKG • Chapter name, number, area, location • Texas State Organization • Volume and issue number • Date • The Mission Statement • Editor’s name and email Meeting information- • Location of meeting with directions • Date, day, and hour • Program details • Special events • Hostesses

  5. Other Important Newsletter Information • International/State program themes • Chapter officers • Honors and awards to members • Summary of the last meeting (minutes) • Birthdays • President’s message • Legislative update • Chapter projects • Photos that tell a story • Important dates and deadlines • Membership changes • Spotlight on a member, member news • Committee/ Treasurer reports • Highlights of the Lone Star News • Highlights of International publications • Articles about Society programs/projects

  6. Optional Information for Your Newsletter • Graphics/clip art • Quotations/inspirational thoughts • Education websites/useful websites • Recipes of special dishes • Chapter/Society historical items • Reminders of items to bring to meetings • Articles of interest to women/women’s issues • Webwatcher report • Travel and study opportunities • Who to contact when absent • Articles about scholarship or Achievement Award recipients • Surveys, applications, nomination forms • Book reviews • Poetry

  7. Newsletter Tips • Please mail in an envelope to avoiddelivery damage. • Please mail one newsletter per monthrather than 5 all at once. We like tostay current with chapter happenings. • Please do not print newsletters onred paper. It is hard to read. • Reduce picture size before emailing:see the Technology Committeepublications on the TSO website for instructions. • Please convert to PDF documentbefore emailing.

  8. Create the BUZZ! Your chapter can use these ideas to create the BUZZ to enhance the visibility of DKG in your community:  • Publish at least 5 newsletters with 2 or more pages of pertinent chapter news. • Submit 3 or more press releases to local media to publicize chapter and member achievements. • Place Society publications, such as The Bulletin, in public places.

  9. Prepare an elevator speech (a short statement that describes the Society) for use when others inquire about our organization. • Create a chapter brochure or poster to display in public places, such as the teacher’s lounge. • Assign a chapter “webwatcher” to report on information in the TSO and International websites, as well as other useful sites.

  10. Write for publication in the LoneStar News or The Bulletin. • Nominate a chapter member for the Member in Print award or a local newspaper for the Key award. Interactive applications are on the TSO website under Communications. • Use the monthly Buzz Tips of the Month from the International Communications Committee. • Use current State and International themes and logos in chapter publications.

  11. Yearbooks Should Be Sent to the Following People • Via Postal Service • State Yearbook Chairman • Carolyn Waller • 940 Rambler Street • Albany, Texas 76430 • Alpha State Headquarters • c/o Executive Secretary / Treasurer • P.O. Box 797787 • Dallas, TX 75379-7787 • Area Coordinator with address • Coordinating Council with address (optional) • Deadlines: • Early Bird – Postmark by November 1 • On Time - Postmark by December 1

  12. Yearbook Tips The new Yearbook Guidelines, Hints for a Successful Chapter Yearbook, and sample pages showing the new changes are available on the TSO website under the Yearbook link. Your chapter name and number must be in the upper right hand corner of the yearbook cover. Instead of copying pages of addresses, simply refer your readers to the online addresses to locate current International officers, Regional directors, current State officers, personnel, committee chairmen, and the dates/ locations of Society functions. Organize your yearbook in this order: International, State, and Chapter. Your chapter membership directory should be the last section. Your directory can even be a one page spreadsheet.

  13. Program/meeting information can also be in a one-page table format Year at a Glance. Be sure to place an asterisk in 4 of the boxes to indicate the programs that are based on Society purposes. • Email your streamlined yearbook to your members. Three people need to receive a hard copy: the Yearbook Chairman, Alpha State Headquarters, and your AC. Do not send the yearbooks in folders or notebooks.

  14. The Yearbook chairman needs a copy of the guidelines filled in with appropriate page numbers for each indicator. You may handwrite the page numbers on each page. • Be sure to indicate the dates your chapter celebrates your chapter birthday and the Society’s Founder’s Day. • Arial 10 or 12 font is the easiest font to read online.

  15. Communications – Area 18 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need help or have any additional questions: Shirl Hawes 5518 Fulbrook Shores Trace Fulshear, Texas 77441 281-346-1750 Shirlhawes@gmail.com

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