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Gustar with Infinitives

Learn how to express your likes in Spanish using infinitive verbs with gustar. Practice activities included for verb conjugation. Enhance your Spanish language skills today!

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Gustar with Infinitives

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  1. Hoy es el veintiséis de enero de dos mil quince El clima de hoy:Propósito: You will be able to say what types of activities you like to do.Hagan Ahora: Take out signed test and el verbogustar on p 2 in the packet and answer the question. La Tarea:Libro: ¡Exprésate! p 101 Ej 11.

  2. Gustar withInfinitives Chapter 3 – Spanish 7A

  3. Gustar with Infinitives • An infinitive tells the meaning of the verb without naming any subject (saying WHO is doing the action) or tense. There are three kinds of infinitive verbs in Spanish: those that end in “ar”, those that end in “er” and those that end in “ir”. • Cantar- to sing • Comer- to eat • Escribir- to write

  4. Gustar with Infinitives • Just like nouns, infinitives can be used after a verb like gustar to say what you and others like to do. Gustar means “to like” and then follow it with an action (verb). • Before: Me gusta la musica.- I like music. (music = noun) • NOW: Me gusta cantar. – I like to sing. (to sing= verb)

  5. Gustar with Infinitives • ALWAYS use gusta NOT gustan when following with infinitive verbs. • Before: Me gustan los deportes.- I like sports. (sports= plural noun) • NOW: Me gusta jugar al tenis.- I like to play tennis. (to play= infintive verb)

  6. Practica! • Translatethefollowing: • I liketoplay soccer. • I liketosing. • I liketowrite. • I liketoread. • I liketotake a walk. • I liketogotothemovies. • I liketoswim. • I liketo listen tomusic. • I liketoride a bike. • I liketowatch TV.

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