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Manitowoc County Sports Officials Association. 10/5/05 Football Meeting. Attendance. Announcements / Games. Handling 4 th Down & Short Yardage Situations. This is where it matters and your performance will be magnified. Make Sure They’re Set Watch for offense or QB to rush the play.
Manitowoc County Sports Officials Association 10/5/05 Football Meeting
Handling 4th Down & Short Yardage Situations • This is where it matters and your performance will be magnified. • Make Sure They’re Set • Watch for offense or QB to rush the play. • Shifts • Be prepared! This is a good place for a shift to throw the defense off guard. • Long or Hard Count • Anticipate it. • Watch for subtle movement by offense designed to draw defense into encroaching. • Hard count is legal. But a head bob or shoulder hunch isn’t. • Deceptive Substitutions • There may be confusion, or offense may try to deceive the defense. • Pay attention • Make sure all players are counted
Handling 4th Down & Short Yardage Situations - Mechanics • Be at the goal line or line to gain before the ball • Wings, if snapped from inside the 5 yard line, break to the goal line and work back to the ball • Square off your spots • Communicate • “Hold the spot” • Line judge has best view • Short yardage – leave the ball where it is or get it to the spot • Inside the hashmarks, leave the ball where it became dead – don’t be tossing it back and forth with the umpire. • Outside the hashmarks, get it to the wing quickly to sell the spot. • Position – tighten up • Umpire – get as close as you comfortably can. • You’re probably going to be closest to the spot, so get it quickly. • Referee – within 10 yards and be ready to retreat. • Back Judge – Stay normal but be ready to move up. • In goal line – consider using BJ as a second umpire. He’s only 5 yards from his normal spot on the endline and can get there if he has to. • Wings – pinch of bit if you can. Looks better to call TD from the hashmark than from the sideline
Bad Calls We’ve Seen or Heard Of • Manty Lutheran game – muffed punt picked up by kicking team and run in for TD • TD allowed by the crew • It is impossible for K to score on a kick (that goes beyond the LOS) • K cannot advance a kick • A kick is dead as soon as breaks the goal line • Illegal man downfield on a punt • No such rule!!!!!! • Defense flagged for not being within 9-yard marks • No such rule!!!! The 9-yard marks don’t apply to B or on a free kick.
One More Bad Call • In the second quarter, A11 is flagged for blocking a player obviously not participating in the play. • In the third quarter, A11 is flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct. • Do you eject him? Why or why not. • Answer – No, you don’t. • Two Rivers lost their quarterback for part of one game and all of the next game because of this call.
Personal vs. Unsportsmanlike • Important distinction, as illustrated in previous example. • If there is contact, it is a personal foul. • Personal Foul (9-4) – usually involves contact with another player. • Face mask • Late hit • Personal Foul can be live ball or dead ball (depends on when it happens). • Distinction is important due to enforcement spot • Unsportsmanlike (9-5 and 9-8) – does not involve contact. • Taunting • Disrespecting officials • Swearing • Unsportsmanlike fouls are ALWAYS dead ball fouls. • Personal fouls that DO NOT involve contact: • Kick at or punch at opponent (without making contact- (2-11-Fighting)) • Hurdle an opponent (2-21: attempt to jump with one or both feet or knees foremost over an opponent who is contacting the ground with no part of his body except one or both feet) • Throw a helmet to trip on opponent • Hide the ball under a jersey • Penalty • All our 15 yards. Only some personal fouls result in automatic first down: • Roughing passer, kicker/holder/snapper • Flagrant personal foul results in disqualification. THERE IS NO LIMIT AS TO THE NUMBER OF PERSONAL FOULS A PLAYER MAY HAVE. (9-4 Penalty) • Two unsportsmanlike fouls result in disqualification (9-5 Penalty)
Rule Quiz • After the Ready, A11, thinking he has been replaced, runs off the field. He realizes he is supposed to be in, so he runs on the field about 5 yards. He gets set and the play goes off. He did not deceive anyone. What’s the call? • You should call: • Nothing • 3.7.3 applies only to substitutes and replaced players – they cannot return after leaving. The rule doesn’t apply to players. • 7-2-1 "After the ball is ready for play, each player of A who participated in the previous down and each substitute for A must have been, momentarily, between the 9-yard marks, before the snap." • See casebook play 3.7.3 Situation A - AS CORRECTED BY THE NATIONAL FEDERATION (I've removed some of the situation in the play below to make is simpler to read) • B11 mistakenly believes he is his team's 12th player and leaves the field before the snap....on his sideline and enters his team box. B11 then discovers his error and returns to field on his team's side of the neutral zone before the snap. • Ruling (corrected) The activity is legal, but if done intentionally to gain an advantage it would be a foul. If B11 returns to the field after the snap it a live ball foul for illegal participation.
Another Rule Quiz • A1 runs to B's 10 yard line where he fumbles. The ball rolls into B's end zone. While the ball is in B's end zone, B21 clearly bats it back on to the field of play where it goes out of bounds at B's 1 yard line. Your call? • Illegal batting by B. • What are the options for A? • A’s ball, first and ten from the 5 (half the distance). If declined, A’s ball on the 1. • It’s a running play (fumble beyond the LOS), so the enforcement spot is the basic spot – the end of the run. • Rule Reference: 9-7 • Art.2: No player shall bat a loose ball other than a pass or a fumble in flight……. • Exception: A K player may bat toward his own goal line a grounded scrimmage kick which is beyond the neutral zone……………
One More Rule Quiz • Shotgun formation. QB is out of the free blocking zone, so the ball leaves the zone immediately after the snap. • Guard blocks below the waist at the snap. What’s your call? • Nothing, this is legal. • It is impossible to tell if the ball had left the zone when the block was made. The interpretation (Anderson) is to assume that the block is legal if it is part of the initial charge. If there is a delay, it is a foul.
MechanicsEnough Eyes on the Ball? • First play – watch the back judge • Second play – watch the umpire
Fans Say the Dumbest Things • D1 college official worked a 10th grade game • Mom in the front row starts screaming at him, "Don't you know anything about the rules of basketball?!" • After a loud slap goes uncalled • "What? Are you too short to hear, too?!?" • After calling a double foul • "You gotta call it both ways“ • Start of game, tweet, toss the ball up, white wins tip and drives for layup, tweet, foul on blue....... • ”Awe come on ref, call it both ways.” • "Come on ref, you only get 2 steps for a pass or a dribble, not to shoot, don't you know anything?" • After a loud slap for a foul • "Even Ray Charles could have called that foul". • To a slightly heavy ref • "At least move around some, you're tilting the court" • “Hey ref, can you stop blowing your whistle? My dog has to pee and I need to get home before he goes on the carpet.” • Bang, bang block/charge under the basket followed by a timeout. Ref returns to the inbounds spot after TO and prepares to inbound. • Fan: "If you don't know the difference between a block or charge then blow your whistle and raise your hand.“ • The official smiled, blew his whistle, raised his hand and administered the inbound. • Coach: "call it both ways!” • Ref: "Blue 14 . . . 14 Blue"