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Body & Mind

Body & Mind. The Nervous System. The Brain. Weighs about 3 pounds Extremely complex! Part of CNS (Central Nervous System). The Spinal Cord. Communication superhighway! Carries out reflexes Transmits information to brain Transmits information from brain to muscles and organs

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Body & Mind

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Body & Mind

  2. The Nervous System

  3. The Brain • Weighs about 3 pounds • Extremely complex! • Part of CNS (Central Nervous System)

  4. The Spinal Cord • Communication superhighway! • Carries out reflexes • Transmits information to brain • Transmits information from brain to muscles and organs • Part of CNS (central nervous system)

  5. The Peripheral Nervous System • Made up of the Autonomic and Somatic divisions • Somatic—controls voluntary movements • Autonomic—controls involuntary movements (includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions)

  6. The Autonomic Nervous System

  7. So How Does the BRAIN figure into all of this? • Organizes our movements • Organizes our thoughts • Forms our emotions • Produce our behaviors

  8. Let’s divide the brain into 3 sections Color in each section

  9. Hindbrain • Medulla, pons, cerebellum, & lower part of reticular activating system • STOP—With a partner, define each term above

  10. Hindbrain definitions • Medulla-vital functions: heart rate, blood pressure, breathing • Pons—regulates body movement, attention, sleep, and alertness • Cerebellum—cauliflower shaped, coordinates movement • Reticular activating system—imp’t for arousal, attention, and sleep

  11. Medulla

  12. Pons (#3)

  13. Cerebellum

  14. Midbrain • Contains part of reticular activating systems • Helps process some visual and auditory information

  15. Forebrain • The part of our brain that allows for complex thinking! • Thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic system, cerebrum • STOP—With a partner, define each term above

  16. Forebrain definitions • Thalamus—relay station for sensory information (except for smell) • Hypothalamus—helps regulate body temp., hunger, thirst, sex drive, aggression • Limbic system—(includes hippocampus and amygdala) learning, memory, emotion, hunger, sex, aggression • Cerebrum—makes up 70% of brain and its surface is covered with the cerebral cortex (all the hills and valleys). Plays a role in memory, language, emotions, complex motor functions, perception and much, much more!

  17. thalamus

  18. hypothalamus

  19. Limbic system

  20. Cerebrum (Cerebral Cortex)

  21. The 4 Lobes of the Brain • FPOT (Frontal, Parietal, Occipital, Temporal)

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