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Mind, Body, and Spirit Retreats For Young People. 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP. Opening Prayer. Lord, Open our minds and hearts as we begin our Mind, Body, and Spirit Retreat Day. Help us to understand that we are called to
Mind, Body, and Spirit Retreats For Young People 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP
Opening Prayer Lord, Open our minds and hearts as we begin our Mind, Body, and Spirit Retreat Day. Help us to understand that we are called to love one another and to see that You didn’t give us all our gifts and talents so we would keep them to ourselves. Let us be more aware of the ways we can put our faith into action. Help us to understand that we are called to show love and respect for all that You have created in this world. Amen. 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP
Day OneTheme: We Are One Body – Caring for God’s Creation God’s Gift of Community Christian Charity Putting Faith Into Action Caring For God’s Creation God’s Gift of the Earth Global Water Crisis Being Good Stewards of the Earth Group Activity: Wanted Poster, Lunches to Go Physical Activity: Yoga Life Skill: Stewardship 4 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP
The Bible Tells Us That We Were All Baptized Into One Body. 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit. (1 Cor 12:13)
Communion of Saints As a member of the Catholic faith community, Catholics are connected in spirit with other Catholics everywhere. This special spiritual connection is called The Communion of Saints. The Communion of Saints gives Catholics the gift of an extended faith family. This faith family includes all those who live now, all those who have ever lived, and all those who have not yet been born. 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP 5
God’s Gift of Community 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP Reaching out to others is a great way to put faith into action. Communities are filled with people who have many different needs. God gives us many opportunities to use our gifts in service to others while helping our community. 6
The Corporal Works of Mercy 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP Feed the hungry. Give drink to the thirsty. Give clothes to those who have none. Shelter the homeless. Visit the sick. Visit the imprisoned. Bury the dead. 7
The Spiritual Works of Mercy • Help the sinner. • Teach the ignorant. • Counsel the doubtful. • Comfort the sorrowful. • Bear wrongs patiently. • Forgive injuries. • Pray for the living and the dead. 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP 8
Christian Charity is a Gift from GodActions always speak louder than words Charity is a way of showing witness to the love of Jesus Christ. Real charity requires giving up something in order to help someone else. 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP 9
Jesus in Disguise “Through the eyes of faith, the starving child, the believer in jail, and the woman without clean water or health care are not issues but Jesus in disguise.” Called to Global Solidarity: International Challenges for U.S. Parishes, USCCB 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP 10
Imagine Life Without CommunityImagine… • Walking into an empty church on Sunday morning • Being the only one in attendance at a funeral for a loved one • Being seriously ill in the hospital with no visitors • Being in trouble, and having no one to turn to for help • Having no friends that share your values and beliefs 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP 11
Group Discussion Discuss the various groups in which you are, or have been, an active member, such as a soccer team, yearbook committee, band, or youth group. • How often do the members in your group gather together? • How is the group affected if you choose not to participate? • Is support for one another an important factor for your group’s success? • Can people join this group without having to do anything to help the other members in the group? 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP 12
Group Discussion • How often do the members in your faith community gather together? • How is the group affected if you choose not to participate? • Is support for one another an important factor for your group’s success? • Can people join this group without having to do anything to help the other members in the group? 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP 13
Examples of Putting Faith Into Action • Praying for an unborn child, someone who has died, or someone in need • Actively participating in Liturgy • Inviting a friend to attend church • Volunteering to help a neighbor in need • Putting money in the St. Vincent de Paul box • Baking cookies for a struggling family • Spending time with someone lonely • Helping with family responsibilities • Sending a card to a distant family member, war veteran, or prisoner • Resisting gossip among friends • Rejoicing in good news with friends 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP 14
Partner ActivityA Challenge to Put Your Faith Into Action Presenter: Refer to Activity Summary Page 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP Divide into groups of two or three. Use the poster board and materials provided to design a Wanted Poster to recruit people to join you in a group called “Putting Faith Into Action.” Include detailed information such as membership requirements, how often members meet, and the benefits of joining. 15
Part IICaring for God’s Creation Leaving the World a Beautiful Place for Future Generations 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP 16
Caring for God’s Creation 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP “The world that God created has been entrusted to us. Our use of it must be directed by God’s plan for creation, not simply for our own benefit. We show our respect for the Creator by our care for creation.” USCCB Administrative Committee, Faithful citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility, p. 15 17
God’s Gift of the Earth All people are responsible for being good stewards of the earth. 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP 18
Water-borne disease kills 1.8 million children in developing countries each year, or 1 child every three minutes. 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP In 2006, 700 million people lived in countries without access to sufficient water. 19
Disease caused by bacteria and viruses in polluted water kills more people than HIV/AIDS or malaria. 20 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP
Families Can Make Simple Changes To Become Good Stewards of the Earth. 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP 21
Earth Friendly Cleaners Many home cleaning products are harmful to the earth. They contain damaging chemicals that disturb the ecological balance. Use “green” cleaning products that are biodegradable and designed with the earth in mind. www.educationforjustice.org 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP 22
Biodegradable Biodegradable substances contain properties that permits them to be broken down by bacteria and other microorganisms into simple, stable products that will not harm the environment. http://www.ecokids.ca/pub/eco_info/glossary/index.cfm 2008 E. Fulham, St. Paul Catholic School, DOSP 23