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Four Levels of Clean, Low Cost, Less Known Water Technology for Industrial / Commercial / Agricultural Applications. PART 2 OF 11. Environmentally Friendly, Economical, Effective Water Cleantech for The Future. Ben Rusuisiak New nature paradigm TECH analysis
Four Levels of Clean, Low Cost,Less Known Water Technology for Industrial / Commercial / Agricultural Applications PART 2 OF 11 Environmentally Friendly, Economical, Effective Water Cleantech for The Future Ben Rusuisiak New nature paradigm TECH analysis vancouver, BC, CANADA, updated Feb10, 2017 www.linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm
ABSTRACT: This presentation covers some of low cost, water related commercialized cleantech that is under-utilized or not commonly known to exist at all, in areas of 1-Environmental cleaning, 2-HVAC improvement, 3- Energy extraction, 4-Industrial processes, 5-Drinking water generation, 6-Geoengineering, 7-Desalination & wastewater treating, 8-Selective bio-enhancing, rust prevention etc. Some of them are convertible for a use in field of energy, medical, biology, weather modification, material science with similar advantages. 、 • One of such effects not fully explainable by chemistry, yet officially utilized by some non-Western ally nations, is prolonged "water structure", or/& "activated" electrical charge holding capacity of ions in water. There are multiple treatment methods that can cause sustained unique capability in plain water for at least 4-5 days and used without added chemical or solutes. e.g. a-As detergent for commercial kitchen, butcher or heavy oil removal, b-Non fouling industrial cutting or washing fluid, c-Hospital operation room, or food industry equipment disinfectant, d-Medical: oxygen/hydrophobic drug delivery, skin disease/infection/organ, & upto conventionally untreatable chronic disease. e-Plant/animal growth increase, & brackish water feeding, Removing animal residence odor, f-Increase strength of concrete, ice, paper, g-Enhance flavor of pasta, coffee, bakery, h-Low emission fuel making from subgrade incombustible hydrocarbon, i-Display chemical or mineral effect without chemistry present in water. Some exceptionally electrical-active water seems to even function as "phase catalyst" and used as "plain water concentrate" for similar or more robust effects by dilution.、 • Such Scientific Status gap in water tech by nations is fairly common and it affects research funding & market share of effective processes. e.g: water treatment by Time variant magnetic field & Rotating/Concentric Electrode, Far InfraRed waves, Hydrodynamic Cavitation, Sub/SuperCritical water, Non Anthraquinone H2O2, Emulsion fuel, Cold fusion, Resonance H2O decomposing, Acoustic Pulsed Fire Dewatering, Electro-Scavenging effect for rain generation & Cosmic Ray based climate change idea. One reason for discrediting is they might co-display scientifically & economically disruptive seeming thermodynamic over-unity & non-local phenomena. But low cost effective way to displace chemical based system also have been supported in West: Electrooxidation/coagulation or multiple ways of AOP including Ozone was backed by European groups & they are now supporting Plasma Activated Water, Thermal Hydrolysis, Membrane Distillation, & various Nano Filtration etc. Others are accepted but only for certain use: ElectroOsmosis/Poration, Metal ion, 3chamber electrolysis, Vacuum superheated steam, Steam eductor etc. Overall, previously science contested low cost clean water tech is increasingly & rapidly adopted even by multinationals, often accompanied by firm back up of mainstream media, science, & tech awards. And unless spread of this new paradigm stalls soon, limitation based "closed system" belief of society will fundamentally shift to no-limit "open system" before 2030. linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
SELECTED CONTENTS • p10 Crystallization: Template sssddAssisted, Fluidized Bed etc p21 Ozone & UV etc p41 SuperCritical Water etc PART2 p45 Ultrasonic, Cavitation effect, . . . Pulsed Combustion Drying p61 Nano/UltraFine Bubble etc p67 PhotoCatalytic water etc • p91 Electrolyzed acid water etc p118 Plasma Activated Water p126 Electrolytic + Venturi etc p141 .Magnetic Water treatment • p157 “Phase Catalyst” Water p181 Torsion field/Scalar Wave p190 Far InfraRed, Bioceramic, …….. Minerals treated etc • p221 Pumpable Ice Slurry p228 ElectroSpray etc p235 ElectroHydraulic effect • p245 Solar Desalination etc p268 SuperHeated Steam etc p288 Magnetic Resonance . Freezing & Thawing • p291 Ion projection p298 Ferrous/Ferrate Ion water p310 Vacuum Saturation/DDW, . Steam Jet Ejector/eductor • p338 Plant Polymer & Micelle p343 Rain Related Weather …….. Modification p358 Water Technology List linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
QUALIFICATION OF INFORMATION • This presentation might not always reflect the views of mainstream group, particularly of western media, large NGOs, & wikipedia; hence attendants/readers are recommended to re-assess the data from independent perspective: Listed commercialized claims include that are contradicting mainstream science law or effectiveness acceptance level, while empirically deemed to produce effects repeatedly. "Cleantech" here includes "clean chemicals" that are non residual: Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, Peracetic Acid, Plasma/ElectroChemical reaction etc • Compared to other industries, water technology tends to have wider & varied mechanics to achieve intended physical effects: Labs, schools, even conservative mainstream, or mundane looking companies often use their own effective unique processes not widely known.Many of what is covered here are selected technologies known as effective in some sectors or by small # of consumers but not by other sectors.、 Currently more detailed reference list is being produced & will be published separately: The research is updated based on reviewing academic papers & journals, books, speeches, presentations, patents, lab/commercialized product testimonies/complaints, publications & public records of NGOs/media/research institutes/think tanks/military/space & gov't agencies/industry associations.Due to space constraints, referenced individual names are given with max 3 letters of first name with entire last name(except some non-Western names),& company names are listed in a way that is findable by internet search. • 12 page long Water Technology Effect Comparison Grid List is located at the end of presentation. THIS FILE IS PART 2 of 11 SERIES: ENTIRE 11 SERIES CAN BE VIEWED IN ONE FILE AT: SCRIBD[click here], ISSUU[click here], YUMPU [click here], or CALAMEO [click here] linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
■ Tech effects Code used in tech lists(located at end of this presentation) are headed by Boldface purple letters as on the right. Code might refer to either or both of a-effect of static water product, b-process effect itself on water rather than water's effect on matter. ■ Commercialized tech claims are listed in(Blue Letter +), and “+” within bracket means other unnamed companies also claim same effect. ■ “*” at example D4* indicates particularly effective application. How to Read Tech Detail Explanation Texts . • Technology claims are explained in details in each of 66 dedicated section in coming pages.Example of “Hydrodynamic cavitation” below • ■ 11’Hydrodynamic cavitation: WM Accepted effect: J(BOD reduction, Advanced Oxidizing Process, toxin/oil field waste water/sludge decomposing)(WhirlWind.nl+), For ballast water(Globallast ua+), Enhanced oil recovery- additional hydrocarbon quality improvement(Arisdyne+), • Sometimes WM Disputedeffect,A(Descaling), HVAC application(HyCator, VRTX Technologies+), Pipe cleaning(Group Konstanta «МАНГУСТ»+), Dairy product flow pipe descaling is WM rejected(TEKMASH+): B(anticorrosion of water pipes), C(Algae removal)(CT Systems ua+), D4*(New….
■ 10‘Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation & other Acoustic effects; See also ♛Acoustic Pulsed Fire effect on later pages in this section 10, Ultrasonic effect doesn’t necessarily accompany Sonic cavitation effects, Each service/product tend to specialize in specific different areas: WM Accepted effects: A(Anti pipe scaling effect)(Грандэнерго, Nanjing Hanzhou Technology+), B(anti-corrosion) by Acoustic signal to cause disturbance for preventing Elements precipitation to pipe walls, C(Algae, bacteria, germ stifling)(H2O Bio Sonic, Thomasonic UK+) by shock wave, heat, and generation of H2O2 or Hydroxyl radical, Some claim no cavitation/harmful sounds is produced for animals(LG Sonic Cameleon Technology+): specific frequency seems to exist for undesired algae - Usually Electroporation effect(see section 42’ElectroPoration) or ElectroAcoustic effect generating electric field by "vibration friction" of solute/colloidal ions: Because this transverse EM field coincides in same oscillation as longitudinal acoustic wave, it's standing wave like resonance phenomena, Hence significantly improved effect can occur at specific Ultrasonic range(EMCS Industries+) -->>cont: 10‘Sonic, Its Cavitation, Acoustic Pulsed Fire Drying: Effect mix of Accepted, Rejected, Fully rejected by(WM) linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada
10‘Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation & Acoustic Pulsed Fire Drying & other Acoustic effects: continued 2 —>>cont: WM Accepted effects: E(Industrial type heavy cleaner)(Спецмаш ультразвукового оборудования, НПО «ЗЕЛТ» ua+), Paint stripping(Pratt & Whittney PurePulse+), or 90%+ water saving cleaning(Ultra Wave - StarStream+), Most “dip-in type” top line devices come with oscillation or up-down motion option to prevent sonic frequency based “uneven clean zones”(eg 40khz creates it every 19-20mm), or by frequency changer(Rion-tpe+), Often vacuum combined (Aqua-c +), Adjustable cavitation quality (Sonicfellow....... +), Enhanced cavitation cleaning in vacuum(Sharp UC-600AV, Pureron Japan, Miuraz jp, UCE Ultrasonic+) F(Laundry & washing): residential use portable device(Volcano Turbo Wash+): Industrial multiple chamber vacuum-ambience dual type - std process use in electronics etc but not so in many other industries(Sakura Seiki, MasusanTec, Clean Technologies Group+), Resonating ultrasonic frequency at projecting source before water hits washing target(Kaijo.co.jp+), M(energy production enhancing): biofuel production improvement(Sonotronic de+), -->>cont:、 • アクア化学 • ソニック・フェロー株式会社 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
10‘Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation & Acoustic Pulsed Fire Drying & other Acoustic effects: continued 3 —>>cont: WM Accepted effects:、 I(Oil water separating) & J(Waste water cleaning, Oil, toxin recovery): by promoting faster degredation(Ultrawaves GmbH+), Mainstream use but only in some nations in Europe. Ballast water treatment by oxygen removal by inert gas combined with self generating ultrasonic oscillation(ColdHarbour Marine+), UV combined for increased decomposing matter & UV light cleaning effect both(Svarog UV+), Enhanced oil recovery(Progress Ultrasonics Group+), Replacement of water filtering solids(FloDesign Sonics+), Industrial wastewater cleaning by cavitation(Ultrazvu.com, Nlegin ru+) Also unique solutes atomization-separation from water as same-element- nanoclustered-powdered-form("ultrasonic drying"/ "steamless drying") with low temperature(keep flavor & nutrition) & at least 40% less cost of conventional heat based drying while certain separation is much larger saving(NanoMist Technologies+): also low cost "ultrasonic wet scrubbing" or ethanol separation in works. P(Odor removal as process, sludge reduction)(Dewaco Finnsonic, VTA Austria GmbH, Oviowater Sonolyzer+) direct shockwave destroys some organism, also seems to be by increased Hydroxyl with certain frequency, W(Degassing) with certain frequency, -->>cont: linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
10‘Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation & Acoustic Pulsed Fire Drying & other Acoustic effects: continued 4 —>>cont: WM Accepted effects: H2(dewatering, drying): generating standing wave amplifies the effect, 50% range energy & time both saving, no temperature increase to the dried medium or substrate: ink, paint, glue etc,(Heat Technologies Inc+), close to order of magnitude for grain, fish, wood, cotton, pharmaceutical etc(Акустика ресурс, U-sonic ru +) Unlisted effects: ■(matter destruction, boring holes)(VLN-Tech+), ■(less pain thorough root canal cleaning)(Sonendo+), ■(Barnacle growth prevention)(Hunter Technologies+), ■(Std process of flaw detection can be applied for pipe or water container situations by use of Immersion Transducers): std process in some industries but not all(Olympus-ims+), ■(Part of Std process in Oil In Water Monitoring [OIWM]): but underexplored in other applications (Mirmorax+), same use with ultrasonic self cleaning sensor system(ProAnalysis Argus+), ■(Emulsion fuel)(Hielscher, Vodmazut Раптех, ЦЭТ Гидротопливо+), ■(Water meter)(Kamstrup+), core mainstream industrial use, underused in residential in many nations, ■(Transporting matter including water or up-in-the-air liquid mixing)(ETH Zurich: Dan Foresti+, Tokyo Inst of Tech: Ken Nakamura+), still max 4kg transport level ability for industrial application, ■(Car "wiper")(Toyota, Asahi Glass, McLaren+), ■(Non invasive relatively small fat removal/reduction from body, Sonic "Liposuction"), Hydrolipoclasy uses body-acclimatizing water based liquid(VIVO Clinic, Naturale Clinic - Clinica Naturale+), but no water use tech with direct ultrasonic cavitation of fat(Lorelay Salon & Spa+) is WM rejected. 、 Generally WM Rejectedeffect, Claims are made in connection with hydrodynamic cavitation devices which generate standing wave acoustic oscillation, M(spray soak treated water to make food fresh longer, less mold), Less often claimed effects:Z(plant-animal grow faster with larger crops, promote fermentation/decomposing), WM Fully rejectedor treated as fraud, less often claimed effect, A2(desalinating water) (SonCav+) linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Subsection: ♛Pulsed "Acoustic Fire" Drying effect: This acoustic effect generally seems to be a result of standing wave generation by pulsated firing at 200-300Hz range, generating various anomalous effects yet quietly accepted or ignored by WM for some reason except thermodynamic violating segment of the tech: WM Accepted effects: G2(Energy efficiency increase), H2(Dewatering/drying): Here treated water doesn't help efficiency but the manner water is dried off powder etc indicates unusual efficiency & speed in comparison to conventional spray drying or Ultrasonic spray drying, Pulse combustion generates sonic sound energy shock waves & this standing wave causing sound seems(requirement for effectiveness) to accelerate drying by breaking bonds between water and matter, also far wider range of matter & size can be dried since there is no nozzle to spray used like in conventional spray drying: eg Ink drying, Production of Pulp & Paper, Gympsum& OSB/Fibreboards, or even in advanced drying system like rotary kiln. Speed of drying is in certain aspect is about 50-100 times faster with about 1/10-100 of energy used for fire control itself(ignored and not debunked by WM), while there is very little heat incurred in dried material even fire itself is 1000°C range, hence useable for protein/enzyme drying. Pulsed fire often becomes self sustaining with no outside power used hence power use for overall fire related function at this point is none. If precisely calculate all of this, it would be difficult to deny "over unity" efficiency 10‘Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation & Acoustic Pulsed Fire Drying & other Acoustic effects: continued 5 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
-->>continued: ♛Pulsed "Acoustic Fire" Drying effect: G2(Energy efficiency increase), H2(Dewatering/drying): WM Fully rejected : Same "G2 & H2" effect description but from here it is realm of WM rejection: Exaggerated efficiency version of & relation to Pulsed Jet Rockets mechanics which is also conventionally not fully explainable. Also “air flow” caused by this "pulsed standing wave acoustic fire" seems to be “charged” so that this air itself dries other medium much faster than regular air, even 99% moisture matter is driable instantly. Drying effectiveness and sound itself affected by geometric structure of drying area also - Resembling concept of pseudoscientized propellantless microwave cavity drive used for space travel by Roscosmos and NASA. There is another side of similarity which is thermoacoustic effect. Majority of this tech operators claim similar range of pre-mentioned effects:(Heat Technologies Inc, PulseDry, Pulse Drying Systems+) Also some additionally claim alter the shape of particles as they are dried: instead of default globule shape, can make rugged patter for better adhesive capability when sprayed on(Wave Dry+) 10‘Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation & Acoustic Pulsed Fire Drying & other Acoustic effects: continued 6 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada
11’Hydrodynamic cavitation: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Rejected, Fully rejected by (WM) ■ 11’Hydrodynamic cavitation: Rapid water vortex, pressure drop, or turbulence involves cavitation, solutes or microorganism cells in water are ruptured/oxidized in various degrees depends on process by impact of colliding, imploding, shockwave, sometimes accompanying acoustic standing waves, sonoluminescence, production of H2O2, Hydroxyl & UV ray, Process might involve Venturi, Orifice effects, as well as Ultrasonic(Hydrosonic) phenomena caused by water movement generating standing wave like effects with very low energy use(sometimes accompanied by self running effect[ie: perpetual motion, pseudoscientized]), or claims of microplasma generation very similar to Electrohydraulic effect or Rotating Magnetic field/Rotating Electrode effect(active Torsion field), Spin type is often well beyond 1000RPM, some close to 10,000RPM range, Certain element of SubCritical water is involved: -->>cont: linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
11’Hydrodynamic cavitation: continued 2 WM Acceptedeffects: H(Oil water separation)(Global Adavntech+), J(BOD reduction, Advanced Oxidizing Process, toxin/oil field waste water/sludge decomposing)(WhirlWind.nl+), For ballast water(Globallast ua+), Enhanced oil recovery- additional hydrocarbon quality improvement(Arisdyne+), synergy with UV for even more disruptive level of large volume industrial water AOP(Western Magnum CAV-OX, OZONIX Ecosphere Tech+), same effect with Cavitating Jets(DynaFlow+) P(Odor remove, sludge reduction): by killing microbes(by cell lysis, ozone, H2O2 etc) & decomposing matter. Some high pressure homogenizers' effectiveness seem to derive from venturi/orifice type cavitation effect(Crown Disintegration Evoqua, Microsludge+), can be used for dewatering(VRTX Technologies+), W(Degassing & Deoxygenation):eg (Vortex Energy Saver+) is installed in water heater system to save 20-30% cost saving- This is surprisingly WM approved(UK govn’t), -->>cont: linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada
11’Hydrodynamic cavitation: continued 3 -->>cont: WM Acceptedeffects: G2(Energy production, Heat recovery) by pressure drop weak cavitation element water spray into flue gas(Condensing Scrubber: direct contact heat recovery and cleaning exhaust) is long mainstream with majors participation(Valmet, Babcock & Wilcox, Hitachi Zosen Inova+), but generally underutilized. Smaller specialized companies offer(Bionomic Industries QSense, Thermal Energy International, Air Treatment System Srl+), Advanced combustion air humidification with heat pump combo(Caligo Industria, Condens Heat Recovery Oy+): also Western Mainstream(WM) unapproved effect in later pages Sometimes WM Disputedeffect(easy to obfuscate & deny effect by at Western mainstream “test lab” level by changing vortex pattern or speed), Top performers' HVAC effect seems extremely potent, simple, and low cost:A*(Descaling), HVAC application by stripping CO2 hence precipitating CaCO3(HyCator+), Pipe cleaning (Group Konstanta «МАНГУСТ»+), Dairy product flow pipe descaling is WM fully rejected(TEKMASH+), B(anticorrosion of water pipes)(VRTX Technologies - EcoWater CHC), C*(Germ killing & Algae removal)(CT Systems ua+), Beverage process(HydroDynamics - SPX Flow+), L(Drinking water generation+), X(Lower redox value), linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada
11’Hydrodynamic cavitation: continued 4 -->>cont: Sometimes WM Disputedeffect:、 Occasionally Claimed: D*(Algae germ killing, disinfectant as drinkable water)(Waterbotruff+), Generally claimed to work more like water filter as Oxidation destruction occurs, Certain heater device also produces range of effect similar to strong time variant magnetic field treated like water effect, K(Dirty water lake, river cleaning), N(Food detergent), S(Separation of undesired particles in waterflow by controlled cavitation)(Hydro International, Vorsana+), Oil-water separation(Connex Water, Alfa Laval - S and P Flex+), Unlisted effect: ■i Cavitation Underwater Cleaner: Removing growth/debres on underwater hard surface (Limpieza Purotecnica SA, Cavitech Denizcilik, Sugino Machine+): shockwave and timely cavitation as fine bubble hits the surface with much faster cleaning/far less paint peel off, much less power use than conventional mechanical/hydraulic/jet methods while safer to users(link to jet nanobubble). Use for tankers, commercial ships, offshore oil industry, underwater structure cleaning, recreational etc, linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
11’Hydrodynamic cavitation: continued 5 -->>cont: Sometimes WM Disputedeffect:Unlisted effect:、 ■ii Oil water emulsion(КПМ Кавитационная, CavitroniX+), Hydrodynamic cavitation itself and it's produced ultrasonic(hydroacoustic) wave use (Spektrultra Спектр+), ■iii ultra fast mixing/degassing-deaeration by vacuum planetary + centrifugal mixer of quasi concentric same directional rotation of 500-1000rpm each(hence inner spin can be upto equiv of 1000x1000?)(similar to hydrodynamic cavitation degree movement with oscillation-resonance): for semiconductor & precision manufacturing(air removing), pharma, ceramic, chemical, various emulsion(Kakuhunter, 株式会社EME+), added ultrasonic use(Thinky Corporation+) Generally WM Rejectedeffect, O(Remove odor of dairy farm by feeding water), U(Stronger cement, ice, paper, gypsum board etc):(Watreco-Realice+), Quality snow making with vortex followed by venturi water release(Steinbach Alpin+), V(Faster boiling, alcohol separation, more heat conductive), Occasionally claimed: Q(metal working fluid, cutting fluid), E2(Enhance flavor bakery/pasta/coffee etc)(CTI Nanotech+) linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
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