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MINI-DICTIONARY. BY JULIAN MOYA. Adore : Worship someone or something considered as divine or that it is related . 2. Much love someone . 3. Considered very good or pleasing a thing , like something in the extreme. 4. Pray hard .
Adore:Worshipsomeoneorsomethingconsidered as divineorthatitisrelated.2. Muchlovesomeone.3. Consideredverygoodorpleasing a thing, likesomethingin the extreme.4. Prayhard. • Album:Paperornotebook in whichleaves are placed photographs, cards, stamps and thelikethat are savedorcollect.2. Disco musicor set of themsold in a pillow case orplastic case with a coverorjacket. • 3. Box withseveral bags placed as a booktokeepmusic disc. • Ashtray: Containertocollecttheashes of snuf. • Athlete:Is a personwho has physicalability, strength, agilityorabove-averagestrength and isthereforesuitableforphysicalactivities, especiallyforcompetitive. • Auction:Organizeda sale of a productbasedon a directcompetition, and publicgenerally, thatis, thatbuyer (bidder) whichpaythemostmoneyorgoods in exchangefortheproduct. A
Boiling:Itisthephysicalprocess in which a liquidbecomes a gas. Itis done whenthetemperature of theentireliquidequalstheboilingpoint of liquid at thatpressure. • Bleed: Removebloodto a personor animal byopening a vein.2. Letoutanenclosedliquid.3. Removeresinorothersubstancefrom a treeby a cut in thebark. • Bungee-Jumping:Itisan extreme sport. Istomake a leapfrom a considerable heightfromthe bridge, platformorcrane, usuallywith a connectionfromtheanklesto a bungeecordthatallows, first, acceleratingdown, thenabsorbsthefall and leads torebounds. • Break:Separateviolentparts of a whole, ruiningtheirmarriage. 2. Break orshatteranobject.3. Interruptthecontinuity of somethingnot material, thatis, thatdoesnotserve. • Build:Itisthe art ortechnique of buildings and infrastructure and in a broadersense, isknowntoallthatconstructionrequires, beforetheybecome, haveorhave a default projector plan, orthatitisjoiningvariouscomponents in theorderdetermined. B
Camera:Itis a technologicaldevicethat uses boththephotographer and the natural persontotakepictures, includingalsoservetomake and record videos. • Central Heating: Anair conditioningsystemisusuallyboth at home and in smallhouses (apartments) and thatrunsfromtheinstallation of a boiler islocatedorlocatedoutsidethebuilding. C
Deal: Itis a desicionmadejointlybytwopeople. • DressingGown: Clothingthat s usedtogetout of theshoweror use paarmodestwhencircumstances warrant, forexample, nudity in a privatelocation. • DrivingLicence: PublicDocument personal and nottransferable, issuedbycompetentauthority, whichauthorizes a persondriving a vehiclewithvalidthroughoutthenationalterritory. D
Exotic:Itisanadjectivethatisusedtohighlighttheunusualorbizarrenature of a thing, personoritem has in certain places orspaces. However, in specificterms, scientists and expertsconsider as exotictoevery living thing (either animal or vegetable) thatisoutsideits natural habitat and isthereforeforeigntothe living spaceorwhich has beendevelopedaccidentallyordeliberately. • Experienced:Thatisveryfarordistant in spaceor time.2. Place orpointoppositetoanotheristaken as a reference.3. Beginningorend of a longthing. • Eternal:Which has no beginningorend.2. Lastlong.3. Repetitive, insistent. • Excursion: Short tripto a specific place to do anactivity, whetherto relax havefun, studyorexercise. E
Facelift:Itis a medicalspecialtythatisdesignedtobringto normal functional and anatomicalbodycoverage in short, thebodyshape. • FirstAid: Techniques and proceduresimmediately, limitedprofessionalortrainedpeoplewithtechnicalknowledgewhichisgiventothosewhoneedit, eithertoan individual victim of anaccidentorsuddenillness. F
Global Warming: Itisthephenomenonof theincrease in temperature of theEarth'satmosphere and oceansthat has beenoccurring in recentdecades. • Glacier:Thickmass of ice onEarth'ssurfacecausedbytheaccumulation, compaction and recrystallization of snow, showingevidence of flow in eitherthepastor at present. G
Heaven:Itis a space in whichthestarsmove and alsowhatsurroundstheearth. • 2. Gas isthedensestarea of theatmosphere of a planet. • Huge:Thatisverylarge, exceeding in size, quantity, quality, etc. whatisconsidered normal. H
Injury:Anyalteration of thebalancingbetween biopsychosocial.2. Itisanabnormalchange in themorphologyorstructure of a bodypartproducedbyanexternalorinternaldamage. (Clinic). • Interview:Itis a dialogue in whichoneperson (interviewer) ask a series of questionstoanother (interviwee) forobtaininformation. I
Journalist:Personengaged in journalism and workingfornewspapers, radio, televisionor digital media. • Judge:Itisthepublicauthoritywithin a courtisresponsibleforadministeringjusticetakingpresentadasdentroevidenceorevidence of the case and afterbeingtestedbygiving a final verdict J
Knife: Kitchenutensilthat s usedtocutfood. • Key: Small objectusedto open locksorplates of a door. • Kilt:Skirttraditionallywornbyscottishman K
Lottery:Itis a ticket thatbrings a series of numbersthatpeoplechosen at randomtowinmoney. • Laziness:Isnegligence, boredomorcarelessactions, movementsorworks. • Leech: Small animal thatdrinktheblood of animalsorpersons. L
Magic: Specialqualitythatoneperson (Witch) use to apear and seethings (realsorotreals). • Mobliephone: Technologicalapparatusthatisusedtomake and answercalls, sendmessages etc. M
Novel:Literaryprose in which he tells a feignedaction in wholeor in part, and whosepurposeisto cause aestheticdelightreaderswiththedescriptionorpaintingor in sets interestingevents, characters, passions and habits. • Noodles:Type of pasta shapedlike a thinstring. N
Oxigen:Itis a colorless, odorless (no smell) and taste thatisusedforpeoplewithrespiratoryproblems. • Opponent:Personwho has anopinioncontrarytothat of anotherorothers. 2.Personorgroupwho faces another in a sportingcompetition.3.Adversary, opponent, rival. O
Perfume:Liquidpackaged in a bottlecontainingdifferentodors and that s usedtobeapplied in thebody and clothingtosmellgood. • Potholing:Itis a sciencewhoseobjectistheexploration and study of undergroundcavities. P
Quick-Thinking:Alreadyhavesomethingfasttoan idea or plan to do immediately. • Qualification: Is a test which determines the degree to which the person is. Q
Recover:Findsomethingthatislost. • Rap music:Type of popular musicwherethewords are spoken more notsung. R
Stratosphere:Itisone of themostimportantlayers of theatmosphere, whichissituatedbetweenthetroposphere and themesosphere. • Strawberry: Small fruitusedtomakejuice. S
Trading Card:They are a type of cardgameisnotpredefined and existing in largequantities and variedtypes and characteristicsthatgiveindividualitytoeachletter, whichyou can build a deck (ordeck) freelyaccordingtothe rules of eachtype of game particular. • Tyre:Itis a round piece of rubberthatis placed in thewheels of variousvehicles and machines. T
University:Educationalinstitutiondedicatedtohighereducation and whichgivesstudents a title. • Useful:Someonewho produces profit, benefitorinterest.2.Serveorbeusedfor a particular purpose. U
Vet:Personwhotakescare of theanimalsusingdrugswhenthey are ill. • Volcano: Great mountain of earththatexpelshugeamounts of lava and ash. V
Weird:Rareorverydifferentfrom normal, normal orknown.2.Movementsudden, unforeseeable and abnormal. • Wave:Rippleformsonthesurface and manifestingitselfveticalmovementduetowindaction. W
Yoga:is one of the six doctrines of Hinduism.Sports where it gets the mind and body to relax and to meditate. • Youth hostel: Is a place rent or lease to students of several country change their cultures Y