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Mini- dictionary. Above :. A position directly overhead, on top of, or higher than something. Almost :. not exactly. conference. Lecture :. Suddenly :. Done or happening quickly or unexpectedly. Towards :. Aproximate. Side – on :. Cat - scan :. Damage :. Injury.
Above : Aposition directly overhead, on top of, or higher than something
Almost : notexactly conference Lecture :
Suddenly : Done or happening quicklyorunexpectedly Towards : Aproximate
Side – on : Cat- scan :
Damage : Injury
Harrowing: Spine : ScaryEvent
UNCONSCIOUS Iswhenyoufelldown and hit your head so strong. laflecha.net
SIDE ON Iswhensomethingisnexttosomthing losangeles.olx.com Example: The car issideontosidewalk
LANDED HEADFIRST The head in front of thebody i a grove. piginthekitchen.blogspot.com
Survey A detailed inspection or investigation
Guess To predict (a result or an event) without sufficient information.
Noodles A narrow, ribbon like strip of dried dough, usually made of flour, eggs, and water.
growth Theprocess of growing.
Wealthy Millonaire Having wealth; rich.
Worldwide Involving or extending throughout the entire world; universal: a worldwide epidemic.
grant To consent to the fulfillment of: grant a request. To accord as a favor, prerogative, or privilege: granted the franchise to all citizens.
tyre Rubberedgingforwheela hollow band of rubber, often reinforced with fibers of other material