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Anatomy: nomenclature, orientation

Delve into the intricate world of anatomy with Dr. Anna L. Kiss as she explores body planes, basic tissues, and epithelial tissue functions. Discover the nomenclature of different tissue types and glandular epithelium functions. Learn about the structure and function of different epithelial tissues found in the body.

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Anatomy: nomenclature, orientation

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  1. Anatomy: nomenclature, orientation Dr. Anna L. Kiss Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology Semmelweis University Budapest 2018

  2. Planes, parts of the body

  3. Planes, parts of the body head neck, trunck uppear limb lower limb

  4. Planes and directions superficial – deep radial – ulnar tibial - fibular

  5. Nomenclature

  6. Basic tissues Tissue: cellsclusters, havingsamefunction, samemorphology and sameorigin (ektorerm, endodernmormesoderm) Basic tissues: epithelialtissue connective and supportingtissue muscletissue nervoustissue

  7. Epithelial tissue

  8. Epithelial tissue • poligonal, tightlyattachedcells • smallamount of intercellularmatrix – junctions - membranabasalis • functions: isolation, protection vs. transport: surfacecovering bidirectionaltransport: secretion(glandularepithelium) absorption (absorptiveepithelium) sensoryepithelium

  9. Epithelialtissue • surface covering • glandular • sensory • absorptive • pigment

  10. Epithelialtissue: surfacecoveringepithelium Poligonal cells apical lateral basal

  11. Surface covering epithelium • simple – squamous - cuboidal - columnar - speudostratified columnar • stratified - squamous – ceratinized - non-keratinized - ? urothelium (transient)

  12. Simple squamous epithelium • endothel (blood vessels) • kidney • serous membranes • lung • transport!

  13. endothel

  14. Simple cuboidal epithelium • kidney tubules • glands

  15. Simple columnar epithelium • uterus • stomach, intestine • cilia, brush border • function: transport and absorption

  16. Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium Respiratory system: cilia protection

  17. Urothelium • Urinary system (ureter, urinary bladder, urethra) • EM: stratified!

  18. Stratified epithelium • non-keratinized esophagus oral cavity vagina • keratinized - skin • Minimal transport, good isolation • basal cells:division • upper cells: apoptosis (cell death)

  19. Stratified non-keratinizedepithelium str. planocellulare str. polygonale, spinosum str. basale, cylindricum, germinativum

  20. Stratifiedkeratinizedepithelium str. planocellulare: str. granulosum str. lucidum str. corneum • Thick corneal layer: isolation • glands, hair follicles etc.)

  21. Epithelialtissue: glandularepithelium • Secretory function endocrin and exocrin

  22. Exocringlands Unicellular: • Endoepithelial: goblet cells • Exoepithelial

  23. Exocrine glands: multicellular according to the shape simple compound tubular alveolar tubulo-alveolar

  24. Exocrine glands: secretory pathway: the way how to release the product - merocrin (exocytosis) - apocrin (modified sweat glands, mammary gland) - holocrin (sebaceous gland)

  25. Exocrine glands continuousexocytosis

  26. Exocrine glands merocrine apocrine holocrine

  27. Exocrine glands: component of the secretory product well developed rER a.) serous: protein b.) mucus: carbohydrate c.) mixed well developed Golgi apparatus

  28. serous gland mucous acini

  29. References • Röhlich Pál: Szövettan. Budapest, 1999 • A szövettani képek a Humánmorfológiai és Fejlődésbiológiai Intézet gyűjteményéből származnak. • Carola R, Harley JP, Noback CR: Human Anatomy & Physiology, McGraw-Hill Inc., USA, 1990

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