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Causes of WWII. F.L.A.M.E.D “We will destroy you”. F. F ascism. Fascism. Extreme Nationalism* - nation is superior and will conquer others Glorification of the State “It’s all about me” Totalitarian - Control of all aspects of Society Private Property Class System Racism.
Causes of WWII F.L.A.M.E.D “We will destroy you”
Fascism • Extreme Nationalism* - nation is superior and will conquer others • Glorification of the State “It’s all about me” • Totalitarian - Control of all aspects of Society • Private Property • Class System • Racism
L. League of Nations League Meeting “I wish I was texting” “Better turn Up my IPOD” “This is almost as exciting as My World History Class.” “I’m Bored”
League of Nations • US didn’t join, weakened the league • No means to stop aggressive acts • Members who violated policies, withdrew
“Let us return, however, to the League of Nations. To create an organization which is in a position to protect peace in this world of conflicting interests and egotistic wills is a frighteningly difficult task.” --Hjalmar Branting, Swedish Prime Minister, 1920-1925 Interpret this quote: What is Branting saying about the League of Nations?
AA. Appeasement: Allies Give in to Hitler’s demands to keep peace France & G.B. Give Hitler “A cookie”… The Sudetenland Hitler
Munich Agreement Signed! France and Great Britain Give into Hitler’s Demands Germany Takes the Sudetenland
“And do not suppose that this is the end. This is only the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigor, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.” ― Winston Churchill, House of Commons, 1938 • Interpret this quote…What is Winston Churchill saying about the Munich Pact
M. Militarism • Germany, Italy & Japan began glorified the military and war • Germany, Italy, & Japan began building up militaries to achieve their goals • Japan’s militaristic society and involvement of the military in government What is the message of this political cartoon?
E. Expansionism Germany: • Austria and Czechoslovakia Japan • Korea, Manchuria, China Italy • Ethiopia
Italy Expands! Ethiopia
Japanese Attacks! Manchuria Korea China
D. Depression • Began in the US • spread around • the globe • US unable to lend $ to • help weakened nations • People were looking • for strong leaders • who would fix their • economic problems Interpret this graph? What is it saying about the economic and political system in Germany?