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Engineering Math II

Engineering Math II. TaeKyoung Kwon tkkwon@snu.ac.kr. Overview. objectives Teach basic math to model and analyze computing systems from a probabilistic viewpoint Deal with probability, statistics, and random process Course materials Textbook Writing in blackboard

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Engineering Math II

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  1. Engineering Math II TaeKyoung Kwon tkkwon@snu.ac.kr

  2. Overview • objectives • Teach basic math to model and analyze computing systems from a probabilistic viewpoint • Deal with probability, statistics, and random process • Course materials • Textbook • Writing in blackboard • Bring your notebook (not computer) • exercise and homework

  3. textbook • Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes For Electrical Engineering, • Alberto Leon-Garcia, • Pearson • 3rd Ed. No Korean textbook!

  4. outline (1/2) • Probability, random variable (RV) • Conditional probability, expectation, variance • Discrete RVs • continuous RVs • generating functions • joint distribution • joint conditional probability, functions of RVs

  5. outline (2/2) • Law of large numbers • central limiting theorem • Estimation • Hypothesis test • Random process • Markov Chain

  6. administrivia • Classroom: 301-203 • Time: Tue. and Thu., 11:00am – 12:15pm • TA: MinkyungPark • Office: 138-317 • Tel: 876-7170 • mkpark@mmlab.snu.ac.kr • Slides and announcements • Check http://mmlab.snu.ac.kr/ • -> courses -> undergraduate

  7. evaluation • 30%: mid-term exam • 30%: final exam • 20%: quiz, homework • 20%: attendance • Two latenesses will be counted as one absence • Students absent more than 4 times may get F • I will try my best to start every class 11:00am, sharp

  8. My office hour • 9:30-11:00am on Tue. and Thu. • My office: 301-503 • tkkwon@snu.ac.kr • Phone: 880-9105

  9. No cheating • Zero Tolerance Cheating Policy • Cheating in this class is defined as knowingly or unknowingly participating in the submission of unoriginal work for any test. • Answer to roll-call on behalf of another guy is also cheating • If I find out that a student has cheated • Assign a fail grade to the student • Dismiss the student for the remainder of the class

  10. Manners in the class • Eating/drinking is OK • as long as noise is tolerable • As long as not smelly • Going to restroom is OK • Turn off your phones, music devices,… • Using laptops, tablet PCs is OK • Only for class • mute mode

  11. Two kinds of quizzes • Quiz for class materials • homework & examples in class • Two times • Counted for grading • Quiz for fun • Will be given casually • Have nothing to do with grades

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