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Cross Border Intraday on the North Italian Borders Interim solution – Scheduling Forum Rome, 13 th March 2012. XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Introduction. The nominations gate for using of the intraday capacity are the following:
Cross Border Intraday on the North Italian Borders Interim solution – SchedulingForumRome, 13th March 2012
XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Introduction • The nominations gate for using of the intraday capacity are the following: • XBID1 : 15:10 - 15:30 on D-1 • XBID2 : 12:15 - 12:35 on D • France-Italian and Swiss-Italian borders • Terna will be the single point of contact for the nominations of the intraday capacity. • Nominations have to be done only to the scheduling system of Terna. • Moreover, due to IT requirements on RTE side, an intraday IT transaction has to be asked by MPs, as stated in RTE Nomination Rules (so called Import/Export Rules). • Austrian-Italian and Slovenian-Italian borders • Nominations have to be done to both TSOs. • Lower value rule will be applied in case of mismatch.
XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Scheduling system of Terna • Terna will continue to use the same scheduling system (DAMAS) also for the nominations of the intraday capacity. • The modalities to enter the nominations remain the same: • Web form • Client Application • Web Service • A new Contract Type will be introduced for the Intraday nominations: A07 • Dedicated UPV/UCV will be used for the two sessions of Intraday: UPV_TSOIcodSDCZ • The Italian Congestion Management Rules will be updated after the approval of the Cross-border Intraday Capacity Auction Rules.
XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders Exchange flows on Slovenian-Italian border Market Party Entitled Registration Auctions CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW ProgrammingAuthorizations (PAs) Nomination PAs PAs Nomination TERNA ELES CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW Matching Nominated: 5 MW Nominated: 2 MW CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW Matched: 2 MW Lower value rule applied in case of mismatch
XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders Exchange flows on France-Italian border Market Party Entitled Registration Auctions CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW ProgrammingAuthorizations (PAs) Nomination PAs PAs TERNA RTE CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW Nominations Nominated: 2 MW Nominated: 2 MW CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW Nominated: 2 MW
XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Scheduling process on Swiss-Italian border - Day D-1 Until 07:00 Nominations to Terna and Swissgrid: Y/M/LTC PTRs with CAI as today Until 12:45 Nominations to Terna: Daily PTRs with CAI Nominations to Swissgrid: Total netted, as today 15:10 Results from MI 2 Market in IT Until 15:30 Nominations to Terna: Intraday 1 PTRs with CAI No Nominations at Swissgrid* 07:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 12:45 Nomination Gate Day Ahead schedules, Cut Off Time at 13:30 07:00 Nomination Gate: Y/M PTR schedules 15:30 Nomination Gate and Cut Off Time: Intraday 1 schedules 10:40 Receiving of Daily Programming Authorizations CH<->IT 15:00 Receiving of Intraday 1 Programming Authorizations CH<->IT 15:45 Receiving of modified or imposed Time Series (with Intraday 1 Nominations made at Terna) from Swissgrid * *Details can be found in New version of the “Technical Balance Group Regulations” of Swissgrid
XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Scheduling process on Swiss-Italian border - Day D 12:15 Results from MI 4 Market in IT Until 12:35 Nominations to Terna: Intraday 2 PTRs with CAI No Nominations at Swissgrid* 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 12:35 Nomination Gate and Cut Off Time: Intraday 2 schedules 10:25 – 10:40 Intraday 2 Auction CH-IT 11:40 Receiving of Intraday 2 Programming Authorizations CH<->IT 12:50 Receiving of modified or imposed Time Series with Intraday 2 Nominations made at Terna from Swissgrid * *Details can be found in New version of the “Technical Balance Group Regulations” of Swissgrid
XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Scheduling - Changes for Swiss Balancing Groups • For using Intraday Capacity CH-IT, nominations at Swissgrid are not required • The BG-R will get an modified or imposed Time Series on his day ahead A:A relationship Nominations in an Intermediate Confirmation Report (ICNF) from Swissgrid after receiving the intraday CAS from Terna. • This modified or imposed Time Series has to be included in all further intraday schedule messages sending to Swissgrid for this specific day. • New Version of the “Technical Balance Group Regulations” will be placed on Swissgrid Website in April 2012 • This new version of the “Technical Balance Group Regulations” will come into force on the 30th of Mai 2012 at the expected go-live date of this ID CH-IT project
XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Scheduling on Austrian-Italian border • APG and Terna are working together to change the matching process of the scheduling on their common border. • The new matching process is based on the SO-SO approach defined by the UCTE (now ENTSO-E) and already in use in the Central-East Europe region. • The intra-day mechanism on this border will start only after the implementation of the new matching process. The date of the go-live is expected by the end of 2012. • Further information about the new matching process and the intraday mechanism will be provided in due time before the go-live. • The SO-SO matching approach will be extended in a second step also on Slovenian-Italian border
XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Scheduling – Example with modified Time Series, only A:A
XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Scheduling – Example with imposed Time Series, only A:A