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N etworking A ssistance and T raining (Sector Component Three). …Aims, Progress to Date and Future Plans…. Jerome Simpson Head, Information Programme, REC. 18 th June, 2008. Jsimpson@rec.org. Slide 2/19. Presentation Structure. Refresher – Component Goals and Objectives
Networking Assistance and Training (Sector Component Three) …Aims, Progress to Date and Future Plans… Jerome Simpson Head, Information Programme, REC 18th June, 2008 Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 2/19 Presentation Structure • Refresher – Component Goals and Objectives • Progress to Date (Master Class and Networking Social Capital) • Future Plans – Strategic Amendments • Key Issues – Budget Amendment Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 3/19 Refresher – Component Goals • Strengthen civil society to promote change, mainly through: • lobbying • working with the independent media • public participation • advocacy, and • ‘watch-dogging’ of government and industry. • Support the development of environmental networks, strictly those with: • the potential to develop into efficiently functioning partnerships& financially sound organisations, • a broadened outlook on environment issues, nationally and globally. • Enable actors in civil society to • effectively provide information on environment, and to • link them with other sustainable development sectors. Objective 4 Objective 1 Objective 3 Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 4/19 • Resource Materials authored by national experts, according to a detailed template, reflecting national legal conditions, complemented by as many as 40 case studies and 40 group exercises to balance theory/practice • National authors also serve as Class trainers and are profiled at: www.rec.org/sector/assistance/masterclass/trainers/default.html • Materials go online in pdf format in English and local language at: ftp.rec.org/memberftp/Jerome/Resource%20Materials/ Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 5/19 Course Structure Групна вежбаe #4: Предизвици и препораки Времетраење: 60 минути Ефективната комуникација со граѓани и заедници, и комуницирање на успеси – или проблеми – во општеството може да претставува вистински предизвик. Зошто е тоа така, кога очигледно постојат многу расположливи можности, методи и алатки? Дали има потреба за подобрување на правната и регулаторната средина, или предизвиците се на друго место? Во две групи поминете 30 минути со тоа што прво ќе составите кратка листа на пречките и предизвиците со кои се соочувате кога се обидувате да обезбедите дека ефективно ја информирате јавноста, и второ наведете ваши конкретни предлози и препораки за подобрување на вашите комуникациски вештини. Вториот дел од оваа сесија ќе биде посветен на презентирање на вашите заклучоци, така што изберете известувач! Забелешка: РЕЦ ќе ги собере сите овие заклучоци и ќе ги стави на достап како дел од финалните препораки од проектот. Parallel Sessions: 3 & 4 Legal Recourse/Advocacy and Public Participation 5. Effective Communication and Public Outreach Parallel Sessions: 1 & 2 Lobbying and Watch-dogging • Sida welcome address • Opening discussion about CSO role in society • Why are we here? • Inevitable discussion on challenges/obstacles Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 6/19 Results vs Indicators • Target participation achieved; Serbia (40), BiH (30), Mk (25) Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 7/19 Results vs Indicators Course objectives met to: • 1) Build capacity in the desired fields by responding as directly as possible to those needs outlined in the CSO Assessment; • “I learned who to address when searching for certain information [while watchdogging],” BiH • “Before I participated in the public participation module I was too afraid to participate in a public hearing. Having simulated it, I have no doubt I’ll be participating in the future” D. Blagojevic, BiH • “The legal module offered explanations of ‘legaleze,’ a field I am not familiar with,” Serbia • “Modules addressed the most important needs of our CSOs” • “Are there any plans to host Master Class “Part 2” so we might benefit from the experiences shared from those modules we couldn’t join?” A. Ploco, BiH Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 8/19 Results vs Indicators • Build capacity by responding as directly as possible to those needs outlined in the CSO Assessment; • 1) Build capacity by responding as directly as possible to those needs outlined in the CSO Assessment; 2) CSO collaboration/networking/experience exchange; Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 9/19 Results vs Indicators • Build capacity by responding as directly as possible to those needs outlined in the CSO Assessment; 2) CSO collaboration/networking/experience exchange; • CSO collaboration/networking/experience exchange; 3) Generate a shortlist of the obstacles and challenges and formulate recommendations across the five classes. • Generate a shortlist of the obstacles and challenges and formulate recommendations across the five classes. Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 10/19 Results vs Indicators • Non-Environmental Sectors also covered Serbia BiH • Annex IV contains more “colourful” data on participants/CSOs at: http://ftp.rec.org/memberftp/Jerome/Resource%20Materials/ Mk • “Next steps” - complete the course series Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 11/19 Progress to Date What is Social Capital? Social capital : the combined wealth of a community (physical or virtual) which shares certain values, practices, standards, knowledge and skills leading to social cohesion, collaboration and innovation (and thereby a higher level of social capital) • Submission of an Expression of Interest by interested networks via the completion of a short questionnaire/pre-assessment by October 31st, 2007 • Selection Criteria: • Structure (regional, min. 3 states) • Focus on urban environment protection across W. Balkans • Legally established • Articulation of 5 year organisational development interests and thematic aspirations and plans • Network motivation to undertake the organisational self-assessment Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 12/19 Progress to Date • Based in Sarajevo, BiH • Members: Hr; Srb; Mne; Mk; Al & Bg • OA workshop; April-2008 • Priority development needs: - Leadership re: fundraising; - Staff capacity development; - Network identity (“own” staff); - Business model for Training Ctr; - Office premises. • Based in Vukovar, Croatia • Members: BiH & Mk • OA workshop; end-2007 • Priority development needs: - Effective implementation of management decisions by members; - A full time leader/fundraiser; - Annual operating budget & workplan; and office premises Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 13/19 Next Steps First subsidy Second subsidy • Respond to organisational self-assessment and support development plan preparation/address one priority issue via first subsidy (grant/expert assistance) • Evaluate progress six-months later against development targets via second subsidy Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 14/19 Future Plans – Strategic Amendments 1. Qualitative impact indicators (NAT 4) 2/3. Shift from community to national emphasis (NAT 5) 4. Increase Inter-linkages (NAT 6) 1. Qualitative impact indicators (NAT 1) 2/4. Promote outputs from regional networks (NAT 2) 4. Increase Inter-linkages (NAT 3) Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 15/19 Future Plans – Endorsed Amendments 1. Qualitative impact indicators (NAT 4) 2/3. Shift from community to national emphasis (NAT 5)Master Class is a national event, it discusses and addresses urban environment priorities at a national level, while networking CSOs cross-country; At the same time beneficiaries of SECTOR 1&2 are encouraged to take part in Master Class and vice-versa 4. Increase Inter-linkages (NAT 6)Encourage CSOs dealing with urban environment issues to participate in EC FP7 Civitas Plus, where Skopje and Zagreb benefit from sustainable transport support, besides Sida LEAP in the W.Balkan cities Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 16/19 Future Plans – Endorsed Amendments 1. Qualitative impact indicators (NAT 1) 2/4. Promote outputs from regional networks (NAT 2)Beneficiary regional networks can share experiences with the many national CSO networks; urban environment priorities will be addressed; Networks are encouraged to apply for grants under SECTOR 2, while their member orgs and staff are encouraged to apply for SECTOR 1 and Master Class 4. Increase Inter-linkages (NAT 3)BEN and SEEYN encouraged to participate in the EFE process Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 17/19 Future Plans – Qualitative Indicators A specific urban env. problem addressed (#/type) Increased community activity /stakeholder cooperation (‘’) Initiate or improve decision-making/dialogue/debate between CSOs, authorities & community (‘’) “Modular” campaigns realised (‘’) Capacities, skills, knowledge improved (#) National CSO networking (1yr on) Member CSO capacities improved (skills, knowledge, info, personnel, volunteers) Durable outputs (e.g. activity plan, adopted methodology, policy endorsed, coalition etc.) Endorsed action plan post Organisational Assessment (incl. type/# of action items) Jsimpson@rec.org
Slide 18/19 Key Issues – Budget Amendment • In a nutshell: Shift €16,600 from direct costs to staff fees. • Why? • Costs to prepare and host greater than envisaged because: • i) national experts used, not REC HQ staff (↑ €36,000/ ↓ €55,000) • ii) many more participants travel from outside host city (↑ €45,000) • iii) preparation has become full time occupation (↑ €64,000); • 5 days – Lining up and supervising six contractors; • 10 days – Editing, preparing the materials; • 5+5 days – Supervising REC CO in organization; • 7 days – Class participation • While professional materials’ publication under-budgeted (↓ €38,000) Two networks, not four being supported (↓ €40,000/ ↓ €11,500) Jsimpson@rec.org
Thank you for your attention Jsimpson@rec.org