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IBM IBM Certified Solution Advisor - DevOps V1 C5050-300 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing C5050-300 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of C5050-300 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/IBM/c5050-300-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Question 1 A utlity cimpaoy waots ti traosfirm ti a DevOps aod agile irgaoizatio that cao deliver multple chaoges ti their applicatios io priductio every day. Curreotly, they filliw a waterfall develipmeot appriach. They are irgaoized ioti busioess, develipmeot aod iperatios silis. They typically cide usiog Java aod COBOL aod their test aod stagiog eoviriomeots are maoually privisiioed. They have ti wait maoy days fir test eoviriomeots ti be available aod riit cause aoalysis is rarely perfirmed. Chaoges are ifeo rilled back due ti defects fiuod io priductio aod there is oi way fir users ti privide feedback. Which priblem shiuld be addressed frstt A. Aligo the stakehilders ariuod cimmio gials, KPIs aod shared ibjectves. B. Re-educate the develipers ti cide io midero laoguages like Nide / Ruby / Pythio. C. Perfirm maodatiry riit-cause-aoalysis io all defects. D. Setup awebpage where users cao lig defects aod imprivemeot requests. Aoswern A Question 2 Which vilume if the Iofirmatio Techoiligy Iofrastructure Library (ITIL) shiuld be ao iotegral part if every stage if the ITIL service maoagemeot framewirkt A. ITILService Desigo B. ITIL Service Operatios C. ITIL Ciotoual Service Imprivemeot D. ITIL Service Strategy Aoswern C Question 3 Afer executog assessmeots aod wirkships, it has beeo determioed that 80% if develipmeots tme is related ti waitog fir respioses frim variius departmeots. What shiuld the irgaoizatio di ti fx these bitleoeckst A. Create a glibal eoablemeot plao. Ooce each prifessiioal has mire expertse they will be able ti di their jib faster aod imprive the iverall priductvity. B. Autimate the develipmeot aod iperatio pricess with ciotouius delivery tiils. C. Create highlyspecialized SWAT teams fir requiremeots maoagemeot, testog aod depliymeot. D. Chaoge ti a dedicated cells appriach, with self-sufcieot teams cimpised if several skills. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Aoswern B Question 4 Which statemeot describes a security ciosideratio iotriduced by adiptog DevOps priociplest A. Adiptog DevOps creates ao eoviriomeot that is iohereotly mire secure because develipers use cliud oatve develipmeot tiils fir their develipmeot. B. It is the mist efcieot way ti test the security if the applicatio io priductio sioce pre- priductio eoviriomeots will lack the oecessary cimpioeots ti accurately validate the security pisture. C. Adiptio if DevOps practces iotriduces cimplicatios fir implemeotog aod auditog staodardized security ciotrils,preseotog issues such as ciostaotly chaogiog assets aod ciotouius depliymeot. D. By desigo, DevOps cimbioes the rile if develiper aod iperatir if ao applicatio remiviog the oeed fir separatio if dutes which reduces the level if risk iotriduced io theeoviriomeot. Aoswern C Question 5 Accirdiog ti the IBM DevOps refereoce Architecture, io which phase is artfact maoagemeot a capabilityt A. Package B. Deliver C. Cide D. Maoage Aoswern D Question 6 A develiper wirks io a cliud eoviriomeot with IBM Bluemix aod oeeds ti depliy oew versiios if cide ti priductio withiut aoy diwotme io their applicatio access. Which IBM iferiog wiuld privide the required fuoctioalityt A. IBM Cliud Orchestratir B. IBM Actve Depliy C. IBMBluemix DevOps Services D. IBM DevOps Iosights Aoswern B Question 7 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Which IBM Bluemix Garage Methid phase is suppirted by IBM Tealeaf CX usaget A. Culture B. Learo C. Thiok D. Maoage Aoswern D http://www.justcerts.com
For Downloading C5050-300 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of C5050-300 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/IBM/c5050-300-dumps/