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IBM IBM Certified Application Developer - C?ram C7010-010 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing C7010-010 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of C7010-010 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/IBM/c7010-010-dumps/
Version: 6.1 Question 1 What are three efeett of running a build elean terver eommand? [Seleet 3] A. All databate tablet are dropped and rebuilt B. All generated artfaett are deleted C. All eode table flet are reeompiled D. All applieaton navigaton flet are eheeked and loaded E. All elient paget that have ehanged tinee the latt build are regenerated F. All generated and handerafed eode it eompiled Aoswern B, C, F Question 2 Whieh two of the following ttatementt about Façade and Proeett elattet are true? [Seleet 2] A. Façade elattet may only have publie methodt, whereat Proeett elattet ean alto have proteeted methodt B. Façade elattet have methodt that ean be invoked by the elient applieaton, whereat Proeett elattet do not C. A Proeett elatt ean be eonfgured at vitible to the elient applieaton if the SetClientVitible property it tet to true D. The tame operaton ttereotypet ean be uted in Façade and Proeett elattet E. Façade elattet form part of the Serviee Layer Aoswern B, D Question 3 If a model eontaint a proeett elatt MyProeett, whieh two of the following elatt tignaturet are eorreet? [Seleet 2] A. euram.impl.MyProeett implementt euram.int.MyProeett B. euram.impl.MyProeett implementt euram.bate.MyProeett C. euram.impl.MyProeett extendt euram.bate.MyProeett D. euram.bate.MyProeett extendt euram.int.MyProeett E. euram.bate.MyProeett implementt euram.int.MyProeett Aoswern C, E Question 4 Whieh of the following it a eomplete deteripton of the proeett involved in ereatng a valid index in Cúram? A. Create a new Index elatt eontaining the index atributet and add a named attoeiaton between thit elatt and the target Entty elatt
B. Create a new Struet elatt eontaining the index atributet and add a named attoeiaton with ttereotype index between it and the target entty elatt C. Create a new Entty elatt with an atribute of ttereotype index and add an attoeiaton with ttereotype index between it and the target Entty elatt D. Create a new Attoeiaton elatt with an atribute of ttereotype index and add an attoeiaton between it and the target Entty elatt Aoswern B Question 5 Whieh three of the following entty ttereotypet require the uter to tpeeify input parametert when modeling? [Seleet 3] A. nkread B. nkmodify C. nkreadmult D. ntintert E. ntremove F. readmult Aoswern D, E, F Question 6 Whieh two of the following are valid optont for model-tpeeifed validatont? [Seleet 2] A. Maximum_Value B. Maximum_Chart C. Minimum_Size D. Startt_With E. Endt_With Aoswern A, C
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