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Birrong Girls’ High School Presents…. Year 10 – Information Night. Higher School Certificate. The HSC - highest educational award you can gain in New South Wales Schools. Is internationally recognised, strong foundation for the future New HSC introduced in 2000
Higher School Certificate • The HSC - highest educational award you can gain in New South Wales Schools. • Is internationally recognised, strong foundation for the future • New HSC introduced in 2000 • There were some major changes to the old HSC Course, this doesn’t mean it is more or less harder. • The New course builds on the Old course. courses available and these new courses available • Courses now will be linked to further education and training • Extension Courses enables students to undertake more in-depth study in areas of special interest. • VET courses will count towards the HSC and will also lead to qualifications recognised across a range of industries.
How do I know what to choose? Important to make the right decision, Advice can be obtained from: • Course Teachers = Who know what is the content in the course and can tell you about the requirements in the course. • School’s Executive (Head Teachers, Deputy Teachers and the Principal) = They can provide you information and counselling on courses, course content and course requirements. • Mentors = Can look at your results & monitor your strengths and weaknesses. • Careers Adviser = You may have a particular career in mind, the career adviser would know best of what is required in that course. • Year Adviser = Can help by talking with you over your ideas and concerns with chosen courses. • School Counsellor = Can discuss with you your ability to do certain courses, study problems or any concerns • Parents = They know your study habits and perhaps knows your interests and can talk over with you about your decisions. • You = You know yourself better than anyone else. You choose what you feel is right, what you feel you can do best in. it’ll be useless to choose a subject you cannot do and a subject you don’t like as this could lead to failing a course. Doing something you enjoy will give you the greatest marks for the HSC.
What types of Courses Can I choose? There are 2 broad categories of courses: Board Developed and Board Endorsed Board Developed Courses • These are courses for which the Board of Studies develops a syllabus, setting out the objectives, outcomes, structure and content. The board also develops Higher School Certificate examinations for most of these courses. • In addition, the Board develops course and assessment requirements, specimen examination papers, marking guidelines and performance scales for these courses for distribution to all schools. • Most Board Developed Courses contribute to the calculation of the Universities Admission Index (UAI). Board Endorsed Courses • There are three types of Board Endorsed Courses: School Developed Courses • Courses developed by individual schools in response to local interest or need that have been endorsed by the Board. University Developed Courses • Developed by universities in conjunction with schools to suit the particular needs of high ability students. Content Endorsed Courses (CECs) • These courses are based on School Developed Courses in the most popular areas of study. They fall into two categories: general CECs and VET CECs including many delivered by TAFE. • Board Endorsed Courses count towards the Higher School Certificate and are listed on your Record of Achievement. However, Board Endorsed Courses do not count towards calculation of the UAI
What are Units? • All courses offered for the HSC have a unit value. Subjects may have a value of 1 or 2 units. Most courses are 2 units. • Each unit involves a class time of approximately 2 hours per week (60 hours per year). In the HSC each unit has a value of 50 marks. Hence, a 2 unit course has a value of 100 marks. • At Birrong Girls High 2 unit subjects = 3 periods a week (or 6 periods over the 2 weeks, A and B). • 1 unit subjects would therefore be 3 periods over the 2 weeks, A and B. • Note only English & Mathematics offer extension in both Preliminary ( Year 11) and HSC (Year 12) levels. You must choose Extension 1 before you can choose Extension 2 (Year 12 only) • VET courses are not divided into HSC and Preliminary components and may be counted as Preliminary or HSC courses. However, only VET courses of at least 120 hours duration will be counted toward the HSC mark. • Studies of Religion may be undertaken either as a 120 hour course (1 unit Preliminary and 1 unit HSC) or as a 240 hour course (2 units preliminary and 2 units HSC). Basic structure of the courses: 2 unit course = Basic Structure of all courses. Has a value of 100 marks. Extension Course = Builds on the content of the 1 or 2 unit course and carries an additional value of 1 unit. At Birrong there are extension courses in English, Mathematics, History, Music, Languages and VET.
What are the requirements of the HSC? To be eligible for the award of the Higher School Certificate, you need to: • be enrolled at a NSW government school, or a registered and accredited non-government school, or a TAFE institute • study a permitted combination of courses • complete the requirements for each course, including any necessary practical or project work • complete tasks designed by your school for the internal assessment program in each HSC course • sit for, and make a genuine attempt at, the required Higher School Certificate examinations • Remember: • English is the only compulsory Higher School Certificate Subject. • To be eligible for the award of the HSC you must satisfactorily complete at least 12 units in your Preliminary study pattern and at least 10 units in your HSC study pattern. • Study patterns must include: At least 6 units of Board Developed Courses At least 2 units of a Board Developed Course in English At least 3 courses of 2 unit value or greater. • At least 4 subjects. • You may not count more than 6 units of Science courses towards the minimum 12 preliminary units or10 HSC units required for the award of the HSC. • In the Preliminary study pattern, Senior Science may not be studied in combination with either Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Environmental Science.
Samples of Subject Selection The following Samples are possible subject selections a student may have and the problems associated with choosing these.
How does assessing/testing work? • Required to complete school-based assessment tasks for most Board Developed HSC Courses you study. (VET and Life Skills Courses have different requirements.) This applies to all school and TAFE students regardless of the number of units attempted. • School-based assessment counts for 50% of your overall mark in each course, and is reported on your Higher School Certificate Record of Achievement. • School-based assessment tasks are designed to measure performance in a wider range of outcomes than may be tested in an examination. • Assessment tasks may include tests, written or oral assignments, practical activities, fieldwork and projects. The assessment requirements for each Board Developed Course are set out in each syllabus. • For VET courses, you are assessed on your competency in performing work-related tasks. This assessment counts towards your VET qualification but not towards an HSC mark.
How Assessment Works • Board Developed VET Courses studied at school, there is no assessment mark. Student achievement in the units of competency for each course is entered in a competency record. School submits to the Board a list of the units of competency you have successfully achieved. This information used to produce your Certificate or Statement of Achievement. • In most cases, the assessment mark for a satisfactorily completed course can be used in illness/misadventure appeals.At the end of the Higher School Certificate examinations, you may ask your school for your rank order in each course you have studied based on school assessments. If you feel that your rank in any course is not correct, you may apply to the school principal for a review. Your school submits your assessment marks to the Board of Studies, calculated from your results on each formal assessment task you undertake as part of your HSC course.
Satisfactory completion of courses • To receive a result in any course, you must satisfactorily complete that course. • Satisfactory completion of a course involves: • following the course developed or endorsed by the Board; and • applying yourself with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks provided in the course by the school; and • achieving some or all of the course outcomes. • If your principal decides that you have not satisfactorily completed a course, you will receive no results in that course. • You have the right to appeal to the Board against your principal’s decision. If you choose to do so, your principal will explain the appeal mechanism to you.
What Courses Should I choose to earn a UAI? • All the Board Developed Courses allow for you to gain a UAI mark. • Vocational Education and Training (VET) =Board Developed Courses that allow you to gain both HSC qualifications and Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) VET accreditation. • VET AQF qualifications are recognised by industry and employers throughout Australia. These courses require you to spend a minimum number of hours in the workplace. • You receive an AQF Certificate or Statement of Attainment which reports the competencies you have achieved. Some of these courses can be studied at school while others can be studied at TAFE institutes or with other training providers.
What Courses Should I choose to earn a UAI? • Students who undertake the optional written HSC examination in one of the 240 hour VET courses may have the result for that course included in the calculation of their UAI. • You can study other VET courses in industries where there is no industry framework. These courses include: Content Endorsed Courses (CECs) Board Developed, TAFE Delivered VET courses TAFE Delivered VET CECs in many industry areas Locally designed VET courses endorsed by the Board of Studies.
What Courses are offered at Birrong? • The list below contains Board Developed Courses available for the Higher School Certificate. • All courses are of 2 unit value except for Studies of Religion I, some VET courses, and extension courses that are usually of 1 unit value.
Vet Courses offered at Birrong • Business Services Business Services (120 hours)Business Services (240 hours)Business Services Extension (60 hours or 120 hours) • Tourism and Hospitality Hospitality Operations (120 hours)Hospitality Kitchen Operations (120 hours)Hospitality Operations (240 hours)Hospitality Extension (60 hours)Tourism – Sales/Office Operations (120 hours)Tourism – Sales/Office Operations (240 hours) • Retail Retail Operations (120 hours)Retail Operations (240 hours) The following 60 hour courses are only available as Board Endorsed Courses. Students enrolled in the 240 hour course are eligible to make application through their school.Retail Operations – General Selling (60 hours)Retail Operations – Fresh Food Selling (60 hours)Retail Operations – Clerical Administrative (60 hours) • Content Endorsed Courses CeramicsComputing ApplicationsExploring Early ChildhoodPhotography, Video and Digital Imaging
Drama • Preliminary Course • Improvisation, Playbuilding, Acting • Elements of Production in Performance • Theatrical Traditions & Performance Styles • HSC Course Australian Drama & Theatre Studies in Drama and Theatre Group Performance Individual Performance
What if I make the wrong decision? • One of the most commonly asked Questions is, What if I chose the wrong course and I don’t like it? • Early in the year, your school will submit an entry to the Board Showing those courses that you expect to complete that year. • If you wish to change courses after the entries have been submitted, you need to apply to the school principal. • In case of Preliminary courses, the principal For More Information you can access the Board of Studies Website at: http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/
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