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REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA. MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENERGY. CLIMATE ACTION POLICY IN ALBANIA NAP. Gjergji Simaku, PhD c. Head of Policies and Strategic Development on Industry and Energy. gjergji.simaku@infrastruktura.gov.al www.energjia.gov.al. OVERVIEW. INDC & Paris agreement.
REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENERGY CLIMATE ACTION POLICY IN ALBANIA NAP Gjergji Simaku, PhDc Head of Policies and Strategic Development on Industry and Energy gjergji.simaku@infrastruktura.gov.al www.energjia.gov.al
OVERVIEW INDC & Paris agreement Environment & Energy Transport & Environment National Policies & Strategies Climate Change www.energjia.gov.al
Republic of Albania, adopted the INDC document by the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 762 of 16.09.2015, as our national intended determined contribution to the global efforts for GHG emission reduction, and submitted it to the UNFCCC Secretariat by 24 September 2015. Reduce CO2 emissions compared to the baseline scenario in the period of 2016 to 2030 by 11.5 %. Maintaining the low GHG emission content of the electricity generation and decoupling growth from increase of GHG emissions in other sectors are the primary drivers of the country regarding mitigation contribution as its INDC. www.energjia.gov.al
Ministry of Environment with the support of donors is in the process of drafting the strategic documents and the legal framework for climate change: The decision of the Council of Ministers No. 249, date 30.03.2016 approved in principle the Paris Climate Agreement. Albanian delegation headed the deputy Prime Minister signed Paris agreement on 22 April 2016 in New York. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Environment has started the ratification of Paris agreement. In April 13 2016 the Third National Communication (TNC) was presented and discussed with the Interministerial Working Group on Climate Change established by the Prime Minister Order No 155, dated 25.4.2014 On establishment and functioning of the Interministerial Working Group on Climate Change. www.energjia.gov.al
Environment & Energy Energy Efficiency As a contracting Party under Energy Community Treaty and NDC, the Law on Energy Efficiency No 124/2015 and the Law “On Energy Performance on Building (116/2016) have been adopted during November 2015/2016. Environment & Energy Renewables As acontracting Party under Energy Community Treaty the Law on “Promotion of Renewable Energy” 7/2017, made Albania the first Country on WB6 with the initiative on: Integrated Energy & Climate Strategy www.energjia.gov.al
National Policies & Strategies Climate Change - NAP National Adaptation Planning • NAP is understood mainly as long-lasting process; the document provides goals, indicators, priority actions and process elements. • It provides a framework for targeted mainstreaming. • It establishes implementation mechanisms. • It supports access to financing systematically through a financing document • It is a catalyst for participation and awareness rising. www.energjia.gov.al
NAP • the NAP draws orientation from the Technical Guidelines but applies them to the Albanian situation in a ‘hand-tailored’ way considering the present situation in the field of climate change adaptation. • NAP is designed as a continuous process - envisaged 20 years • Framework for targeted mainstreaming: a key approach envisaged by UNFCCC and the NAP Technical Guidelines; the adaptation is closely linked to the long-term planning of urban development, water resources, agriculture, nature conservation, territorial development. • Establish implementation mechanisms: adaptation of studies and strategies to include the aspects of adaptation on concrete action, e.g. through ‘project fiches’, some of which are agreed for implementation. www.energjia.gov.al
NAP • the NAP draws orientation from the Technical Guidelines but applies them to the Albanian situation in a ‘hand-tailored’ way considering the present situation in the field of climate change adaptation. • Support financing systematically Securing financing is a pre-condition for implementation and is described in the document accordingly. Access to new climate financing mechanisms will be operationalized through the NAP process in close cooperation with relevant institutions and assisted by donors in this area. NAP should be strengthen on its recognition at political level • Catalyst for participation and awareness raising: The SWOT analysis identifies weaknesses in public recognition of climate change and of the needs for adaptation. The NAP process will be highly participatory and will continue applying outreach activities for the broader public and specific target groups such as farmers, private sector, etc www.energjia.gov.al
Climate Change Adaptation is more prominent in the draft Cross-cutting Environmental Strategy. By March 2016 the NAP implementing mechanism is linked with the process of national and sectorial territorial planning. Climate proofing is included in the Strategic Environmental Assessment methodology for both plans. www. energjia.gov.al
CC is envisaged and substantially dealt with in the draft strategy for Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) so that the resilience of the water sector in insured. • Adaptation is mainstreamed in a vertical way from the mission statement, objectives to the concrete measures. The Inter-sectoral strategy for agriculture and rural development in Albania (ISARD) 2015-2020, adopted by me DCM no. 709 dated 29.10.2014, under the title ”Environment, land, forestry and water management and road infrastructure”, is included in the topic of Climate change and air quality. www.energjia.gov.al
Climate change adaptation and best practices of EU in the sector are also dealt with in regional and local level. Guided by climate compass: the EU tool for developing climate-proof cities, a Climate Change adaptation Plan is prepared for the Tirana municipality. The MoE has increased interest in the Climate Change adaptation is formalized through the active participation in the Global Network for Adaptation. www.energjia.gov.al
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