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Quantum Cryptography. Brandin L Claar CSE 597E 5 December 2001. Overview. Motivations for Quantum Cryptography Background Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Attacks on QKD. Motivations. Desire for privacy in the face of unlimited computing power
Quantum Cryptography Brandin L Claar CSE 597E 5 December 2001
Overview • Motivations for Quantum Cryptography • Background • Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) • Attacks on QKD Brandin L Claar
Motivations • Desire for privacy in the face of unlimited computing power • Current cryptographic schemes based on unproven mathematical principles like the existence of a practical trapdoor function • Shor’s quantum factoring algorithm could break RSA in polynomial time • Quantum cryptography realizable with current technology Brandin L Claar
Photons • Photons are the discrete bundles of energy that make up light • They are electromagnetic waves with electric and magnetic fields represented by vectors perpendicular both to each other and the direction of travel • The behavior of the electric field vector determines the polarization of a photon Brandin L Claar
Polarizations • A linear polarization is always parallel to a fixed line, e.g. rectilinear and diagonal polarizations • A circular polarization creates a circle around the axis of travel • Elliptical polarizations exist in between Brandin L Claar
The Poincaré Sphere z • Any point resting on the surface of the unit sphere represents a valid polarization state for a photon • The x, y, and z axes represent the rectilinear, diagonal, and circular polarizations respectively (0,0,1) (-1,0,0) (0,-1,0) (0,1,0) y (1,0,0) x (0,0,-1) Brandin L Claar
Bases • Diametrically opposed points on the surface of the sphere form a basis • Here, {P,-P} and {Q,-Q} represent bases • Bases correspond to measurable properties • Conjugate bases are separated by 90 z P -Q y Q -P x Brandin L Claar
Quantum Uncertainty • Quantum mechanics is simply the study of very small things • Heisenburg’s uncertainty principle places limits on the certainty of measurements on quantum systems • Inherent uncertainties are expressed as probabilities Brandin L Claar
Measuring Polarization z • Imagine a photon in state Q, measured by {P,-P} where is the angle between P and Q • It behaves as P with probability: P y Q • It behaves as -P with probability: -P x Brandin L Claar
Measuring Polarization z • This phenomenon produces some interesting behavior for cryptography • Prob(P) + Prob(-P) = 1 • If is 90 or 270, Prob(P) = Prob(-P) = .5 • If is 0 or 180, Prob(P) = 1 P y Q -P x Brandin L Claar
Properties for Cryptography • Given 2 conjugate bases, a photon polarized with respect to one and measured in another reveals zero information • Dirac: this loss is permanent; the system “jumps” to a state of the measurement basis • Only measurement in the original basis reveals the actual state Brandin L Claar
Key to Quantum Cryptography z • Imagine a bit string composed from 2 distinct quantum alphabets • It is impossible to retrieve the entire string without knowing the correct bases • Random measurements by an intruder will necessarily alter polarization resulting in errors 1 (0,0,1) (-1,0,0) 0 (0,-1,0) (0,1,0) y (1,0,0) 1 x 0 (0,0,-1) Brandin L Claar
History • Conjugate Coding, Stephen Wiesner (late 60’s) • CRYPTO ’82: Quantum Cryptography, or unforgeable subway tokens • Charles H. Bennett, Gilles Brassard: use photons to transmit instead of store Brandin L Claar
Quantum Key Distribution • Experimental Quantum Cryptography, Bennett, Bessette, Brassard, Salvail, Smolin (1991) • Allows Alice and Bob to agree on a secure random key of arbitrary length potentially for use in a one-time pad Brandin L Claar
The Protocol • Communication over the Quantum Channel • Key Reconciliation • Privacy Amplification Brandin L Claar
The Quantum Channel lens free air optical path (~32cm) Wollaston prism LED photomultiplier tubes pinhole interference filter Pockels cells Brandin L Claar
Basic Protocol • Alice sends random sequence of 4 types of polarized photons over the quantum channel: horizontal, vertical, right-circular, left-circular • Bob measures each in a random basis • After full sequence, Bob tells Alice the bases he used over the public channel • Alice informs Bob which bases were correct • Alice and Bob discard the data from incorrectly measured photons • The polarization data is converted to a bit string (↔ = ↶ = 0 and ↕ = ↷ = 1) Brandin L Claar
Basic Protocol Example ↶ ↷ ↔ ↕ ↷ ↔ ↔ ↷ ↷ + o + + o o + + o ↕ ↷ ↔ ↕ ↶ ↔ ↷ + o + + o + o Y Y Y Y ↷ ↔ ↕ ↷ 1 0 1 1 Brandin L Claar
Key Reconciliation • Data is compared and errors eliminated by performing parity checks over the public channel • Random string permutations are partitioned into blocks believed to contain 1 error or less • A bisective search is performed on blocks with incorrect parity to eliminate the errors • The last bit of each block whose parity was exposed is discarded • This process is repeated with larger and larger block sizes • The process ends when a number of parity checks of random subsets of the entire string agree Brandin L Claar
Privacy Amplification • A hash function h of the following class is randomly and publicly chosen: • With n bits where Eve’s expected deterministic information is l bits, and an arbitrary security parameter s, Eve’s expected information on h(x) will be less than • h(x) will be the final shared key between Alice and Bob Brandin L Claar
Attacking QKD • Intercept/Resend Attack • Beamsplitting Attack • Estimating Eve’s Information Brandin L Claar
Intercept/Resend Attack • Allows Eve to determine the value of each bit with probability • At least 25% of intercepted pulses will generate errors when read by Bob • All errors are assumed to be the result of intercept/resend • Hence, a conservative estimate of Eve’s information on the raw quantum transmission (given t detected errors) is Brandin L Claar
Errors with Intercept/Resend Brandin L Claar
Beamsplitting Attack • Ideally, each pulse sent by Alice would consist of exactly 1 photon • The number of expected photons per pulse is • Eve is able to learn a constant fraction of the bits by splitting a pulse • Given N pulses, the number of bits lost to Eve through beamsplitting is estimated to be less than Brandin L Claar
Estimating Eve’s Information • Given a bit error rate p and a pulse intenstity , Eve is expected to learn a fraction of the raw key: • Alice and Bob can estimate the number of leaked bits and use this to eliminate Eve’s information in the privacy amplification stage: Brandin L Claar
Other protocols • Quantum Oblivious Transfer • Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) effect Brandin L Claar