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Reading for Cultural Awareness. Title: Communication: No Problem? Source: New Senior English for China Book 4 Unit 4: Body Language (p.26). Topic Intro: Greetings. From the known to the unknown. Ask students to demonstrate and describe how Chinese greet people
Reading for Cultural Awareness Title: Communication: No Problem? Source: New Senior English for China Book 4 Unit 4: Body Language (p.26)
Topic Intro: Greetings From the known to the unknown • Ask students to demonstrate and describe how Chinese greet people • during the Spring Festival • before they do martial arts • in ancient times • Explain that • these are traditional Chinese greetings • greetings are body language: • Message is conveyed through gesture and posture • Different levels of formality reveal people’s relationship & feeling • Helps to understand how culture is developed • Show photos of different kinds of greeting and ask students to describe each of them.
Describing the Greetings 4. 1. 7. 10. 8. They kiss each other on each cheek She waves/ puts up her hand 2. They hold each other’s hands They put their palms together & bow 5. 11. They hug each other over the shoulder They nod and shake hands • They bow to each other 6. 3. 9. They rub noses They shake hands and touch shoulder They give each other a full hug He kisses her hand
In your opinion, which greetings are for people they know and which are for strangers? Can you guess which country these people are from? USA InF China / Japan F ? F USA InF Middle East F InF Europe Europe InF F worldwide F worldwide Buddhist countries F F & InF NZ, Mid East
Teaching Reading through Questioning • After the first reading • Why did the author go to the airport to meet the international students? • He watched the students and found that students from different countries had different ways of greeting. • How did they greet and respond to one another? • Let’s look at the first two students who arrived. Who are these students? Book 4 p.26
Understanding Causal Relationship: Action, Reaction, Cause & Effect How did Tony & George greet Julia & Akira? How did Julia and Akira react to their action? How did they feel as a result? Why did all these happen? Tony (from Colombia) tried to touch Julia’s shoulder and kiss her on the cheek. Julia (from Britain) put up her hand to defend herself from his close contact They were not aware of each other’s cultural differences Misunder-standing & wrong behaviour Both parties were embarrassed George (from Canada) reached out his hand for a handshake, but Akira (from Japan) tried to bow Akira’s nose touched George’s moving hand
Step-by-step Guidance for Doing Information Transfer (p.27 section1) • How many international students arrived that day? What countries did they come from? Tell me the names & nationality of the first four students. See how fast you can do it. (Teach pronunciation) Turn to p.27 and fill in Columns 1 & 2 • Now read these lines again to find out how they greet each other & complete Column 3. Man from Colombia kiss on the cheek Julia Smith Woman from Britain • Do these students use the same or different body language with men & women? Fill in Column 4 with either ‘everyone’, ‘to men’ or ‘to women’ • Finish the table about all the other students.
Looking at the Theme A New Title for the Text • What had the author learned from this experience of meeting the international students? Where can you find the answer? Read aloud the sentences. • Look at the title of this recount. Why is there a question mark at the end? • Some people may find the title not too clear in meaning. What new title will you replace it with? Choose from below: Cultural Body Language? Understanding Culture through Body Language? Body Language and Culture?
Moving From the Classroom to the World U.S. President Obama 奧巴馬 Aung San Suu Kyi 昂山素姬 Do you know these two persons? President Obama visited Aung San SuuKyi last month when he visited Burma (Myamar). I’d like you to watch a video showing the arrival of Obama at her home. There is another person with Obama, and she is Hilary Clinton 希拉利,美国国務卿 When you watch, please note how the three people greeted one another.
Third Reading: Recapitulation • How did Aung San SuuKyi, President Obama and Hilary Clinton greet each other? Did they … … • bowto each other? • kisson the cheek? • hug each other? • hold both hands of each other? • raise one hand to day ‘Hi’? • shake hands? • put the palms together at the chest? • put an arm across the shoulder of the other person? • rubeach other’s nose?
Greetings and Body Language Let’s take a closer look at these pictures. What do these of greetings tell you about their culture and relationship?
Good-byes and Body Language After their meeting, President Obama and Aung San SuuKyi met the press again. The US president gave the Burmese lady a good bye kiss on the cheek. What can you read from their body language? Why does PO kiss ASSK on the cheek? How do you think she feel?