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Water Resources Assessment

Water Resources Assessment. Main Resources Surface water Groundwater Unconventional Tools Flood routing/delineation models Runoff models GIS Finite element Finite difference Lumped parameters models. Q in. S. Q out. Surface Water. General Equation I(t) – O(t) = Δ S/ Δ t

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Water Resources Assessment

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  1. Water Resources Assessment • Main Resources • Surface water • Groundwater • Unconventional • Tools • Flood routing/delineation models • Runoff models • GIS • Finite element • Finite difference • Lumped parameters models

  2. Qin S Qout Surface Water • General Equation I(t) – O(t) = ΔS/Δt • Oin Inputs • Precipitation • Base flow • Oin Outputs • E/ET • Infiltration • Intakes

  3. System Boundaries • Reservoir • Balance ΔS/Δt=(P*Ares+Qin)-(E*Ares+Qout) • Residence Time S/I(t) • Watershed ΔS/Δt=(P*A)-(ET*A+Qout)

  4. Groundwater • Definitions • Saturated Zone: VWater=Vvoids • Unsaturated Zone: VWater < Vvoids • Moisture Content: VWater < Vtotal • Voids/Pores: allow the flow of water • Water Table: surface where the water pressure in the pores equals Zero • Porosity: n = Vvoids /Vtotal (~0 - 0.7) • Hydraulic conductivity [L/T]= represents how easily water can flow through formation • Gravel >50 m/day • Course Sand: K = 30-50 m/day • Fine sand: K = 10-30 m/day • Silt: K = 1-10 m/day • Clay: K < 1 m/day

  5. Groundwater • Definitions • Formations types with respect to water bearing • Aquifer = permeable layer that contains and transmits water in large quantities • Confined • Unconfined • Aquiclude = impermeable layer that may contain water but transmissivity is very low • Aquitard = semi permeable layer that transmits water in the vertical direction only • Aquifuge = impermeable layer that neither contains nor transmits water

  6. Clay calcareous sandstone, unconsolidated sands Eocene chalks and limestone marls, marine shales, and claystones General Cross Section of Gaza Aquifer

  7. Intrinsic permeability Groundwater • Darcy

  8. Groundwater • Average pore velocity • Problem: A tracer traveled 3 days and 6 hours between 2 wells that are 20 m apart. Water elevation difference between the wells is 0.5m, porosity n=0.15. Estimate v, q, K

  9. Groundwater Balance Ss [1/L] = Specific Storage = volume of water that a unit volume of aquifer releases under a unit decline in hydraulic head S [dimensionless] = Storativity = volume of water that a unit surface area of aquifer releases under a unit decline in hydraulic head

  10. Groundwater Balance • Pollutants transport mechanisms • Advection • Diffusion • Dispersion Mechanical dispersion coefficient Diffusion coefficient

  11. Average Nitrates Concentrations (PWA, 2005 Data)

  12. Average Chlorides Concentrations (PWA, 2005 Data)

  13. Average Groundwater Level (PWA, 2005 Data)

  14. Soil Map

  15. Built Up Areas

  16. Agricultural Areas

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