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Explore key economic theories and systems such as Market, Libertarian, Keynesian, and Non-Market, analyzing government roles and intervention. Delve into the planning models, property systems, and reasons for government involvement in economics.
Comparative economic systems • Market systems • Libertarians • Monetarists • Keynesians • Industrial policy school • Advocates of income policy (price and incomes control) • Non-market systems • Indicative planning • Directive planning • Property, capitalism and socialism • Economic systems based on private property • Economic systems based on collective property • Economic systems based on stateproperty
Classifying market economic systems according to the extent of government intervention
Libertarians (recently - supplysiders) • The state should provide public goods and regulate externalities. What are public goods? Prisons, post-office, central bank? • Frederick Hayek (“Road to slavery”), Ludwig von Mises (debates with O. Lange) • Privatization of the central bank • Market economy <=> democracy private property <=> civil liberties • Gold standard or common world currency (R. Mundell) • Laffer curve (optimal tax rate that maximizes budgetary revenues)
Laffer curve – the relationship between the revenues and tax rate
Why government intervention? • In classical case, all markets are perfect, self-adjusting • Elasticity of wages on demand-supply of labor is infinitely high => supply curve is vertical in AS-AD model • Elasticity of interest rates on money demand-money supply is infinitely high => LM curve is vertical in IS-LM model • Keynesian approach: markets cannot clear because of rigid prices and wages LM curve and AS curve are not vertical • Twin deficits: budget deficit is accompanied by trade balance deficit Y=C+I+G+NX, Y=C+S+TA NX=(S-I)+(TA-G) if S=I, then NX=TA-G
Why government intervention? • Prerequisite for industrial policy: not only the market mechanisms can guarantee macroeconomic equilibrium with full employment, but they also fail to allocate properly resources by industries, regions and areas of economic activity • Prerequisite for income policy: distributions of income (wages - profits) is too serious a task to be delegated to the market forces
Rationales for central planning • The term “indicative planning” has two meanings • a sort of industrial policy (firms are encouraged, but not forced, to fulfill the plan via tax stimulus, credits, etc.) • a variety of central planning (prices, but not production quotas) are set by the state • Why planning? The market is not perfect in: • Maintaining equilibrium at full employment (recessions) • Long-term projects • Income distribution (windfall profits) • Allowing the society to control its own development
Elements of indicative planning and market mechanisms in the USSR in the 1980s • Not all types of goods are subject to production quotas (25 million types of products, only about 1 million aggregated items planned) • Collective farm market (2-3% of total retail trade turnover, 5% of food sales) • Consumer goods market (supply and prices were planned, but demand was mostly not planned, i.e. no pervasive rationing) • Labor market (demand and prices - wage rates - were planned, but supply was mostly not planned) • After 1965 reform enterprises got the right to use part of the profit for paying bonuses, for investment into production and residential and social construction
Theory of optimal planning • Given information: • Limitations on resources • Expenditure (inputs) of each and every type of resource needed for production of each product • Production targets for some final product • Structure of final consumption • Goal: to select the production levels for all resources and final products such that • Production of resources is equal to their intermediate consumption + final consumption • The final consumption (with the given structure) is maximized
Indicative planning: theoretical foundations • O. Lange - “trial and error method” • L. Kantorovich - “objectively determined valuations”, or “shadow prices”, from the dual problem of optimal planning • Particular set of prices calculated for each product in the main problem • If profit-maximizing producer is guided by these valuations as prices, he will inevitably arrive at the previously computed optimal plan from the main problem • Therefore, society can influence producers economically (via setting prices) – not administratively – so that they provide the maximum benefit for the entire society
What is the difference between directive and indicative optimal plan? • In theory – results are the same • In practice – the results are inevitably different • Imagine new technology, that did not exist during the preparation of the plan, emerges during the planning period: • Under directive planning this new technology is not going to be used (no resources) • Under indicative planning, enterprises will have a chance to use this technology at the expense of taking resources away from other enterprises (so the balanced plan will be ruined) • Indicative planning is more flexible • It is impossible to envisage the emergence of all new technologies • Unforeseen options, such as new technologies, cannot materialize under directive planning
Indicative planning vs. market • If “shadow prices” are adjusted taken into account supply/demand deviations (Lange’s trial and error” method), then indicative planning works as imitation of the market • Shadow prices (“objectively determined valuations”) reflect the priorities of socioeconomic development set by the planners - in the conditions of limited resources and information • Market prices reflect preferences of all economic agents
Limitations of central planning • Enormous scope of the problem: too much information to be collected, too complex problem to be solved • The entire product nomenclature was 25 million items • All products should be allocated in time and in space • Hayek’s criticism: The market as a procedure of discovery - all unforeseen production options cannot be taken into account before the planning period • Huge bureaucracy is needed for setting the levels of output and/or prices; low stimulus for managers; adjustment is too slow
Market socialism • Market socialism = market economy + collective or state property • Elements of market socialism in the world: • Cooperatives in market economies or in CPE • Employee participation in management, ownership and profit • “Complete” market socialism (Yugoslavia 1965-72)
Cooperative (B. Ward. The Firm in Illyria: Market syndicalism”, AER, 1958)
Cooperatives hire less workers than private firms Differentiating net revenues per worker with respect to L, we obtain: Q’(L)=z=w+d
Private firm increases employment when price of output goes up
Cooperatives compared to the private firms • Advantages of cooperatives: • Higher labor productivity • Less sick leaves • Less strikes • Lower employee turnover • Lower managerial expenses • Higher work satisfaction • Disadvantages of cooperatives: • Capital scarcity (as the owner of capital is not remunerated fully; cooperative may not attract capital via selling shares) • Use of less capital-intensive technologies • Higher debts to assets ratio
Employee participation • Employee participation in management boards • Profit sharing • Participation in equity • ESOP: Employee stock ownership plans • Workplace democracy “Pure” market socialism • Yugoslavia, 1965-72 • All decisions were made by work collectives, while enterprises were state-owned • New Economic Policy, 1920s, Russia • China, 1990s • TVE - township and village enterprises
Justification of workers participation • Human capital today is roughly equal to the physical capital • De-bureaucratization of management in large companies (to prevent managers from collusion) ================================= In fact, non-profit-maximizing firms and organizations constitute a substantial share in most economies: public sector, non-profit organizations, cooperatives.