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TBTS software status report & achieved results in 2008

TBTS software status report & achieved results in 2008. By DubrovskiY AlexeY. Instrumentation. * Based on EDMS#894313. Requirements to the TBTS software. Read out acquisition parameters on time, structure them and carry out summarizing parameters

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TBTS software status report & achieved results in 2008

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  1. TBTS software status report & achieved results in 2008 By DubrovskiYAlexeY CLIC RF Structure Development Mtg

  2. Instrumentation * Based on EDMS#894313 CLIC RF Structure Development Mtg

  3. Requirements to the TBTS software • Read out acquisition parameters on time, structure them and carry out summarizing parameters • Publish data in order to have an access to them for the other software applications. • Log structured acquisition data, acquisition data from another equipments, acquisition fails and internal software errors. A backed up disk space ~100GB had to be allocated, which is accessible from the GPN and the TN, from the Windows and the Linux platforms. • Develop GUI to check the current status, to plot histograms and to setup new parameters. • Develop an automatically control system to condition PETS and ACSs and to keep the CTF machine in the proper shape (a simple interlock based logic must be applied). • Provide an online display in the WEB. • Documentation (EDMS# 916103) * Based on EDMS#885126, EDMS# AB-002394 and TBTS Experiments Meetings CLIC RF Structure Development Mtg

  4. Software complex CLIC RF Structure Development Mtg

  5. Main acquisition parameters and its status • 8 RF diode signals – RF signals were reorganized. • 30 BPM signals - a lot of issues in 2008. • Vacuum levels & interlocks - only one is available, not checked. • 2 MTV - they did not work at all in 2008. • Gun status and machine interlocks – worked fine, but they are moving from GM to FESA… • 2 stepping motors – have not been fully checked, but it’s promising to be enough reliable, for example, the measured precision is 27 μm. CLIC RF Structure Development Mtg

  6. RF pulse summary • RF pulse summary: • Energy • Peak power • Pulse length at 90% of the peak power • Pulse length at 75% of the peak power • Pulse length at 50% of the peak power * Pulse shape was taken from the 30 GHz structure experiment • Break down detection considers: • Missing energy • Reflected power * Based on TBTS Experiments Meetings CLIC RF Structure Development Mtg

  7. Interlocks & Events There are interlocks on a gun inhibit interlock, a breakdown, a pulse time-out, an error, a high reflected power, a high missing energy and a vacuum interlock. An action (power attenuation and drive beam pulse control) can be specified for each type of interlocks. * Pulse length control is foreseen using the tail clipper, the device is not checked There are events on a breakdown, an interlock, an periodical, an external event trigger and on an error. For each event the software stores the information about event itself, the full machine status, 3 last pulses from BPM, RF signals and 20 signals specified by operator, and the last MTV images. * Based on TBTS Experiments Meetings CLIC RF Structure Development Mtg

  8. TBTS conditioning strategy The conditioning strategy is similar to the SLAC conditioning procedure considering only two properties the peak power and the pulse length, and and only one beam. The determination of the pulse length is not valid for the recirculation at least because the theoretical ideal pulse is not rectangular. * Based on EDMS#985790 CLIC RF Structure Development Mtg

  9. GUI • First of all one must install AFS • In the technical network to control the server: • Wins: https://abwww.cern.ch/~pcrops/releaseinfo/pcropsdist/ctf/tbts/ctf-tbts-cond-client/PRO/ctf-tbts-gui-win-tn.jnlp • Linux: https://abwww.cern.ch/~pcrops/releaseinfo/pcropsdist/ctf/tbts/ctf-tbts-cond-client/PRO/ctf-tbts-gui-linux-tn.jnlp • In the general purpose network to see history and events, and to extract logged data: • Wins: https://abwww.cern.ch/~pcrops/releaseinfo/pcropsdist/ctf/tbts/ctf-tbts-cond-client/PRO/ctf-tbts-gui-win-gpn.jnlp • Linux: https://abwww.cern.ch/~pcrops/releaseinfo/pcropsdist/ctf/tbts/ctf-tbts-cond-client/PRO/ctf-tbts-gui-linux-gpn.jnlp * CERN Linux based platform is recommended CLIC RF Structure Development Mtg

  10. Results from 2008 • The acquisition, the server interfaces, the logging and the GUI systems reliably worked!!! • The AFS storage system is reliable and it has sufficient performance. No failure has been observed since Nov. 2008.It was the first time at CERN to deal in such way. • Low cost (money and time) solution was applied to integrate the potentiometers on stepping motors into the software system. No middleware or end-user software modifications was required. CLIC RF Structure Development Mtg

  11. Recommendations for the next run • Reduce user factor affecting the remote server application: due to user factor the server application was turned off ½ of the time in 2008 during the run!!! The result is missing data. • There is no sufficient effort to validate new at least software equipments for TBTS control needs. The result is that none of installed equipments worked at once. ⅓ of data is missing. • Not qualified software intervention to remote equipments might cause equipment’s instability or interfering. CLIC RF Structure Development Mtg

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