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SAFE 541 Accident Investigation

SAFE 541 Accident Investigation. Dr. Laura Helmrich-Rhodes,CSP Associate Professor. Introductions. Background Photos Available via email,phone/text,Skype, LinkedIn. Tonight’s Objectives. Students will be able to: Define “Accident” Discuss different Accident Causation Theories

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SAFE 541 Accident Investigation

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  1. SAFE 541 Accident Investigation Dr. Laura Helmrich-Rhodes,CSP Associate Professor

  2. Introductions • Background • Photos • Available via email,phone/text,Skype, LinkedIn

  3. Tonight’s Objectives • Students will be able to: • Define “Accident” • Discuss different Accident Causation Theories • Describe an Accident Investigation Plan • Differentiate roles in AI • Begin to use Human Error Concepts in AI • Begin to describe the Accident Investigation Process

  4. Points to Ponder • Are all accidents preventable?? • “Event without Causes?” • “Unplanned & Uncontrolled?” • Loss?

  5. Accident-Defined • Definition of an Accident • Unwanted or undesired event which results in physical harm and/or property damage (Vincoli) • An accident is a specific, unexpected, unusual and unintended external action which occurs in a particular time and place, with no apparent and deliberate cause but with marked effects

  6. Railing gives way. Big 12 Game Texas Tech

  7. Accident Causation Theories • What does the theory state? What are the pro’s, cons, current perceptions about the theory? • Domino Theory • Safety Pyramid • Unsafe Acts versus Unsafe Conditions • Multiple Causation Theories • Pure Chance Theory • Energy Transfer Theories

  8. Applying the Theories to Accident Investigations • How can these accident causation theories aid an accident investigation? • Domino Theory- Heinrich (1931) • Safety Pyramid- Heinrich, see also Bird • Unsafe Acts versus Unsafe Conditions (Petersen, mgt problem w/ each hazard) • Multiple Causation Theories (grouped into behavioral and environmental) • Pure Chance Theory (what happens if people believe this?) • Energy Transfer Theories every change of energy there is a source, a path and a receiver • Is there any ONE theory which should be used?

  9. Canadian Centre for Occupational Safety and Health: Accident Causation Model • Let’s discuss this!

  10. AI Plan (Procedure*) • Written • Clear • Concise instructions • What to do • When to do it *difference between a program and a procedure?

  11. Sooo Who should conduct AI? • Inside the organization? • Who? • Outside investigators? • Who? • (See Vincoli pg 57-62)

  12. What are the rolls of those people? • Which accidents should be investigated?

  13. Accident Investigation Process (lots more to discuss here) • Report the accident occurrence to a designated person within the organization • Provide first aid and medical care to injured person(s) and prevent further injuries or damage • Investigate the accident • Identify the causes • Report the findings • Develop a plan for corrective action • Implement the plan • Evaluate the effectiveness of the corrective action • Make changes for continuous improvement

  14. Human Error • Disclaimer-huge subject! • Just touching tonight • Is it a “cause” or a “symptom?”

  15. Should be able to: • Define “Accident” • Discuss different Accident Causation Theories • Describe an Accident Investigation Plan • Differentiate roles in AI • Begin to use Human Error Concepts in AI • Begin to describe the Accident Investigation Process

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